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Harry felt his body fade again as his heart pounded faster and faster. The voices evaporated once more while his head filled itself with screams and terrifying cries. He could barely hear himself hoping that this was the last of the tormenting shifts. His body had enough, felt like it could fall apart every second now. He closed his eyes when a pang slithered along his backbone. Darkness fell over his body, hovering between time, space, memories. Even with his eyes closed he saw the darkness waste away to make place for a warm light. A light that made him open up his green eyes. ‘Your mothers. Just as Sirius told me.’ A soft voice mumbled. The presence of Aleidis attracted Harry’s attention. She wasn’t surrounded by any background, just a breeze of enchanting light as an angel. ‘You can see me?’. Harry was surprised by the idea that he wasn’t invisible anymore, shocked by the idea that he was talking to a dead. A soft smile appeared on the friendly face of a still young Aleidis but an answer was withheld. ‘How do you know who I am?’, his second question sounded. Harry couldn’t stop the other questions from flooding his mind and making his head spin. ‘Harry, these are my memories. Did you think someone could snoop around in them without me knowing about it?’ she asked a bit taunting. She reached out her elegant hand to Harry who was lying upon a thick white surface. He lifted up his own body with the help of the thin young with and she smiled once again when she saw him standing in front of her. He could already imagine her thinking of his own father. Sirius reminded him frequently of how much they were alike. She carefully placed her hand on his cheek before stroking it twice with her thumb, focusing on his image. Pictures started rushing beside them, voices meddled in the peaceful moment. Harry saw Aleidis moving her point of attention to the flow of appearances. ‘I’m sorry.’ She whispered as she closed both her eyes with a deep breath. ‘Looking at you makes me remind so many things. So many memories.’ She laid her hand upon her own forehead as if it was going to help her calm down. It seemed to work as Harry saw familiar and strange replicas fade away again carefully. She exhaled very strongly as she opened her eyes to look at the portrait of an old friend of hers. ‘So, why are you here?’ Her elegant body, draped in a white cloak bended itself around and her hands were thrown into the air, as if she was trying to grab something. ‘There is nothing here for you to find.’ She explained herself. Her face turned with a cheerful smile, facing Harry. This woman was still as intriguing as before to Harry. The mystery that she kept inside her could fascinate him so much. Harry kept his view focusing on his company. ‘I want to know about you. About your life.’ He muttered quite shy, realising that he was being quite nosy. The lady couldn’t oppress a soft laugh as an answer to Harry’s confession. ‘I’m not that interesting at all, chosen one.’. harry felt a kind of envy hiding in her words. Her mood shifted like the sea, unpredictable. She stroke her blonde hair with both hands while she thought about Harry’s request. ‘still, if you really want to, I can show you. But then you have to take all the memories.’ Harry knew she meant the terrible ones, the ones she didn’t want to speak about. The ones she was even afraid of putting in here. She left him with a soft smirk etched on her face while lifting up her cloak, making her evaporate eventually. Abandoning Harry with a head full of questions

Reageer (1)

  • Bennedict

    Je beschrijft alles echt prachtig, my God...
    Snel verder love, it's beautiful.

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