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The footstep of Harry printed themselves into the carpet that covered the whole room. He looked up to the family tree that was spread over the 4 walls. The filth that covered the original place of his godfather again proved how much he was different of the majority of the Black family. The murmuring of Kreacher, the house elf that was always present in the house, filled both ears of the young wizard. He slowly walked across the hall with melancholy drawn on his face. When he noticed Harry Potter he started to mumble louder to himself. Harry could hear him call the names of his previous masters, discussing to himself about how much the world had deteriorated. Names like mud blood and squid left his lips with a noticeable hunch of contempt as always. Kreacher slowly walked by the opening of the family room, leaving Harry with his thoughts. The thoughts that still were controlled by one name. The last week he couldn’t think of anything else. It occurred to Harry that Remus had tried to avoid him the past days. Molly had smiled at him with this intense pain etched on it. He knew he had to drop his obsessive behavior towards the woman or else he would hurt even more people. In a silent moment Harry could still hear Kreacher murmuring. His last words drew his attention. He quickly ran out of the room with the many faces and turned his head both ways to look where the little elf was walking. ‘What did you say?’ Harry almost yelled to the elf who had turned his back to him. Kreacher stopped for a second and turned his face around. Without any verbal reaction he kept on walking with a cloak dragging behind him. Harry ran determined after him an stopped him by putting his hand on his shoulder. ‘What name did you mention?’ Kreacher looked into the handsome green eyes of Potter but turned down his face. He draped the cloak over his 2 arms and kept staring at the grey fabric. ‘Did you know Aleidis?’ Harry knew for sure that he heard Kreacher mention her last name, indicating that she was a mistress a few years back. Kreacher nodded emotionless as he always seemed to do. His little hands dug themselves into the fibers of the cloak while he closed his old eyes. ‘How?’ Harry whispered, hoping that he finally would get an answer out of the elf. His eyes focused themselves so that they would distinguish every little change on Kreachers face, every little emotion he would let go of. But even now he remained serene. ‘Mistress Blishwick owned this house together with her husband while she was pregnant of their infant.’ Kreacher whispered uninterrupted without any tone. Harry smiled faintly, happy that he had found a source of information who would not look with a notion of regrets at him. ‘Can you tell me about her?’ Kreacher looked up to the young wizard, confused by his words. The name was never mentioned before since the order moved into the house again and never was meant to be ever mentioned again. A frown forced itself on his otherwise always unchanged face. ‘Kreacher has nothing to tell about Mistress Blishwick to the blood traitor.’ Even though Harry became his new master after Sirius his death, Kreacher still didn’t like his presence. The way he talked about the woman made Harry suspect that even Kreacher liked her. He spoke with a suspicious blanket covering his words. It didn’t even bug Harry that Kreacher called him a blood traitor again. ‘Is there anything she left here?’ Harry was persevering, not wanting to let go of the source of information he found in the elf. With a contemptuous yet doubting look in his eyes he turned his head to Harry. ‘She gave Kreacher a little box to keep until she returned. Kreacher never knew how to open it.’ He whispered, like it was forbidden to talk about. Harry his eyes turned big as he realized that this might be the information he was looking for. ‘Show me.’ He mumbled silent. Kreacher nodded, swiped the cloak of off his arms and started walking again. Maybe clarity would strike above the person of Aleidis Blishwick.
Reageer (1)
Omg, dit is echt zo'n mooi verhaal, ja dat zeg ik nu al op 3 hoofdstukken ver.

1 decennium geledenSnél verder
Rond welke tijd speelt zich dit af? Ik weet dat Sirius al dood is, maar is dit voor of na Voldemorts val?