Er kunnen weer engelse spelfouten inzitten XD.

Scene 1:

Voice of Bella:
I felt like I was trapped in one of those terrifying nightmares, the ones where you have to run, run till your lungs burst, but you can't make your body move fast enough. Alice had said there was a chance we would both die here. And I couldn't run faster. The clock tolled again, and the sun beat down from the exact center of the sky.

Scene 2:

Voice of Bella: It was my birthday. Alice made an entire party, I didn't like it, but still, I had to come.

Edward: Happy birthday!
Voice of Bella: Don't say that!
Edward: Why not?
Voice of Bella: Because of the party! I don't want a party.
Edward: You'll have to. Alice has made you a party, and we haven't celebrate a birthday for so long. Every one is looking forward to it, so please behave Bella!

(Alice comes in. The other Cullens too.)

Alice: Presents time!
Voice of Bella: I told you, no presents!
Alice: Yeah, but I didn't listen. I've already seen you open it, and you love it!

(Alice gives Bella a present.)

It's a little car. you can stand on it and move that way!
Voice of Bella: That's great! Thank you Alice!

Scene 3:

(You see Bella. There's a part of the tree (takken) falling. Jasper is getting crazy, he runs to Bella.)

Edward: No!

(He is standing for Bella and pushes Jasper away.)

Voice of Bella: What happened with Jasper, was nothing!
We are leaving. We are too dangerous for you to have around!
Voice of Bella: You dump me?
Edward: Yes, I don't want you anymore. It will be as if I'd never existed.

(Edward walks away. You see Alice and Jasper crying out loud.)

Alice and Jasper: Whèèèèèèèèèèèè.

(You see a little, dead tree. Bella is depressive.)

Voice of Bella: October, November, December, January. Edward was gone.

Scene 4:

Jacob: Bella!
Voice of Bella: Hey, Jake.
Jacob: He's gone, yeah! Finally.
Voice of Bella: What?
Jacob: I know what he did to you. But Bella, I will never hurt you, you know?
Voice of Bella: I know Jake, I know. Hey, I have a bike. Do you want to learn me how to drive?
Jacob: Since when do trees ride on bikes?
[b]Voice of Bella:[/b] I want to give it a try!
Jacob: Okay. I will atach your little car behind the bike.
Voice of Bella: That's great! Thanks Jake!

(Bella is in her little car, and Jacob on the bike. They are riding, but the car of Bella is falling. Bella falls and her wood is cracking.)

Bella! Are you trying to kill yourself?
Voice of Bella: No! Of course I'm not!
Jacob: You're bleeding.
Voice of Bella: Oh! I'm sorry!
Jacob: You apologize for bleeding?
Voice of Bella: Yes, I guess I am.

Scene 5:

(You see a full moon and a wolf crying.)

Voice of Bella: You're a werewolf!
Jacob: Yes, I am. And Sam, Paul and Embry too!
Voice of Bella: Cool!
Jacob: They're calling me. They're mad that you know it. I have to go.
Voice of Bella: Okay! Go ahead!..
Jacob: Thank you.

Scene 6:

(Bella stands in the wood. Then, Laurent is coming.)

Laurent: Hello Bella!
Voice of Bella: Laurent, hello!
Laurent: I'm going to kill you.
Voice of Bella: Why? What have I done?
Laurent: Be happy! Victoria wants to kill you, because your Edward killed her James, mate for mate, you know. But I'll do it quickly, she won't.
Voice of Bella: She will know you did it!
Laurent: No, I don't think so. She won't know it. You won't feel anything, I promise.

(A big wolf runs to Laurent.)

Jacob: Bella!
Voice of Bella: Jake, run!

(Jacob (wolf) jumps on Laurent. You see a hand trying to push the wolf away, but then the hand falls.)

Jacob: He's dead. What did he wanted?
Voice of Bella: Me, and Victoria wants me too.
Jacob: Oh no! I have to tell the others!

Scene 7:

What did you do Jacob? Can't you just follow orders?
Embry: Whatever. The wolf's out of the bag now.
Jacob: I know what Victoria wants. She wants Bella.
Sam: Bella?
Paul: You're joking.
Jacob: No! She wants to kill Bella!
Paul: We give her to Victoria! Then Victoria won't hunt on our people!

(Paul puts Bella on her car and pushes her of the cliff. Bella is cliff diving.)

Jacob: No! Bella!

(He turns into a wolf and attacks Paul.)

Scene 8:

(You see a tree in the water. Alice and Jasper are crying again.)

Alice and Jasper: Whèèèèèèèèèè!
Rosalie: Babies.

(Then she sees Bella.)

Rosalie: Oh no! I have to tell Edward that Bella is dead!

(She leaves.)

(Jacob (wolf) jumps in the water and gets Bella out of the water.)

Voice of Bella: Am I dead?
Jacob: No! You're alive, and here are some people for you!
Voice of Bella: Alice! Jasper! Don't attack me please! (to Jasper)
Alice: Bella! Oh Bella! You're alive!
Jasper: Oh no! Rosalie tells Edward you're dead!
Alice: He don't want to live without you! He's going to kill himself!
Jacob: Yeah!

(Jacob is making a crazy dance.)

Alice: We go after him!
Voice of Bella: Yes!
Jacob: Oh no! Bella, don't leave! Remember what they did to you!
Voice of Bella: Jake, I have to. I love Edward, sorry!
Jasper: I'm going after Rosalie.
Alice: Ok, be careful!

(She hugs Jasper.)

Scene 9:

(You see a little yellow toys car riding over a way. there is a tree in the little car behind it.)

Voice of Bella: Are we going to be on time?
Alice: If we hurry, maybe.

(They are riding longer and longer. You hear Bella "snurk". Later she awakes.)

Voice of Bella: What do you see?
Alice: I see Edward. He wants to go standing in the sun. Then he will die, eventually, because we can't be in the sun very long.
Voice of Bella: Can I stop him?
Alice: Yes. He has to see that you're alive. He don't believe my thoughts. Then we have to go home, before the Volturi comes.
Voice of Bella: Ok, I will do my best!

(You see the city Volterra. Alice is riding into the city. Then she has to stop. Bella in the little car can't stop, and she is flying through the sky. You see Edward standing in de sun, and Bella falls into his arms.)

Edward: Bella?
Voice of Bella: Edward! get out of the sunlight! I'm not dead! And neather are you!
Edward: Really?
Voice of Bella: Really!

Scene 10:

(Alice joins them. They go to the Volturi. Jane shows them the way.)

Aro: Edward! You're back! And Alice and Bella too! How great! I love happy endings, they are so rare!
Edward: Yes, I'm back, and alive. But I want to go home with Bella and Alice.

(Marcus and Caius come in.)

Marcus: Bella knows about our secrets! About us! She can't live!
Caius: He's right! You have to become a vampire too, or die.
Edward: I will change her, when the time is right.
Aro: How do we know that's true?
Edward: I give you my word.
Marcus: Ok, that will do.
Caius: We will check of she's a vampire. We'll send Jane to check it.
Alice: Fine.
Aro: Ok. Then you may leave. bye!
Edward: Thanks. Bye Aro, Marcus, Caius.
Voice of Bella: I'm tired.
Edward: I know, let's go home.

Scene 11:

(The car is riding again.)

Edward: Sleep.
Voice of Bella: I don't want to. I want to be with you, as long as I can.
Edward: Bella, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere.

(Bella falls asleep.)

Voice of Bella: I love you Edward. I've missed you.
Edward: I love you too Bella.

Scene 12:

Charlie: Bella! What happened?
Edward: She's just tired. Let her sleep.
Charlie: I know what's good for her! And don't you ever set foot in this wood again. I never want to see you here ever again!

(Edward leaves and Bella sleeps. The next day he sits in Bella.)

Voice of Bella: Edward!
Edward: Hey sleepyhead. I hope Charlie won't see me.
Voice of Bella: He banished you from the wood?
Edward: Surprised? But he said: "Don't you ever set foot in this wood again", but I climbed through the trees. I woke some trees from their sleep, but that doesn't matter.
Voice of Bella: I'm so happy that you're here! I don't care that you woke some trees. But, Edward?
Edward: Yes sweetie?
Voice of Bella: Please, don't leave me again now, ok? I can't handle that.
Edward: I will never forgive myself for leaving you, never in my whole life. And I won't leave you ever again. I'll be here for you as long as you want me! I promise you.
Voice of Bella: I always want you Edward! I love you, remember? You are my life!
Edward: I always want you to Bella. I know that you love me. I love you too! I never want to live one day without you again.


Reageer (2)

  • glushie

    Haha, het is niet helemaal precies zoals het boek (A)

    Eclipse heb ik ook al samen met een vriendin geschreven; maar daar klopt de volgorde enzo ook totaal niet van XD..

    1 decennium geleden
  • Superfluous

    Je bent een scene vergeten.
    Namelijk in dat bos waar Edward Jacob bedankt voor het oppassen op Bella toen hij dat niet deed.
    En toen hij vroeg of ze met hem wilde trouwen <3

    1 decennium geleden

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