My chance to regain my honour. I ran outside the fortress where I crossed Rauf.
'Altair, it's good you've come, we need your help.' He said.
'What's going on?' I asked. Two guards of Masyaf's village stood behind Rauf now.
Rauf shaked his head: 'Templars, they attacked the village. Most of our people were able to get away. Most of them...'
'What do you need me to do?' I said.
Rauf got more and more hasty: 'Distract the Templars, keep them occupied, while I save the ones still trapped inside.' He was ready to fight, a man with infinite honour and power.
'As you wish.' Rauf turned around and headed to the village. I ran after him, but it took no time before I was a couple of metres ahead of him.
I found a Templar attacking a villager. I ran towards the Templar and assassinated him with my sword. The villager now cried of happiness instead of the fear he had ten seconds ago. He shouted something at me, but I couldn't hear a thing. I gave a throwing knife at the man for defense and turned around. The others needed help. The closest Templars were in a fight with some of my brothers, but they seemed to have everything under control. I assassinated another three Templars with my sword and two others with my hidden blade. I saw one of my friends getting killed by a Templar, clearly of a higher rank. I got my dagger and headed towards him. He attacked me, but I countered his attack. His throat was almost cut by my dagger, but he stepped back. My second try was a hit and my dagger stabbed his stomach.
I wanted to go to the next target, almost outside the fortress, but one of the assassins shouted: 'We must pull back to the fortress, Al Mualim commands it!'
I turned around and ran back to the fortress. Al Mualim... Our master. My father never took really good care about me, but still it was a man who died with honour. After he and my mother died, Al Mualim was like a father to me. He let me in training as youngest assassins ever.
I looked behind; no Templars behind me. Only other assassins.
Inside the fortress I leaned at the fence to take my rest.
'Altair, come with me.' Rauf's voice again. His voice came from up the tower. 'Al Mualim is not done with us yet.'
'Where are we going?' I asked when I was at the foot of the tower.
'We have a supriseplan for our guest, just do as I do. It should become clear soon enough...' He turned around and I followed him. At the top of the tower Rauf and another assassin were waiting for me. Three platforms were there, sticking out of the tower. The two other assassins each took one platform. Rauf looked at me and said: 'Stand on that platform, Altair.' I walked towards it.
Yes, I understand. The master wants us to make a leap of faith; jumping of a platform into a haystack. But why does he want us to go here...
I wanted to ask Rauf what the master planned, but then I saw the master on the fortress' wall with his army, facing Robert and the other Templars.
'Heretic! Return what you have stolen from me!' Robert shouted at Al Mualim. Robert de Sable is the Templar's master since 1191. He carries only a sword. On his chest there's a red cross; the Templars symbol.
'You have no claim to it, Robert, take yourself from here before I'm forced to thinner your arms further.' The master said. I looked down at Robert, waiting for his response, but then I saw a hostage assassin. From the distance I couldn't see who it is.
'You play a dangerous!' was Robert's answer.
'Oh, I assure you, this is no game.' Al Mualim responsed, he was almost laughing.
'So be it! Bring forward the hostage!' with his hands bound on his back the assassin was brought ahead of Robert. Another Templar stood right behind him and his sword pierced the assassin.
'Your village lays in ruins and your starves are hardly endless!' Robert continued. 'How long before your fortress crumbles from inside? How disciplined are your men when wells run dry and their food is gone?'
I looked at Rauf who was listening closely.
'My men do not fear dead, Robert!'
I saw a grimace appearing on Roberts face; 'Good! Then they will have it all around!'
I looked up and then I looked at Rauf, who said; 'Follow me, and do so without hesitation.
The master pointed at me.
'Show this fool knight what it is to have no fear!'
Yes, Rauf made a leap of faith. Just like the other assassin, and I followed them. I jumped high up in the air and landed in a haystack what laid underneath.
'Aargh! My leg!' The other assassin shouted. I walked towards him.
'Quiet, or the Templars will hear us.' Rauf wispered. Hee kneeled at the man and grabbed his leg. His knee must be broken; the underpart of his leg was fold strangely. Rauf pulled this leg straight.
'I'll stay behind, you need to go ahead without us. The beams over there will lead to a trap we set. Go there and release it, bring death upon our enemies.'
I nodded and walked across the thin beams. I finally arrived at the foot of one of the towers of Masyaf's fortress. I had to climb upon it. By some windows and out-sticking stones I could grab I made my way up.
In the tower I cut the ropes which activated the trap. A big shutter felt down and dozens of beams felt down on the Templars-army. Bones breaking, men screaming, blood spattering. My task is completed and I walk back to the fortress.

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