At first I want to say this ; you guys rock! ;d
Now, I want you all to know how much you mean to me. Some of you I've already met, but others not. And that's kinda sad. Some of you live far away, some not. But however, my love for you will never change.
'If the sorrow stays for a while,
and you're searching for a smile.
You are looking for a light,
but can’t find it anywhere,
then I am with you, I will be there.
If you want some fun,
and you can’t see the sun,
it doesn't matter when or where,
then I am with you, I will be there.
If you are searching
for a reason to cry,
even if you don’t know why.
When it feels like no one seems to care,
Then I am with you, I will be there.
When you need some help,
and there is no one out there
to give you that,
It is my help you can get.
And it still doesn't matter,
when or where,
I am with you, I will be there.
I love to see you happy, and these moments I like to share.
So I can always say,
I am with you, I will be there.'
Yuara, Astrid, Natascha, Lisa, Shayenne, Pamela, Joyce, Miekee & Angharad <3
Now, I want you all to know how much you mean to me. Some of you I've already met, but others not. And that's kinda sad. Some of you live far away, some not. But however, my love for you will never change.
'If the sorrow stays for a while,
and you're searching for a smile.
You are looking for a light,
but can’t find it anywhere,
then I am with you, I will be there.
If you want some fun,
and you can’t see the sun,
it doesn't matter when or where,
then I am with you, I will be there.
If you are searching
for a reason to cry,
even if you don’t know why.
When it feels like no one seems to care,
Then I am with you, I will be there.
When you need some help,
and there is no one out there
to give you that,
It is my help you can get.
And it still doesn't matter,
when or where,
I am with you, I will be there.
I love to see you happy, and these moments I like to share.
So I can always say,
I am with you, I will be there.'
Yuara, Astrid, Natascha, Lisa, Shayenne, Pamela, Joyce, Miekee & Angharad <3

Reageer (8)
Aww, ge zijt zo'n schat, eh ö ik heb gewoon de eer om hier tussen te staan o_o -blij- oké, terug naar wat ik eigenlijk wou zeggen. Ik ga er niet te veel woorden aan vuil maken, want ik heb geen enkel idee wat ik hier moet schrijven, maarr.. ik wil je dit even duidelijk maken; Lauwrien, je bent geweldig <3 en als Bill ons ziet, dan vraagt hij ons gewoon alletwee tegelijk ten huwelijk, jom
1 decennium geledenx much love.
1 decennium geledenI suck at giving commentsGij zijt zowa de liefste ever!
Bij de volgende TH concert moet ik u gewoon zien!
Love you!
Oohh Liefff
1 decennium geledeniloveyou² <3
Laurientje! omgosh!
1 decennium geledent'enigste datk kan zeggen is dat ik zielsveel van je hou wat er ook gebeurt!
en we moeten elkaar snel eens weer terugzien hea!
1 decennium geledenLauriepaurie. Echt waar.
de eerst volgende keer als ik jou zie é,
dan mosh ik mezelf naar u toe!
al staat er een groep walloonse sletjes of niet! : D
echt waar, het volgende concert moete wij is afspreke. xo
en same wenen voor ToHo
en ookal zeg ik da ni altijd of prate we soms ni zo veel, ik meen het ! ö