Go away ! Give me a chance to miss you.
Me - Brokenheart - You.
I don't miss him. I miss who I tought he was.
Boyfriends suck ! 'till I have one..
Everything I do reminds me of you..
You're just a line in a song.
Me <3 You.
Looking into your eyes is like getting lost in heaven. (L)
You did'nt lose me. You let me go.
Let it go boy. It's O-V-E-R.
When you love someone so deeply they become you're life.
Love me or hate me. I don't care at all !
Take ur plain&Crash. 'cause live soft&die hard. U lived VERY soft.
I wanne be with you EVERY second.
Love me for no reason.
Cut my name in you're arms. DO IT ! DO IT !
he drives me crazy.
I'm soo sick in the head.
Just kill me.
(name) You're my sexface.
Things will never be the same again. I said i love you ! & 'I swear i still do' ..
her head finally realized what her heart knew all along.
Every song reminds me of you.
Bangbang ! (You're name)'s gone.
When I was a lill' girl, I playd with toys. Now that I'm a big girl; I play with boys.
Be my hero.
Forever never ends.
Heroes never die.
You're my neverending dream.
I want my fairytale.
You're my fairytale.

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