My journal, My perfect day, My love...
12 aug '08
A beautifull day in my life.
I was in Salou, just arrived yesterday. Very nice weather, only I didn't have anyone to talk to. Cuz i don't have bro's or sis'.
I went in the pool and had a look around. I saw a nice guy, he was prob. english too, and I luv english people. Tho he prob. wouldn't notice me...
I was kinda swimmin under water a bit and then swom to the side. I saw the boy commin closer and I kept thinkin ''just say hi, hi, no hi'' I just couldn't say it.
He came closer and closer, and I started to think that maybe he was commin on to me. Then he wasn't even a meter away from me. I looked at him and he looked at me, then he started talkin bout the weather. I was kinda nervous but tried to speak to him in my best english.
Then a friend of him came into the pool and we swam around and talked a bit. After a while I decided to ask im if there were jacuzzi's on the roof, cuz I heard there were but I wasn't sure..
He said yes and asked me if I wanted to have a look. I said yes sure, now? He said ok. We went to sixth floor where the jacuzzi's were, but there were ppl in it -spanish ppl- at first we were a bit annoyed but then we made fun of it. We sat down and talked a bit, when he went back to his room I hugged him.
The next day -was his last day- we had a nice day together, went in the jacuzzi, kissed(H) it was an awesome day really .
Then that evenin we had to say goodbye, and I tried really hard to not cry.
The next morning. 6:30 am
My dad wakes me up, cuz someones knockin on the door. He said its ur friend -.-
My eyes started sparkling and i put on my pants -already had a t-shirt on from me dad, cuz I didnt bring pj's -
I opend the door and walked into the hall. There he was He said he had to say goodbye and the goodbye of last night didn't feel like a proper goodbye (is there really one tho).. i was real happy he did tho !
I hugged and kissed him, and couldn't hold my tears no more. I said srry, he said it's ok.
I just couldn't believe I found an awesome boy, real nice, cute, handsome, and then he lives in england -which is great really- but England is just too far from Holland...
Then he left, and that day sucked really.
How did it end?!...
- I have his msn, and he has mine, we talk every day
- He has my adress, and I have his adress. I got a card from him today
- I think I'm definitely gonna visit him in England sometime
xx.LoveYou Joe !
True Love Neva Dies !
Reageer (2)
I agree, you two were clearly made for each other
1 decennium geledenAwww....!!!

1 decennium geledenHow Cute
U 2 = love