Ghaha :')
Jack was here.
Alex is the new king.
Jnnà kills Alex.
Alex = dead!
Alex = dead!
Chiaar killed Jnnà and brought Alex back to live. When you are killed by Chiaar, you cannot come back to live in any way anymore cause a) that's just the way it is and b) even if you would wake up, Chiaar would kill you again and again until there's just one piece of you left.
Jack and Jnnà are both ghosts. They're making funny noises and are acting creepy, Chiaar & Alex are so scared. Finally they commit suicide.
And now they're together with Jnnà & Jack and they're scaring people all the time.
And now they're together with Jnnà & Jack and they're scaring people all the time.
~The end.
Reageer (1)

1 decennium geledenda stond ooit es op jullie profiel eeh?
kvond wel cool.
Lied wil bedanken: God (en ook een beetje Chiaar en Jnnà)
om Alex en Jack uit te vinden.
ofnee. Altijd Laag! om te bestaan.
want ik heb mij al ziek gelachen met ze
xx lodewijk