Iets nieuws, Precieze datum weet ik niet, MAAR wat ik wel weet is dat Tom een conflict heeft gehad met een 'opdringirige' fan. Het is ook opgenomen.

Fan: "Why don't you just give us an autograph Tom?"
Tom: "I don't want to give you anything, beat it, go home.
Fan: "Look, you're a star...why won't you give us an autograph?"
Tom: "I'm absolutely not a star, beat it!"
Fan: "What are you then?"
Tom: "I'm nothing.
Fan: "Then why... {part not understood} ... not, if you don't want?"
Tom: "What? Who says that if I make music, you can stand here.
Who said that? Who gives you this right?"
Tom: "I'm just a person that also has his privacy.
Tom: "Beat it!"
Fan: "We're not doing anything.
Tom: "You're standing here, and that bothers me.
Piss off!"

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