I am a mother, maybe my child isn't here on earth. But I am a mom and I will always be one. People may say that it was nothing, people may say that I should "move on"... But you can't tell a mother who lost her own child to "move on". I saw my baby's heartbeat. I knew my child was alive... But they took it away from me. I wasn't "ready", but maybe no one is ever ready to take care of their child. I just know I would have give you everything I could. I would give my life to be with you. No one knows you, only I do. I felt you, I am you. You're not just "a part" from me, you are me. You were the only thing that made me wanted to go on in this life. Now you're gona for one year and 8 months and still each day is getting harder. Nothing is easy anymore... You are always on my mind and forever in my heart.
My little angel, I miss you. Mommy will always love you. 060212' <3

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