alright peoples!!!! today we are gonna talk (or read) about a question many philosophers tried to solve .
Tun Tun Tun Duuuuun (epic drum roll)
WY.... is a pancake called a pancake?. OK I understand it if you're officially freaked out but hey my username hasn't "Random"in it for nothing. sooo let's start with splitting the word in two pieces like this: Pan-Cake. the first part: Pan. Why is it of all the words in the world pan. Let me tell you a secret (keep your mound shut alright
) it is because..... THE PANCAKE IS ROUND!!!!!! duh no shit Sherlock. But why is the pancake actually round? there are other shapes as well. WY indeed....hmmmm. It's because a pancake takes shape after the pan it's baked in. hence the word pan. but why isn't an omelet called a panegg? Simple cus it doesn't sound a bit. ha take that philosophers I found out the first part!!!!
. now the cake part. Why CAKE it doesn't even look like a cake (to me). it's not as AIRY YES THAT'S IT as an cake. well I suppose it has eggs in it... and milk just like a cake.But still..... it just aint airy..... an American pancake is. yea...... maybe that's right. I'll have to let you know that I like American pancakes MUCH, with sugar loooots of sugar
.let me tell you an secret. American pancakes are called American pancakes cus if pancakes were humans then an normal pancake would be an average person I suppose.... an fitter would be an lilliputian and an American pancake would be an fat person (no offence taken). It's a commonly known fact that American people eat more junk-food than the rest of the world people does. resulting in the fact that more of them (more not all) are heavier than what is healthy.So that's why an pancake is called an pancake and an American pancake is called an American pancake.
PS. fitters are called fitters cus they fit so easily in your mouthxD
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Hah leuk x
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