Mooie Zinnetjes, van overal vandaan ;-)
Als water en vuur tegengesteld zijn. Dan zijn wij dat ook.
Als onze enige verbinding een snaar is, wie zorgt dan dat ze niet breekt?
Wie zorgt ervoor dat ik net al de wind en de vogels vrij kan zijn en alles gewoon kan laten wegvliegen.
Wat gebeurt er als een vulkaan een tornado ontmoet?
Maar grotendeels hoe gebroken kan iemand worden als je deze wegrukt uit hun gewone en hun vrije mening of wil ontzegd.
Wel dan krijg je een sneeuwstorm of Alexis.
How can I survive without you’re love?
1 thing, 2 do, 3 words, 4 you: I Love You!
Being a complete fool makes my life perfect.
I say what I think, even when it hurts people. I'm a true person.
Yes, I'm a believer. No, you can't stop me.
Sometimes I think and sometimes I don’t
Someday you'll cry for me like I cried for you,
Someday you'll miss me like I missed you,
Someday you'll need me like I needed you,
Someday you'll love me but I won't love you
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Who's the thinnest of them all?
Twenty down, and ten to go.
How long until my bones show?
Mirror, mirror, lie to me.
Make me hate what I do see.
Spit out numbers left and right.
Make me lose this endless fight.
Dreams come true in a World where fairytales exist. But fairytales doesn’t exist so dreams never come true. Wonders exist. You know why I believe that? ‘Cause I’m still alive and that, my friend, is a wonder! ~ Anne Evans [Fairytales Doesn't Exist]
op de weg die nog geen einde kent,
de afhankelijkheid van het lot.
Ik kom ongenodige gasten tegen
mist, schemer en schaduwval.
Verdwaald naar het hart van het woud,
de wolken razen de tijd voorbij.
Maar wanhoop niet in het duister,
want aan alle bossen komt een eind.
Door schaduw naar de nachtrand,
opdat je licht zult vinden.
Welkom, verbanning van de liefde.
It’s hard,
To hard for me
To much pain
And not enough love
Its hard to live my life
A life were nobody understands you
But that’s the way I live
And if I stop…
The world stop with me
I'm not supposed to love you,
I'm not supposed to care,
I'm not supposed to live my life
wishing you were there.
I'm not supposed to wonder
where you are or what you do.
I'm sorry I just can't help myself,
I fell in love with you.
when life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile..
I wish it could just be simple, like a retro pop song, "I want you to want me."
Boom. End of the story.
We all live happily ever after. But it is never really like that, is it?
In three words I can say everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are. ~ J.K. Rowling
Herfst, tussen de bladeren dwarrelen mijn gedachtes aan jou ~ Loesje
“So now you’re running, it’s honestly clearly. When I make you angry, you’re stuck in the past. And now you’re screaming so can you forgive me, I’ve treated you badly but I am still here. Sometimes I wonder, why I’m still waiting. Sometimes I’m shaking, that’s how you make me. Sometimes I question, why I’m still here. Sometimes I think I’m going crazy. Can you help me understand?”
You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.
I love knowing you think of me.. <3
There's a story behind every person. There's a reason why they're the way they are. They aren't just like that because they want to. Something in the past created them and sometimes it's impossible to fix them.
I'll buy you 11 Roses; 10 real and 1 fake. And I'll love you until the last rose dies.
You all laugh because I'm different - I laugh because you're all the same.
I’m physically, mentally over obsessed with you
It’s that thing, that person, or just that thought, is the only reason who keeps you alive. The only hope, the last hope, to survive this world en find your real true love and get the happy ending you deserve. But how much people get that beautiful ending? Well, I didn’t get my “happy” ending, but I get a beautiful ending, ‘cause you’re here, by my side.
I know you're lonely, but you're not alone. ~ Glee
Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means that you decided to look beyond the imperfections.
I always wonder what crosses your mind when your eyes meet mine.
Why do you try so hard to fit in when you're born to stand out? ~ What A Girl Wants
Growing up is a funny thing. Sneaks up on you. One person is there, then suddenly somebody else has taken their place…
Liefde is broos.
Hoe ver kan een mens gaan? Alleen voor liefde?
What would you do for the love?
No matter how many times I get hurt because of you, I won't leave you. Because even if I have a thousand reasons to leave you, I’ll look for that one reason to fight for you
I pray that we make it through.
Make it through the fall,
make it through it all..
If this was a movie, we’ll get a happy ending, if this was a dream, everything will be fine, if this was story I will lay carefree in your arms, but it’s real life, so we’ll get our happy ending, it would never be fine, and I’ll never can lay in your arms, without anything that would tear us apart.
You want to know what I think of Fairytales? I think they suck.
Sometimes you have to be apart from people you love, but that doesn't make you love them any less. Sometimes you love them more. ~ The Last Song
I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. ~ Marilyn Monroe
There are a hundred reasons why I should give up, but you're the one reason I keep going.
Love is like a knife, it can stab the heart or it can carve wonderful images into the soul that will last a lifetime
Dream your life, live your dream
Everything happens for a reason
You can close your eyes for things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart for things you don't want to feel
The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
Als water en vuur tegengesteld zijn. Dan zijn wij dat ook.
Als onze enige verbinding een snaar is, wie zorgt dan dat ze niet breekt?
Wie zorgt ervoor dat ik net al de wind en de vogels vrij kan zijn en alles gewoon kan laten wegvliegen.
Wat gebeurt er als een vulkaan een tornado ontmoet?
Maar grotendeels hoe gebroken kan iemand worden als je deze wegrukt uit hun gewone en hun vrije mening of wil ontzegd.
Wel dan krijg je een sneeuwstorm of Alexis.
How can I survive without you’re love?
1 thing, 2 do, 3 words, 4 you: I Love You!
Being a complete fool makes my life perfect.
I say what I think, even when it hurts people. I'm a true person.
Yes, I'm a believer. No, you can't stop me.
Sometimes I think and sometimes I don’t
Someday you'll cry for me like I cried for you,
Someday you'll miss me like I missed you,
Someday you'll need me like I needed you,
Someday you'll love me but I won't love you
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Who's the thinnest of them all?
Twenty down, and ten to go.
How long until my bones show?
Mirror, mirror, lie to me.
Make me hate what I do see.
Spit out numbers left and right.
Make me lose this endless fight.
Dreams come true in a World where fairytales exist. But fairytales doesn’t exist so dreams never come true. Wonders exist. You know why I believe that? ‘Cause I’m still alive and that, my friend, is a wonder! ~ Anne Evans [Fairytales Doesn't Exist]
op de weg die nog geen einde kent,
de afhankelijkheid van het lot.
Ik kom ongenodige gasten tegen
mist, schemer en schaduwval.
Verdwaald naar het hart van het woud,
de wolken razen de tijd voorbij.
Maar wanhoop niet in het duister,
want aan alle bossen komt een eind.
Door schaduw naar de nachtrand,
opdat je licht zult vinden.
Welkom, verbanning van de liefde.
It’s hard,
To hard for me
To much pain
And not enough love
Its hard to live my life
A life were nobody understands you
But that’s the way I live
And if I stop…
The world stop with me
I'm not supposed to love you,
I'm not supposed to care,
I'm not supposed to live my life
wishing you were there.
I'm not supposed to wonder
where you are or what you do.
I'm sorry I just can't help myself,
I fell in love with you.
when life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile..
I wish it could just be simple, like a retro pop song, "I want you to want me."
Boom. End of the story.
We all live happily ever after. But it is never really like that, is it?
In three words I can say everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are. ~ J.K. Rowling
Herfst, tussen de bladeren dwarrelen mijn gedachtes aan jou ~ Loesje
“So now you’re running, it’s honestly clearly. When I make you angry, you’re stuck in the past. And now you’re screaming so can you forgive me, I’ve treated you badly but I am still here. Sometimes I wonder, why I’m still waiting. Sometimes I’m shaking, that’s how you make me. Sometimes I question, why I’m still here. Sometimes I think I’m going crazy. Can you help me understand?”
You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.
I love knowing you think of me.. <3
There's a story behind every person. There's a reason why they're the way they are. They aren't just like that because they want to. Something in the past created them and sometimes it's impossible to fix them.
I'll buy you 11 Roses; 10 real and 1 fake. And I'll love you until the last rose dies.
You all laugh because I'm different - I laugh because you're all the same.
I’m physically, mentally over obsessed with you
It’s that thing, that person, or just that thought, is the only reason who keeps you alive. The only hope, the last hope, to survive this world en find your real true love and get the happy ending you deserve. But how much people get that beautiful ending? Well, I didn’t get my “happy” ending, but I get a beautiful ending, ‘cause you’re here, by my side.
I know you're lonely, but you're not alone. ~ Glee
Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means that you decided to look beyond the imperfections.
I always wonder what crosses your mind when your eyes meet mine.
Why do you try so hard to fit in when you're born to stand out? ~ What A Girl Wants
Growing up is a funny thing. Sneaks up on you. One person is there, then suddenly somebody else has taken their place…
Liefde is broos.
Hoe ver kan een mens gaan? Alleen voor liefde?
What would you do for the love?
No matter how many times I get hurt because of you, I won't leave you. Because even if I have a thousand reasons to leave you, I’ll look for that one reason to fight for you
I pray that we make it through.
Make it through the fall,
make it through it all..
If this was a movie, we’ll get a happy ending, if this was a dream, everything will be fine, if this was story I will lay carefree in your arms, but it’s real life, so we’ll get our happy ending, it would never be fine, and I’ll never can lay in your arms, without anything that would tear us apart.
You want to know what I think of Fairytales? I think they suck.
Sometimes you have to be apart from people you love, but that doesn't make you love them any less. Sometimes you love them more. ~ The Last Song
I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. ~ Marilyn Monroe
There are a hundred reasons why I should give up, but you're the one reason I keep going.
Love is like a knife, it can stab the heart or it can carve wonderful images into the soul that will last a lifetime
Dream your life, live your dream
Everything happens for a reason
You can close your eyes for things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart for things you don't want to feel
The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
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