She blows big bubbles with her gum
and laughs about everything with her friends
She dances in her underwear,
She takes crazy pictures
Because she realized that life is way too short
to be crying over the asshole that broke her heart..


Does every morning make you happy?
And tell me, do you laugh yourself to sleep?
I hope you find it easy to forget me
I hope you don't feel anything when you see me
I wonder if you're out there having fun
I hope you get all that you really wanted
Cause I am moving on.

- Let everyone know that today you're a lot stronger than you were yesterday..

-Ik heb in tijden niet meer zoveel lol gehad
Ik ben geen dag meer thuis,
ik ben nachtenlang op pad
Ik geniet van alle ruimte om me heen
Dat je mij verliet was het beste wat je deed.

- Dance in your underwear ;
Run through the sprinklers ;
Act weird with your best friend ;
& just be crazy ;
cause life is too short to be normal..

- There's only two types of guys out there:
Ones that can hang with me, and ones that are scared.

- And then, on that one moment, there was nothing left to say..

- At some point in time,.
you'll realise..
This is it..
There's nothing more..

- Cause i'm the kinda girl who realy likes you
and want to my dreams come true
but i will never hope its gonna be like that ..
cause i don't want to be hurt again.

- It feels like I can't do anything right
Like I can't win this fight
I just wanna cry
And if you would ask me about it, I would lie
It's like everything goes wrong
And I may not here belong
I wanna go an leave everything behind
A world where is everything right and you don't have to be afraid is what I wanna find
Maybe that would be the best
And still, I won't be the last
It's so hard not to cry right now
But what else do I have to do?
I'm losing my mind
And I'm hiding everywhere behind
I don't know who I am anymore
I just wanna run away
And may not even stay...

- I hope someday you'll find my quotes,
all my words and read them
I hope that you'll know that there all about
you and when you read them
I hope that as least a single tear will roll
Down your face.

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