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Fangirlen, Shoppen, Schrijven, Lezen, Zingen, Dansen

Hiiii I'm Jyoti.
Let's start with a few facts about me
~I'm 18 (31-03-1997)
~I've been bullied but that's a while ago but it made and still makes me stronger.
~I have self harmed.
~I have trouble controlling my anger.
~I can't sit still.
~ Myconcentration is 0,00
~ I don't have ADHD.
~ I love writing, reading, singing (I can't) , dancing, cooking, shopping and hanging.
~ I am a huge directioner.
~ I want to open a restaurant, make a film, fall in love, visit Disneyland, marry, have kids, and be happy.
~ I want to meet Harry, Liam, Louis, Zayn and my sunshine Niall one day
~ I don't trust easily.
~ I learned not to care about others.
~ I feel heartbroken all the time.

Needless to explain.

My superhero's and a big reason for me to feel happy for an hour or three. But a main reason to believe and keep trying even if I dom't want to. I have five boys to make proud like they made me proud. It's an honor to return that favour.

My sunshine and the reason to walk around with a smile. The one who have had my heart since the day I laid eyes on him. Watch out. He is evil and a heart thief. And the reason for so many girls to be happy. Oh wait that's not evil. Niall James Horan. Needless to say I'll love him 'till infinity ends.

I am me and I decide who I will be.

1 decennium geleden

8 jaar geleden

4 dagen 23 uur

2427 [24 uur]











7 Creaties van wowlilniall

Gastenboek (98)

  • Action

    Hi there, wil je een kijkje nemen op mijn verhaal? Het is origineel, geloof me. (: Het is een verhaal over One Direction, de genres zijn: drama & detective. Trust Nobody • One Direction, alvast bedankt! Het spijt me als je dit berichtje liever niet wilde... Much love x

    1 decennium geleden
  • Corection

    WAT? Dat viel me niet op haha! Wait hebben we hier ook een sarcastische smiley?! (lol)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Corection

    Ik ben een Louis boy girl, pardon haha! :)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Corection

    Thank ya voor je berichtje. Ik ga het zeker naar mijn zin hebben hier!


    1 decennium geleden
  • strawnarry

    uit zuid limburg!

    1 decennium geleden

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