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Fangirlen, Shoppen, Schrijven, Lezen, Zingen, Dansen

Hiiii I'm Jyoti.
Let's start with a few facts about me
~I'm 18 (31-03-1997)
~I've been bullied but that's a while ago but it made and still makes me stronger.
~I have self harmed.
~I have trouble controlling my anger.
~I can't sit still.
~ Myconcentration is 0,00
~ I don't have ADHD.
~ I love writing, reading, singing (I can't) , dancing, cooking, shopping and hanging.
~ I am a huge directioner.
~ I want to open a restaurant, make a film, fall in love, visit Disneyland, marry, have kids, and be happy.
~ I want to meet Harry, Liam, Louis, Zayn and my sunshine Niall one day
~ I don't trust easily.
~ I learned not to care about others.
~ I feel heartbroken all the time.

Needless to explain.

My superhero's and a big reason for me to feel happy for an hour or three. But a main reason to believe and keep trying even if I dom't want to. I have five boys to make proud like they made me proud. It's an honor to return that favour.

My sunshine and the reason to walk around with a smile. The one who have had my heart since the day I laid eyes on him. Watch out. He is evil and a heart thief. And the reason for so many girls to be happy. Oh wait that's not evil. Niall James Horan. Needless to say I'll love him 'till infinity ends.

I am me and I decide who I will be.

1 decennium geleden

8 jaar geleden

4 dagen 23 uur

2429 [24 uur]











7 Creaties van wowlilniall

Gastenboek (98)

  • JustAPublisher

    Hee, ik schrijf mijn eerste story. Wil je hem misschien lezen? Ik zou graag willen weten wat je er van vind. Sorry als je niet van reclame houdt. :) x
    Hier is de link:

    1 decennium geleden
  • MexDaantje

    Hi, hi, haai, haai, haai! AAAAh een haai!
    ok sorry, de defenitie van 'mij' is ook 'Weird"! hahaha sorry, nu serieus: Ik schrijf aan twee story's allebei over iemand van one direction, dus als je even wilt keiken, dan graag! xx

    2 Seconds Before I Die
    Deze story gaat over Niall..
    International Love
    En deze gaat over Zayn!

    Alvast bedankt!

    1 decennium geleden
  • Pale

    'God gives the hardest battles to his stongest soldiers.'

    Stay strong and never lose hope.
    Hold On, Pain Ends.

    1 decennium geleden
  • IIse

    Heey! Ik ben hier net nieuw en ik ben druk bezig met een verhaal over One Direction (vooral Liam Payne) en ik hoop dat je het leuk vindt! Misschien wil je even een kijkje nemen?
    What's happening || Liam Payne

    1 decennium geleden
  • JxStyles

    OMG! Blijf je zitten? Wat erg voor je! Sterkte!

    1 decennium geleden

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