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After all this time? Always

I am proud of Harry for dying in the hope to save everyone.
I am proud of Hermione for being the best role model ever.
I am proud of Ron for being such a caring brother for Ginny.
I am proud of Luna for being herself no matter who or what.
I am proud of Ginny for never really giving up on her true love.
I am proud of Neville for standing up for what he believes in.
I am proud of Draco for almost making the right descision
I am proud of James for fighting for his girl, Lily.
I am proud of Lily for refusing to step aside for Voldemort.
I am proud of Dumbledore for seeing the best in people.
I am proud of Snape for protecting Harry
I am proud of Sirius for being the best godfather, ever.
I am proud of Lupin for teaching Harry Expecto Patronum.
I am proud of Dobby for being loyal to Harry at every moment.
I am proud of Hedwig for trying to protect Harry.
I am proud of Fred and George for making people laugh in dark times.
I am proud of Tonks for wanting to be with the one she loves, no matter what.
I am proud of Fleur for not giving a damn about Bill's looks.
I am proud of Madeye for putting all those Death Eaters in Azkaban.
I am proud of Molly for loving Harry like her own son.

I am proud of Joanne Kathleen Rowling for creating my childhood.

Thank you, Harry Potter.

i am a:
LOTR fan

13 is our number
meredith is our mascot
long live is our anthem
nashville is our home
swifties is our name
taylor is our queen


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Gastenboek (10)

  • FantasyChapters

    Als je n abo op mn story wilt moet je ff op dat knopje drukken, anders krijg je geen bericht als ik een nieuw hoofdstuk heb. ;)

    1 decennium geleden
  • girltough

    Leuk dat je me als vriend hebt toegevoegd!

    1 decennium geleden
  • Arquitecta

    Welkom op Quizlet!

    1 decennium geleden
  • GeorgeWx

    welkom op Quizlet !!!

    Ik vind je story er super tof uit zien dus heb meteen een abo genomen.

    1 decennium geleden
  • girltough

    Welkom op quizlet!!
    Leuke profielfoto:)
    Ik hou ook heel erg van HP!
    Zou je alsjebliefd mijn poll willen invullen?

    1 decennium geleden

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