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How often do you look back— really reflect on what you’ve done?
The insignificance of it all; pointless arguments, inside jokes, funny haircuts…
But do you ever wonder how you’ll be remembered? Or if what you’ve done and what you’re doing means anything at all?
What will your songs sound like when you’re dead and gone? Will tears fall when the last note is sung? And how will your story be told? Will your words leave a bitter taste in their mouths? Or will they even remember you at all?
The concept is rather simple. Most know what it means to be civil, but there truly is a fine line between sweet and sour. Give too much of yourself away and you’ll be used up— not enough and no one will be around to share this with.

So what is it that motivates us, to be better, gentler, more refined?
I’d like to think it was those closest to us— close to the heart and soul.
Those who carried you to the car after you puked on their shoes; those who took the blame for breaking the window, when it was you who cast the stone; those who will be by your side when reality knocks on your door, both good and bad. But more importantly, those whose stories you’ll share with your kids and grandkids, and there kids and grandkids. In hopes to somehow keep this alive.
Chivalry. Decency. Kindness. Compassion. Desire. Strength.

How will you be remembered?
- John O'Callaghan

Be here, be alive, and be the means to a worthwhile end. Head down, chin up, eyes on the horizon. Don’t blow it.

1 decennium geleden

8 jaar geleden

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7 Creaties van KIGH

Gastenboek (173)

  • Pioneer

    oh. zei ik dat hardop?
    ik zit ook op ebuddy op mijn telefoon hoor (:

    1 decennium geleden
  • Pioneer

    Ik plaats alle knappe foto's van John op Tumblr haha (nerd)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Pioneer

    Ja dat had ik laatst ook, vet kut D: Ga anders op ebuddy ofzo?
    En omg John ik hou ook van jou hoor <3

    1 decennium geleden
  • Pioneer

    Nee. Hij heeft geen vriendin haha. Hij probeert mij wel elke keer te zoenen als hij dronken is (joehoe)
    Ja ik moet me ook helemaal speciaal aanmelden hoor hahaha :'D Ik zit echt nooit op msn.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Pioneer

    Hahaha op die eerste foto lijkt ie wel een beetje op een vriend van me :'D Maar John is veel knapper :9~
    En hahaha zelf als trekt hij de lelijkste bekken is hij nog knap :')
    Kan je trouwens nu niet op msn komen trouwens? Dit lult echt ziek irritant haha.

    1 decennium geleden

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