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Michael's house




RockMeHazz, Janoskiansss, iAmAWarrior, CatoGlimmer, Ptv, Lukestagram

I find it kinda funny, i find it kinda sad. The dreams in wich im dying are the best i ever had..

Of mice and men / Pierce the veil / Sleeping with sirens / Bring me the horizon / Falling in reverse / Beartooth / All time low / way way way more bands

I love you, Abi. Thank you for saving my life. I'm sorry i couldnt save yours.


1 decennium geleden

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2 Creaties van Carlileswreck

Gastenboek (182)

  • Glimlach

    ahhw I love that gif!

    1 decennium geleden
  • Glimlach

    Don't let anyone knock you down.
    Or we need to go kick some asses.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Glimlach

    I love you too darling,
    I'm always open to talk to.
    I'll always listen and reply you.
    Maybe I don't know the right answers, but we could always try though?


    1 decennium geleden
  • Ganbarimasu

    Wel, I saw your profile.
    I, well, it was safe to say I hated myself. I thought about suicide a lot. I used to hurt myself, which is why it’s such a big deal to see those pictures on your profile. Cos once you start, it’s hard to stop.
    I- One time, I was just so depressed. I was angry about something (myself?) and I was so upset. So, I tried- I tried to kill myself. So, I tried but my Mum found me and called the hospital. I got rushed to the ER and they had to stitch up my cuts. They all thought I was gonna die because I lost so much blood but I didn’t. I never realised how my actions affected everyone around me until then. I honestly don’t even remember what I was upset about but it pushed me over the edge. I had a note and everything. I still have the note, actually. Everyone was so broken up about it. I still hate myself but I'm here. For all the people who love me. Here on Q, actually. Don't really have friends in real life. I'm still suicidal but I'm trying. I'm trying to become a good girl.
    Everyday I wanna trow myself from a bridge, but I can't do it. Actually I can, but I don't...

    I hope you'll get some hope because of this message.

    <3 i love you

    1 decennium geleden
  • ziallfab

    Ik ken je niet ofzo, en jij kent mij ook niet, maar ik heb je filmpje op Youtube gezien en ik ben echt onder de indruk dat je het nog allemaal volgehouden hebt.. Ikzelf ben ook depressief geweest & heb mezelf ook meerdere malen gesneden.. Gelukkig ben ik nu voor meer dan 5 maanden clean. Je bent echt een van mijn grootste voorbeelden, respect meid <3

    1 decennium geleden

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