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Samantha(van Lizz<3)

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A big Purple Planet


Many Stuff/Loving Lizz

dragonarya6, SamSacred, Prophet, Randomnicity, Maserati, Tinfoil, Courtesan, Prime, Ecanus, Applejack, Yoda, Inquisitor

"A famous explorer once said, that the extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are. I'd finally set out to make my mark; to find adventure. But instead adventure found me. In our darkest moments, when life flashes before us, we find something; Something that keeps us going. Something that pushes us."

"No matter where you're from, your dreams are valid."

Liefste Samantha,
Aangezien je niet zeer lang geleden een nieuw berichtje op mijn profiel hebt geplaatst, dacht ik dat jij er ook wel een verdiende. Where did the time go? Het lijkt echt nog maar zo kort geleden dat we ons eerste gesprek hadden, of dat jij voor het eerst bij me langs kwam. En nu zijn we al oude vrouwtjes aan het worden en ga ik binnenkort naar Engeland. Ik moet afscheid nemen van zoveel dingen voor dit nieuwe leven, maar er is één iemand die ik absoluut niet kwijt wil. En dat ben jij. Jij bent het enige dat ik ook in mijn nieuwe leven nog wil hebben.
Jij bent er altijd voor me geweest, als ik je hulp nodig had, als ik iemand nodig had om me op te vrolijken of gewoon voor een van onze vele rare gesprekken. Ik heb nog nooit en vriendin zoals jij gehad
en ik vind je een geweldig persoon, Sam.

That's why I'm not saying goodbye to you.
You will always be my best friend and you will always be close to my heart.
Love, hugs and kisses, Lizz.

Yours Sincerely, Yoda.

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

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95 Creaties van Yoda

Gastenboek (1873)

  • Finley

    True Name: Richard Louis Fugain
    Other Names: Rachel Louise Fugain
    Preferred Name: Rachel Louise Fugain
    Nickname: Rach
    Age: 20
    Date of birth: 23/04/1993
    Location: London, England [Originally from Cork, Ireland[
    Sex: Female [originally biologically male]
    Sexuality:Heterosexual [Rachel is attracted to men, as she's always seen herself as a girl even when she was still biologically male.]
    Relationship status: Rachel is single, as she's focusing on her dream instead of dating.
    Ethnicity: White Irish
    Blood type: O+
    Language: Rachel speaks English while in school. When she lived at home, she spoke Gaelic. She can also speak French and German.
    Occupation: Rachel works at a diner to save up to go to NYC.
    Religion: Rachel isn't very religious, but she was brought up Roman Catholic and still has some of the rituals as a habit. For example, she always wears a rosary, and plays with it whenever she gets nervous.
    Height: Rachel is 5.8. [172.72 centimeters]
    Weight: Rachel weighs around 12stone. [76kg]
    Looks: Rachel has short curly reddish brown hair that brushes the bottom of her ears, which she is trying to grow out. Her hair is really thick and is naturally curly. Her eyebrows are the same colour, and she has to keep them in check every week, otherwise they get very bushy and out of control. Her eyelashes are a lot darker then her hair, so she never needs to wear mascara. Her skin is pale and over her cheeks and the bridge of her nose is a lot of dark freckles. Rachel hates the freckles, but is stuck with them year around. She also has freckles over her left shoulder and down her spine and around her left leg. She has lips that are a little on the thin side, and she wants to save up to get them a little plumper. She has quite slim shoulders, and wide hips, and her arms and legs are muscular but delicate looking from all the ballet she does. She also has rippling abs, also from all the ballet and dancing she does. She has a birthmark on the side of her neck that she hides daily, religiously, with make-up. Rachel has very green eyes, with flecks of gold and blue and silver in them. She doesn't like them as much, but she loves how her eyelashes frame them. Rachel is left-handed, but is stronger on her right side while dancing because her teachers always told her off when she tried to lead with her left hand. Rachel's clothing style is comfortably fashionably when she's not in her dance gear. This means she usually wears skinny jeans with a pretty shirt and or jumper. Her dance gear usually consists of a leotard and sweatpants or leg-warmers. Rachel is also very fond of scarves. She has three scarves for every season, at least. Rachel doesn't really like to wear make-up, and usually only wears it for her performances. Her friends despair of her for it, because when she wears make-up she turns from being pretty to being a stunner. But Rachel isn't very comfortable with it. She's still uncomfortable with people looking at her. Rachel usually wears contact lenses. It makes it easier for her to dance that way. But she does have a pair of glasses for when she's reading or watching films or just lazing around at home. Rachel has a winestain birthmark on the left side of her neck, and she hates it. She has a similar mark on her left thigh, so she only wears shorts at home around her friends. Rachel also has self-harm scars that cover her ribcage and her waist and hips. She started self-harming soon after she realised just how much her mother detested her. Rachel has her ears pierced at the bottom and on the top of her left ear. She doesn't have any tattoos, because of her dream to become a famous dancer, but she frequently draws fake tattoos on her skin with permanent marker.
    Mother: Rachel's mother is called Mauve. She divorced from Rachel's father soon after it became apparent Rachel thought she was a girl. Rachel has been estranged from her mother since her 18th birthday.
    Father: Rachel's father was also called Richard. She was named after him. He loved his son and his high-maintenance wife very much, and brought up his little boy more then his wife. He didn't mind when his three year old son wanted to wear dresses and skirts and play with barbies, but it ended his marriage. He died soon after Rachel's 4th birthday from a heart attack.
    Siblings: Rachel was a single child, as her mother didn't want to risk having a son.
    Partner: Rachel is single, and is going to be keeping it that way for some time. She's scared of repeating what happened with her parents, although she can barely remember it.
    Other information: Rachel loves to quote her books and films at people, and is also fond of randomly quoting Glee. She gets very happy whenever anyone gets any of her references. Rachel loves the colour purple, but she also really likes the colours blue and green. She hates the colour yellow, but will happily wear orange. Rachel loves cats and dogs equally, but she's also very fond of rats and hamsters. She has two pet rats at the moment, as a moving-in present from her friend. They're called Chi and Tenshi. Rachel's favourite movie is Breakfast at Tiffany's. She is however very partial to other old films. Rachel can't really choose her favourite book, but she is very fond of any book that has Greek Mythology in it. She also really likes the House of Night series. Rachel hasn't got a favourite food, but she does love eating the cuisine from different cultures. She does, however, dislike most Greek food because of all the oil and olives that are in the dishes. Rachel drinks a lot of water, but she also loves her tea. Herbal, fruit... She loves it all. She also loves to experiment with different flavours of tea, but she can be a bit of a snob with her tea sometimes.
    Character: Rachel is very sensitive to criticism, which she'll need to work on for when she gets to NYDA. She's especially sensitive to gender-talk, and will easily get offended about it. She also sees a therapist weekly, as she is more then slightly psychotic as a result from her mothers emotional torture. While Rachel is usually very sweet and soft spoken, although very hard-working, she has her darker moments when her friends fear for their lives, espically her female friends.
    Drugs / Alcohol / Smoking: Rachel doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs. She has a very healthy lifestyle, despite living with a chain smoker. She doesn't want to do anything that will reduce her fitness or chance of getting into NYDA.
    Ambitions: Rachel's dream is to be a professional dancer in a famous ballet house or on Broadway. She's not really bothered about getting a big role, as long as she can dance on a stage. Which means, she's trying her best to get into NYDA.
    Hobby's: Rachel loves doing ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary.. Any dance style. She also loves to read books, and can often be found wearing her big crappy glasses with her nose deep in a book of Greek mythology in her favourite corner of Costa with a venti caramel macachito. Rachel is also a bit of a film slob, and likes to spend her weekends in a large sweatshirt and a pair of shorts curled up in her armchair in her friends living room watching films with a large box of popcorn. She loves old films, black and white films and she is also very partial to films in different languages with subtitles, especially French films.
    Rachel was born to a spoiled mother and a doting father. She was born as a boy, and was named after her father. But she never felt comfortable having a boys body, and felt more comfortable dressing in her mothers clothes and shoes. Her mother hated her for it, and frequently screamed at her to get out of her clothes before she ruined them. Her father was very patient, and brought her dresses and shoes and Barbie dolls. Her mother blamed her father, and soon after Rachel's 3rd birthday, her parents got a divorce. Her father died a year later, from a heart-attack. The heart attack was caused by the binge-drinking he started soon after the divorce.
    Rachel was then brought up solely by her cruel, vindictive mother, who didn't understand her obsession with being a girl instead. Rachel's mother frequently forced her son to pleasure her nightly, and randomly during the day would slap Rachel with her juices and sneer. Her mother let her attend the ballet and dance lessons, simply to get the child out of her sight for longer as Rachel had a small studio at home where she spent most of her time. When she was around 10, she slipped in the studio and cut her waist on the barre. It was after then that she started to cut herself. It was always on her torso, so no-one ever noticed. Rachel soon started asking her friends to use female pronouns with her, and to call her Rachel. The ones that didn't, she just cut out of her life. On her 18th birthday, Rachel underwent vaginoplasty and labiaplasty. When she came home afterwards, her mother told her that she was no longer her child, and was to move out immediately. Rachel did so, and moved to London with a couple of her friends - one of whom had already gone through the different surgeries to become a woman. Thankfully, she didn't really need the facial feminization surgery, breast augmentation, voice feminization surgery, tracheal shave and buttock augmentation surgeries. Her body responded well to the hormonal treatments, and her friend helped her with the dilation that she had to undergo.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Finley

    So's mine, don't worry about it haha XD I'm almost finished my character for Lizz's contest.. Do you wanna read what I have? :3 I'm excited about it! And nervous..

    1 decennium geleden
  • Finley

    The role-topic is opening on the 12th ^.^ and you do have a part on hold :') I forgot what, but that's cause I left my note-book at the flat.. I'll check it tomorrow when I go to the flat and let you know haha :D

    1 decennium geleden
  • DrDashy

    Hmmm, het is zo lekker koel vandaag op mijn kamer n.n

    De keerzijde is wel dat het nu overduidelijk is dat het gisteren zo warm was door jou, mijn beste Samkachel (cat)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Escritura

    I can't wait to read it. ^^

    1 decennium geleden

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