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Gitaar spelen, anime kijken, games spelen

pebkie, babyhertje, Dionysos, KillJb, Denisjeehhh, IceWolf, ICheetah, AppleStrudel, ErukaFrog, BoogieBoys, MoonRaven, AkatsukiXxX, SuigetsuH, YataMisaki, Yakatchi, Roronoa, Acnologia, Segatakai, Shichibukai, Yeager, Monokuma

D.E.I.D.A.R.A, Stands for: Dangerously, Explosive,; Idiot, Doing, Amazing, Reckless, Art

Wie speelt hier LoL ?

There was a story I read as a child; The Green Ribbon. It was about a very beautiful little girl who always wore a green ribbon around her neck...

"Once there was a girl named Jenny. She was like all the other girls, except for one thing. She always wore a green ribbon around her neck. There was a boy named Alfred in her class. Alfred liked Jenny and Jenny liked Alfred. One day he asked her, “Why do you wear that ribbon all the time?”

“I cannot tell you,” said Jenny. But Alfred kept asking, “Why do you wear it?” And Jenny would say, “It is not important.” Jenny and Alfred grew up and fell in love. One day they got married. After their wedding, Alfred said, “Now that we are married, you must tell me about the green ribbon.” “You still must wait,” said Jenny. “I will tell you when the right time comes.”

Years passed. Alfred and Jenny grew old. One day Jenny became very sick. The doctor told her she was dying. Jenny called Alfred to her side. “Alfred,” she said, “now I can tell you about the green ribbon. Untie it, and you will see why I could not tell you before.”

Slowly and carefully, Alfred untied the ribbon...

...and Jenny’s head fell off."

You can't not look cool with a crossbow.

1 decennium geleden

7 jaar geleden

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14 Creaties van TrickyPossum

Gastenboek (212)

  • Flogger

    Wat leuk, haha. (:
    Volg je er al wat meer dan nu? (:

    1 decennium geleden
  • Flogger

    Hallo! (:

    Ik weet niet of je nog een abo had op Dance with the Devil (en het bericht dus-waarschijnlijk- al gezien hebt), maar er is een vervolg serie. Dus als je nog interesse hebt, hier kun je hem lezen. (:


    1 decennium geleden
  • xNiessaah

    Dankje voor je reactie & Kudo! En ach, wat is liefde als de geur van je mede bewoonster onweerstaanbaar is? :P

    1 decennium geleden
  • xNiessaah

    Haha, bedankt voor je geniale reactie :)

    1 decennium geleden
  • xSafina9L


    je kent me neit maar dat is niet zo erg togg??
    Leuke Profiel

    1 decennium geleden

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