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Skiën, badminton


List before i die.

- Fall in love.
- Skydive.
- Jump off a waterfall.
- Kiss in the rain.
- Marry the love of my life.
- Sleep under the stars.
- Kiss underwater.
- See the Eiffel Tower.
- Win the lottery.
- Live in London.
- Be on television.
- Take cute kissing pictures.
- Send a message in a bottle.
- Ride in a taxi.
- Be happy.
- Perform on a stage.
- Learn to play piano.
- Party in Las Vegas.
- Meet Justin Bieber.
- Get a tattoo.
- Have my first real kiss.
- Meet One Direction.
- See a shooting star.
- Go to Hollywood.
- Have a Nikon.
- Shop in NYC.
- Bungee jump.
- Save a life.
- Adopt a child.
- Visit the walk of fame.
- Shower under a waterfall.
- Become Tumblr famous.
- Attend a New Years Party.
- Have perfect teeth.
- Have a huge water balloon fight.
- See snow.
- See a tornado.
- Find a best friend.
- Kiss in the snow.
- Get drunk.
- Fly in a helicopter.
- Travel first class.
- Go to Paris.
- Attend a pool party.
- Kiss under the Eiffel Tower.
- Say “I do”.
- Write a song.
- Watch the sunset at the beach.
- Feel beautiful.
- Make a rainbow cake.
- Live in my dream house.
- Ride a Vespa.
- Have a baby fall asleep in my arms.
- Swim in a fountain.
- Ride a horse on the beach.
- Have a romantic night picnic.
- Make a snow angel.
- Go on a date.
- Take my kids on an amazing vacation.
- Make a perfect omelet.
- Have a prefect wedding.
- Record a song in a studio.
- Ride a horse.
- Try Ben&Jerry’s ice.
- See the world.
- Watch firework.
- Make a prefect cupcake.
- Shop in Paris.
- Have fun.
- Finish a game of monopoly.
- Ride the London eye.
- Own an IPod.
- Not be single on valentine’s day.
- Have a high school sweetheart.
- Live in a house with a pool.
- Go on a camping trip with all of my friends.
- Find the perfect boy for me.
- Go to a water park.
- Go on a cruise.
- Write a love letter.
- Kiss under mistletoe.
- Have a white Christmas.
- Kiss someone at midnight on New Years.
- Go kayaking with friends.
- Give someone a makeover.
- Throw a drink in someone’s face.
- Follow my dreams.
- Have a water gun fight.
- Get drunk with my best friend.
- Skiing
- Have a paint fight.
- Watch titanic with someone in love.
- Ride a roller coaster.

Als iemand iets van mij leest buiten op Quizlet zeg het me dan, ik heb alles namelijk zelf gemaakt ....

Don't remember the days, remember the moments

1 decennium geleden

9 jaar geleden

1 weken 17 uur

2203 [24 uur]











7 Creaties van SarahLee1D

Gastenboek (36)

  • Biall

    oke dan lees ik je gedichten wel :) xoxo

    1 decennium geleden
  • Biall

    Hey, kan je misschien mijn story because i love you!- Niall Horan voor mij lezen en een reactie geven? Ik wil ook jou story lezen en een reacitie geven. Hoop iets van je te horen xoxo

    1 decennium geleden
  • Praelectio

    Haat je reclame?:$ Zo ja, verwijder dit maar. Zo nee, lees dit alsjeblieft!(H)

    -A spirit world. -One Direction.

    Het is een thriller/drama, maar voor alle leeftijden dus niet heel eng. Als je het wilt lezen, thankyou!(H)

    1 decennium geleden
  • BeCreative

    WACHTT!!, XD vanaaf schrijf ik nog een paar hoodstukken.. nog even geduld dus.. :P


    1 decennium geleden
  • BeCreative

    ik kan nu wel schrijven als je wil

    1 decennium geleden

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