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Upsetting people I care about..



"There is too much to escape from.
But nowhere to escape to."

~ I want to live again. Not in this half-life. I want to be really alive. I want to feel my heart pumping in my chest again. I want to feel my blood moving through me - Hot, and salt, and real. It's weird, you don't think you can feel it, the blood, but believe me, when it stops flowing, you'll know. ~

Corsara del Cuore

Have you ever been alone in a crowded room?

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2 Creaties van Rivendell

Gastenboek (165)

  • Greenie

    Daar ben je in ieder geval beter in dan ik. ^^ Geen Hunger Games related deze keer. Ik wil graag een naam van mijn nieuwste verslaving, Lords of the Underworld, en dan Gideon, of Clan, omdat dat een mooi woord is. Of Pheralis, omdat ik die ook nice vind. :3

    1 decennium geleden
  • Greenie

    Wil je me helpen met het kiezen van een nieuwe username ajb?

    1 decennium geleden
  • Novilunium

    Daar twijfel ik niet aan hihi. Maar het klonk allemaal niet heel positief als ik eerlijk mag zijn ;o. Als je iets kwijt wil aan iemand die er totaal buiten staat dan weet je mijn postvak te vinden he ;D Met mij is alles wel goed eigenlijk. School, samenwonen, vriendje en vrienden. Alleen nogsteeds werkeloos.. Maar daar ben ik aan bezig xx

    1 decennium geleden
  • Joffrey

    I'm glad you think of it that way, even though I myself don't. Next time I will, I promise. I just didn't want to make you worry or feel bad on your birthday. I understand why you felt that way, even though I obviously can't imagine how you exactly felt as I haven't been through something like that. Aw, that's adorable c: Well, that was to be expected. You know what I say, weird people are the best! I'm not sure if I actually told you I think of it that way before, but now you know c:
    Aw, I'm glad you are c: Shall I put the English version up as well? I sent you the credits, by the way. And wow, did you? I didn't notice. Thank you so much, dear. You're the best!
    It was about 27 degrees here, and today it was thirteen. Or at least, it was in the morning, haha. It feels like half of it anyway, haha. Yea, me too. Though I agree with you on that. I sleep better with blankets covering me, it just feels more comfortable c:
    I'm sure they don't. You're just down now, but you will get up there again and be happy.
    Also, I got a small idea for a The Hunger Games-story. I won't tell you what it's about yet, because I only got half the idea thought out yet and I'm not sure you'll really like it, but I'll do my best and just hope you will c: I'm not starting yet, though. I want to get further in RAB's story first, haha c:
    I love you.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Greenie

    Well, nu is het weer hier prut.. Nederland zuigt hard. Yeah, ik wil dat nummer wel, kan ik je weer stalken. ^^

    1 decennium geleden

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