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Waar wouden zijn, als vuur zo heet, torenhoog en mijlen breed.

-Tonke Dragt

Ik heb te veel random & weird shit geschreven in een verhaal van me, so please accept my apologies for going incognito. :')
I'll give you my favourite fictional character, though. And the lyrics to a song dedicated to my favourite Dutch poet. So figure out who I am by yourself. (Misschien geeft het lezen van mijn verhalen je een beter idee. *hinthint*)

Blues voor Slauerhoff

Wat is een haven
Een kruis op een zeekaart gekrast
Ik zoek een haven
In 't kraaiennest hoog in de mast
Ooit komt een haven, mijn haven in zicht
Ik volg de bakens, en 't vuurtorenlicht
Ooit, ooit, ooit, ooit
Ik volg de bakens en het vuurtorenlicht.

Waar ligt de haven
Ik zoek kust voor kust naar mijn plek
Waar is de haven
De heimwee die maakt me haast gek
Ver blijft de haven en ver blijft mijn huis
'k vaar met de sterren, wanneer kom ik thuis
Ooit, ooit, ooit, ooit
Ik vraag de sterren: "Wanneer kom ik thuis?"

Wie is mijn haven,
Wie roept er mijn naam in de wind
Wie is mijn haven
Een vrouw bij de zee of een vriend
Die als ik aankom, bij storm en bij nacht
Straalt als een baken en mij heeft verwacht
Ooit, ooit, ooit, ooit
Ooit komt de haven mijn haven in zicht
Ik blijf je schrijven...

Einde bericht.

Jeroen Zijlstra


1 decennium geleden

1 jaar geleden

5 dagen 16 uur

8533 [24 uur]











17 Creaties van MarijeR

Gastenboek (3087)

  • LeaFlammae

    That wasn't boring at all.* I am pleasantly surprised. Keep up the good work, guys. Or maybe that's just through the power of directing, editing & mise-en-scene rather than Bucklemming. Eh. I'm not advanced enough in my studies yet to really know these kinds of things *insert shrug emoji here*

    I do know that Kelly can hardly be called a character, though. That's sad.

    I guess Eileen's presence makes up for it. Go Eileen. : D

    *behalve de crowley en luci scenes tbh.

    7 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae

    *1 shot into the BMoL school flashback thingy* Me: ITS HOGWARTS

    * 1 shot van lady in purple outfit* Me: ITS UMBRIDGE

    Does this shot count as someone being framed with horns? No, I'm not obsessed with framing, I have no idea what you're talking about.





    ...I have a bad feeling about this. It's a test, and she doesn't tell them what they're supposed to do. Meaning he will probably do it wrong. Because they are evil like that.

    Ughhh i don't want to watch this, I feel like he might have killed that boy & she's gonna be like 'actually that's not what you were supposed to do' & everything will be terrible.

    He's so smol.

    I cant do this D:


    So. It was really Like That. He had to kill. And he did.
    Because the code.

    What the actual fuck.

    I was totally right about the horns tbh.


    'Well that's cute'
    SQUEEEEEEE!!!! (no seriously. I just made the WEIRDEST noise) (not that that's anything new but this was High Level)


    'Oh, sure, it could happen to anyone'

    *Casifer flashbacks*

    yep. could happen to anyone. :')


    She is SUCH a naomi parallel. I mean.... she even has red hair... not the same shade but still...

    'Assimilate or eliminate' lol thats not creepy at all, nosir.


    'I keep getting these weird little pains'

    *Rosemary voice* Pain like this is a sign that there is something WRONG!!!

    no i did not watch Rosemary's baby two times, what r u talking about


    Doctor assuming Dagon is Kelly's partner = EXCELLENT thank you.
    They should've rolled with it.
    Or maybe not. Best not to have that associated with the literal spawn of Lucifer plus a demon, etc etc.


    Creepy baby thing is creepy


    For the last time, Crowley, i do not CARE about your kinky games. WHEN WILL WE BE DONE WITH THIS. WHEn. Like, it's just embarrassing, you know? blegh. Did i ask to be witness to this? DID I? NO, I DID NOT

    (little voice in my head: but your AO3 history....
    me: you shut your mouth)

    UGH UGH UGH why
    I am extremely uncomfortable

    Lol can you believe this? Please tell me Crowley is not this stupid. You're rather obvious, mr Morningstar. Did you forget it was PRIDE making you fall? DID YOU? BECAUSE I SURE AS HELL DID NOT


    Ketch is looking rather dashing, Mary looks badass AF (help), and they are in a hotel room having just finished a case. I think I know what's going on here.
    (And I don't exactly like it but I get it and also, like, let Mary have her fun right?)
    (Still liked it better when she hooked up with Charlie in Lizzy's fic though)


    'Yet there you were, up to your knees in shifter guts... I believe you are drawn to danger'

    Not to be all gross & johnlocky here but...... I KNEW that was a flirty line. I KNEW it I KNEW it

    Looking rather intimate, this. I wonder what this reminds me o--


    (i cant believe not only typing 'dean cas season six drink' worked to get me that picture, it was even the third result. Wow. Google knows what I want.)

    (oh, it's from lizzy's tumblr. Why am i not surprised.)


    Listen i love crowley but i feel like i have seen his 'blah blah blah you misplace your loyalty blah blah' speech like a thousand times now. I'm tired. He's tired. Let him rest.

    'I didn't just BEAT the devil... I tamed him' ZUCHT. ZUCHT ZUCHT ZUCHT. Crowley, you are better than this. He could easily, right now, just be like 'LOL joke you didnt tame me, youre a joke, FUCK THE KING LONG LIVE ME' & then Crowley's authority would just be shot to hell (no pun intended)

    (a little pun intended).

    Why must I suffer through this.

    See? Predictable. BUCKLEMMING. Luci is even being smarter than I thought with the wink wink nudge nudge thing, and Crowley has no idea. Because bucklemming. Yes. I shall blame them for this nonsense.

    I should go to sleep.


    'I was top of my class on Kendricks--'
    'No one cares'



    TBH if I were randomly kidnapped, even (especially) by Dean Winchester, I would scream. But ok. Not like the 'container' for lucifer's child needs a personality or whatever.


    She disappeared & that's how Eileen accidentally shot the MoL person? That is such a STUPID way to make this happen god
    Why, guys, just......why.


    'My thought at the time was, "I'll end up shooting this one" '

    Yeah nice one Ketch. Not a creepy thing to say to her rn at all.

    Lol I can't believe Mary is giving him the 'dont read into this' speech asjdgjksdhgjsg I mean i kind of like it but also like
    don't worry mary
    he's a psychopath
    the LAST thing you need to worry about it him giving a crap about you


    I guess we really needed to have zero doubt at all that this isn't a 'oh noooo im a sociopaaaath i cant love peopleeeeee yay scienceeeee~ ' type situation a la sherlock or whatever. This is Ketch sincerely being 'not built for that'. God, he's scary. And not in a cool way.


    Lol not to be that person but are we seriously going from naked ketch & clothed mary to naked (?) luci and clothed demon with a weird lack of personal space like??? ok????????

    I'm sorry I'm like this.


    Welp luci just did............that.

    This was totally on purpose.

    They paralleled Ketch to LUCIFER.


    Just let that sink in for a moment.



    He!!! Sign language!!! Hug!!!!

    I have simple needs after all.

    (not to be that person again but damn that hug reminds me of the johnlock hug. just sayin'.)


    Pro tip, people: don't rebel when in same room with ketch. Who is armed. While you are literally looking the other way.

    I mean really, Mick.


    I would say 'at least cas was smarter about it', but then again he got killed a lot too, so, eh.

    RIP mick. You will be slightly missed. More than that annoying blonde guy, anything. 'Top of my class', jezus christ.


    'Exterminate them. Every. Last. One.'

    What could go wroooong.

    Who needs hunters when you have one (1) attack dog who will kill anything you point it at, amirite?

    Lol Dean W. als bovenste file.......honey, people have tried. *Crowley voice* Never seems to work out quite how you want it to.

    *suspenseful music*

    7 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae

    'Have you like... NEVER seen a horror movie?'

    1) I like her
    2) I strongly suspect HER to be a werewolf tbh. Would be a nice Thriller reversal : D (Michael Jackson trash, what Michael Jackson trash? Nothing to see her, nahhh)


    .... oh. Toch niet. Jammer. Missed opportunity.... tho maybe not. They already did the 'the cute girl is actually a werewolf' storyline back with Kate & her sister I guess xd

    (Also I was thinking they did it somewhere else but then I remembered I've started watching Buffy and THATS where I've seen it.... Clearly I should watch more Buffy because it's awesome)




    (zei de enorme Harry Potter nerd)


    This whole 'ugh MICK what if he gets himself KILLED' thing is nice because it reminds me of that thing back with Jo where she was like 'ugh sexist' (which i can understand, don't get me wrong) and Dean was like 'no, you're just inexperienced' and like.... idk i just like knowing Dean really wasn't being sexist back then, he just doesn't like hunting with inexperienced people :') (I guess now with Mick its slightly more justified since he REALLY has zero actual experience and also Dean doesn't trust him, but, you know. Still somewhat the same kind of thing, right?)


    'Wait a second. You killed them all? Even the ones that weren't hurting anyone?'

    Sam, I have some bad news for you regarding mr. Ketch and a certain psychic teenage girl you rescued.....

    ...God, when will they find out about that? It's been ages. It's time.


    'Monsters don't just stop being monsters'

    *awkward flashbacks to demon dean*
    *boyking sam*
    * godstiel *
    *benny* (ok this one is complicated but still)
    *amara* (not technically a monster but tbh the BMoL probably wouldnt care)
    *meg joining the good guys*
    *there literally being a cure for vampirism wtf guys how could yall forget about that*
    * don't forget about the people infected with various manifestations of Khan Worms. This one is especially tricky because one of those made people drink blood which seems EXTREMELY vampire-y on the surface and I really don't trust the MoL to not just go 'ehh, weird vamp variation' and straight up kill those people without even thinking twice about it because they're THAT un-nuanced *

    ....sorry, Mick, what was it you were saying?

    OK de vampier cure werkte alleen als ze nog geen mensenbloed hadden gedronken, maar alsnog. Kind of complicates things, too....


    'Seems a bit...'

    Godallemachtig, Mick. I mean, seriously? SERIOUSLY? How do you think these fancy hotel ppl are gonna react when yall walk in covered in blood / with weird injuries / start decorating the walls with creepy occult info? why are u like this.

    That said, of course Dean likes staying in a fancy hotel for once. Bby is probably already thinking about the jaccuzi they might have there somewhere (look, I'm not saying there HAS to be a jacuzzi, I'm just saying, I REALLY like bubbles...)

    ''M not gonna give him the satisfaction'

    And here we see a rare variation of the well-known Performing Dean..........


    'Talking to a grieving family is harder than you think'

    Seriously if the Winchesters fuck it up now this is gonna be very embarrassing x')

    (pls don't fuck it up)


    ZUCHT. Ja, daar was ik al bang voor. Winchesters: 0. Mick: 1. Da's een beetje jammer xd


    *predictably lies about the girl not being bitten*

    Listen Mick, we've been through this storyline already. ZUUUUCHT.


    DEANS FAKE VOICE ASJDJKJDFGJ i lov him and claire oh my god BEST

    'No, uh-uh' dad dean intensifies


    *shot van girl in ziekenhuis*
    me: yeah mick's gonna attack her in three, two, one... she'll probably get away...
    Mick: *is there*
    Me: Who Would Have Thought
    Girl: *dies*
    Me: OH SHIT
    Me: I should have seen this coming, there is still the other werewolf to deal with after all so she didn't NEED to survive....


    *takes a break from the narrative to admire Claire's beauty* HECK


    'That would be crazy since that means she wouldve been bit. And mick here says that didnt happen. Right mick?'
    Mick: *most obvious deer in headlights look ever*

    Dean's on top of the situation, as per usual these days. God i love him.


    I am SO SO SO in love with Dean's sneaking interrogation techniques. He knows what's up. He knows what to do with it. I, on the other hand, do not know what to do with this emotion.


    'What're you, her dad?' yes. yes, that is exactly what he is. And you are playing with fire.


    'I had orders' 'No, you had a choice'

    ~ this story sounds familiaaaar ~
    ~ but noooo trench coat wearing characters are totally not meant to be cas mirrors at alll, surely we must be reading into things ~




    I am loving this.


    'BFF: found. Beans: Spilled'

    .....I am not forcefully removed from the girl's house? :p

    (Why are my emotions about characters so strong today? First the INTENSE Ketch loathing, now I am loving literally all the characters in this episode, except Mick. And that grabby douchebag. wow.)



    I like Claire's music taste.

    Annnnd she's bitten. Whoopsie.
    ...does that werewolf guy have a thing for blonde teenage girls? ugh, brain, shut up.

    Did i mention how clever wearing a mask is? This guy knows what he's doing. Tho he might also think he is some kind of superhero. Which is kind of amusing. (yes, I just read Watchmen, why do you ask?) (GOOD BOOK GOOD BOOK GO READ IT) (spn totally stole quotes and stuff from it, just fyi)

    'youre save' NOT FROM MICK, THAT FUCKER


    'It's my life. I get all the votes.'



    'He's human'

    That awkward moment when...........


    'Yeah? You know who says theyre a nice guy? Clingy, insecure bitches with mommy issues'

    Do you need some ice for that burn? I think you need some ice for that burn. Go Claire <33

    'Wrong. I have a family. And they love me.'
    Are you sick of me quoting every single thing Claire says yet? Because I'm sick of it. But I keep doing it. I JUST LOVE HER OK? I JUST

    Dit was een extreem lang bericht & I am sorry. Blijkbaar is hardop tegen de personages schreeuwen & squealen nog niet genoeg, maar moet het ook nog allemaal uitgetypt worden. Yeah, I know. Exhausting. Maybe I'll do better next episode???

    Tbh dit is allemaal de schuld van seizoen 12 voor het maken van veel te goede afleveringen soms. Almost makes you long for some boring bucklemming ep, eh?

    ........oh god. They really should not have written this episode, that would've been a nightmare. Abort thought, abort thought.

    .........One really should not speak of the devil. I see the next one is Bucklemming. Oh well. :')

    7 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae

    OK vanaf nu moet ik mezelf maar gaan restricten tot like 1 bericht per episode want uh this is getting ridiculous :')

    7 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae

    Ahhh yess Dean working on his communication & anger management is my kink


    hm yeah no still not sure if that ' my kink' tumblr meme really works for me. Oh well :')

    This is what I like to see though. All this is even better to watch on screen rather than read about in the metas <3

    7 jaar geleden

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