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Het Verborgen Woud


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Waar wouden zijn, als vuur zo heet, torenhoog en mijlen breed.

-Tonke Dragt

Ik heb te veel random & weird shit geschreven in een verhaal van me, so please accept my apologies for going incognito. :')
I'll give you my favourite fictional character, though. And the lyrics to a song dedicated to my favourite Dutch poet. So figure out who I am by yourself. (Misschien geeft het lezen van mijn verhalen je een beter idee. *hinthint*)

Blues voor Slauerhoff

Wat is een haven
Een kruis op een zeekaart gekrast
Ik zoek een haven
In 't kraaiennest hoog in de mast
Ooit komt een haven, mijn haven in zicht
Ik volg de bakens, en 't vuurtorenlicht
Ooit, ooit, ooit, ooit
Ik volg de bakens en het vuurtorenlicht.

Waar ligt de haven
Ik zoek kust voor kust naar mijn plek
Waar is de haven
De heimwee die maakt me haast gek
Ver blijft de haven en ver blijft mijn huis
'k vaar met de sterren, wanneer kom ik thuis
Ooit, ooit, ooit, ooit
Ik vraag de sterren: "Wanneer kom ik thuis?"

Wie is mijn haven,
Wie roept er mijn naam in de wind
Wie is mijn haven
Een vrouw bij de zee of een vriend
Die als ik aankom, bij storm en bij nacht
Straalt als een baken en mij heeft verwacht
Ooit, ooit, ooit, ooit
Ooit komt de haven mijn haven in zicht
Ik blijf je schrijven...

Einde bericht.

Jeroen Zijlstra


1 decennium geleden

1 jaar geleden

5 dagen 16 uur

9369 [24 uur]











17 Creaties van MarijeR

Gastenboek (3087)

  • LeaFlammae

    ARGH ik heb perongeluk dit comment gedelete oh no:

    .......I actually had a dream of watching a Supernatural episode without writing comments to you it was horrible :')))

    Sorryyyyy ik wilde reageren op die hieronder en toen klikte ik perongeluk op een prullebak D: *facepalmt* :

    Wait you talked about Nate being slightly problematic, what has he done to earn that status???

    Wellll het valt eigenlijk best wel mee want het enige dat hij eigenlijk fout doet is wat Dean ook doet in heel veel fics: slapen met een man (in Deans geval is dat dan natuurlijk Cas, in Nate's geval, Zack) en er vervolgens over flippen omdat hij super repressed is (ik geloof dat ik zijn internalised homophobia ergens snel genoemd heb maar niet echt uitgelegd hehe) en dan relatiedrama. Basically Nate & Zack had a lot of drama that the camp was forced to witness, multiple times, and so everyone got pissed at him (dat is waar dat hele stuk over 'not defending any of them' over gaat -- op dat punt in het verhaal zijn Dean&Cas erachter gekomen dat een groepje mensen Nate pest, onder leiding van Sean, Zack's nieuwe vriend, die blijkbaar in Nate een rivaal ziet, en iedereen gaat er een beetje in mee omdat ze pissed op hem zijn, en Cas die veel over Nate weet wordt ZO BOOS haha, en Dean dan ook, it's epic.) (btw het kamp kan ook heel volwassen en verstandig zijn hoor, maar af en toe is het net een groep high school tieners like oh my god) (don't even get me started on Phil) (en Kyle maar die is gewoon supervervelend en kinda creepy) (lol zo lijkt het net alsof alleen de mannen altijd alles fout doen, trust me they don't maar hun fouten zijn vaak het meest kinderachtig :') )

    Overigens moet ik hieraan toevoegen dat Dean in deze fic totaal niet zo is. Hij heeft zijn bisexualiteit 100% geaccepteerd, alleen weet Cas dat in het begin niet lol ITS HILARIOUS want de eerste keer dat ze iets doen aan hun UST (en worden onderbroken door kampleden voor het echt ergens heengaat want ohja, die logeerden in hun cabin op het moment, OOPSIE) paniekt Cas helemaal en is van 'must reassure dean' en houd een hele speech over hoe sex met cas hem niet minder straight maakt blah blah blah lust versus sexuality blah blah, while dean is standing naked in the bathroom comtemplating how this is his life and how to explain to cas that there really is not problem except for how they never got to finish. It's amazing.) (ok weet je wat i suck at explaining it here just have a part of that exchange so u can see for yourself)

    Wacht wacht eerst een stukje daarvoor want dat is ook hilarisch:

    "No one is this oblivious," breathes Cas himself, without any trace of irony. "You have a habit of undressing in front of me--sometimes while carrying on a conversation--and that would in itself be fine if I wasn't aware that habit dates from the only witnesses were your father or your brother--"

    "Uh, I never fucking stripped down in front of them!" Dean exclaims, horrified.

    "--and I am not your brother," Cas continues viciously, ignoring him. "Nor is this a vessel in which biological urges have no particular meaning. I apologize if this wasn't clear--though how you could miss it is a mystery--not only do I feel them, I've spent my entire mortal existence indulging them at every possible opportunity. That I don't at this time is quite literally due to the subject. Look in the mirror."

    Dean asks, "What?"

    "Look," Cas grates out, "in the mirror, Dean."

    He does; it might actually be the safest choice in the room right now.

    "Thank you," Cas says. "Now set aside your inexplicable lack of vanity and objectively consider what exactly I've been observing in all its states of dress, undress, and on occasion, also wet. Do we understand each other or do my masturbation habits need to be described as well?"

    THEN IT SUDDENLY GOT REALLY TOUCHING (dit is direct aansluitend op het vorige)

    Dean tries to think of a response to that: for some reason, he's pretty sure sorry would do the exact opposite of help, not to mention be a huge fucking lie. "Oh."

    "That's not an excuse, however. You were somewhat drunk last night," Cas adds in a calmer voice, which is why it takes a second too long for Dean to register where this is going and stop it. "I apologize for taking advantage of your trust last night and I hope that this won't be a source of discomfort for you or make you less comfortable in my presence." He hesitates before visibly making an effort. "If you feel that--perhaps I should consider other arrangements to our--"

    "Shut up," Dean says, and briefly acknowledges the miracle of Cas actually doing it before adding, "No."

    Cas wets his lips, looking away. "Dean--"

    "You're not moving out because of last night, Jesus!" Dean interrupts. "Why the hell would you even think--"

    "I am, actually, perfectly willing--though not necessarily eager--to commit myself to a life of celibacy and unsettlingly frequent masturbation--though we will need a far more efficient water heater and maybe two at this rate--"

    "Jesus Christ," Dean interjects for form's sake.

    "--as long as that life includes you," Cas finishes in a display of touchingly fucked up--something, holy shit, is this happening? "So if you need time to--feel things--and my presence hinders that in some way, then yes, I can temporarily find other accommodations until you--stop feeling those things and I can return." He pauses, and Dean sees the flicker of fear he can't hide anymore. "I don't--don't want anything to change. I can't lose you, Dean."

    Anyway ok ok now for the thing i INTENDED to show you:

    "If it helps," Cas tells him seriously, "when sexuality and biology are in competition, biology will always win."

    This isn't happening; the only world that he should have to listen to this speech is one where he both got off and feels guilty about it, and for lack of a goddamn sweatshirt being thrown, one of those at least would be true.

    "Human bodies are designed to enjoy sex and aren't discriminating on how they get it; sexuality and attraction, on the other hand, are…" He pauses, making a face. "Baffling, but one adjusts, I suppose. Generally, there comes a point where the gender or sex of the individual providing stimulation is secondary--if that--to the desire that they keep doing it." Over…no, just a dramatic pause: this is Cas. "I assure you, even if I'd jerked you off last night, you'd be just as heterosexual today as you were before."

    (is it obvious I am obsessed with this whole scene? naaaaahhhh)

    8 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae


    LEUK DAT JE HET VRAAGT *wrijft in handen* want ik ben op dit exacte moment een stuk ervan aan het eten (insert 'coincidence? i think not' .gif) en hij is fantastisch. Seriously. Ik moest er even aan wennen want hij... smaakte niet zoals ik verwachtte (hoewel ik geen idee heb wat ik dan WEL verwachtte maar ok :') ) maar hij is echt lekker. Je proeft wel dat hij anders is dan normale chocoladecake maar ik denk niet dat je zou raden dat dat aparte bijsmaakje bietjes is. HET IS AWESOME. En lol ja dat dacht ik dus ook maar toen dacht ik: hij staat in het jumbo magazine, ze zullen toch wel weten wat ze doen??? en toen werd ik extreem nieuwsgierig en MOEST ik hem gewoon wel maken (het feit dat hij er fantastisch uitziet hielp ook mee...) Wat de bietjes denk ik ook doen (naast de smaak wat interessanter maken, en seriously, dat bedoel ik niet in een 'euhhh..het is...interessant.....' manier) is de kleur verbeteren. Normaal gesproken als je een chocoladecake maakt is hij een beetje lichtbruin van kleur, tenzij je er extreem veel cacao in doet, maar deze is echt serieus donkerbruin, een beetje als een brownie. HET ZIET ER ZO GOED UIT MET DE GELE BOTERCREME EROP. EN HIJ IS ZO LEKKER. Wel 800 kcal per stuk. whoops. MAAR OH WELL.

    De bietjes raspen was wel echt een drama trouwens. De keuken (inclusief ikzelf) leek net een slagveld. Eerste keer dat ik serieus dacht: misschien had ik toch even een schort voor moeten doen. x) OK nee het viel wel mee maar mijn handen waren helemaal rood en er zaten allemaal spetters op het aanrecht. Alsof hannibal langsgekomen was ofzo :')))

    Ik dacht trouwens ook, hey, worteltjes kunnen ook in taart. En ik heb een keer muffins gemaakt met wortel en ananas, en olijfolie ipv boter (in deze cake ging ook olijfolie. Like. A lot. 400 mL in totaal, en dan smeer je er later dus nog botercreme op. Je zult begrijpen waarom een stuk 800 kcal bevat.)

    8 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae


    And, once again, Dean Winchester’s car is an AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION. Not manual. This means, yes, he shifts the car into and out of park, reverse, drive, and neutral, but he will not shift between gears while driving.

    This is terrible
    I have been using the wrong mental argument for wanting to drive with the hell that is manual transmission (?) this whole time


    (ik freak over de raarste dingen sorry) (but oh my god)

    (I mean it actually makes a lot of sense because this way they're able to drive away from danger like, really quickly - seriously, the hell of manual, i am not kidding - but also like, COME ONNN)

    (on an entirely unrelated note: i made a cake today. Dean would hate it. It has beets in it.)

    (i mean what the heck, I hate beets. What am i doing? Nobody knows.)

    8 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae


    3 WHOLE TUMBLR PAGES OF IT's-hospital-au/chrono

    : D : D : D

    8 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae

    More winchester house & Nate because i'm obsessed:

    Dean thinks he knows why House needed to be a house. "Seeing Winchester House when it--wasn't a house….is this the part where a glance drives people crazy?"

    "No, it's the part where Nate--if only for a moment--existed in the exact same discrete area of interdimensional space that the entity occupied and that is--to say the least--not hospitable to reality as it exists on this plane, much less corporeal life." Cas hesitates, looking at Dean almost apologetically. "Nate shouldn't exist any longer, and yet, here he is, alive and well, which…."

    In all the time they've known each other, he's never seen Cas this genuinely thrown by something. "You okay? It saved him, right?"

    "Obviously." It takes a second for Dean to hear the amusement laced through the shock for what it is. "If by that you mean, gathered up all the infinite pieces of Nate from inside itself and put them back together correctly before sending him back to continue painting as if nothing had happened, then yes. It can't even consistently maintain its appearance as a house and loses entire floors at times or forgets where to put doors, but it…." Slowly, Cas starts to smile. "I'm impressed. Old Ones don't see humans--they barely see each other other than as prey. As you see a single-celled amoeba, they see everything but themselves. Yet it saw him. It knew him, so well it could gather him up again from infinity and remake him without flaw." His mouth quirks. "And play what I think was multidimensional hide and seek in an infinite house and have fun with tourists and learn about numbers. I wonder if Nate introduced it to television; that would explain a great deal."

    i am very sad ???? nate is my problematic fave tbh. THAT GUY HAS ISSUES but i will not stand for people being mean to him > : (

    "Not defending--any of them," Dean starts, knowing it's a mistake but it's gotta be said. "This is the definition of 'make your own goddamn problems and also other people's'. People get pissed about that and react. He's been doing this since--when, he got here?"

    "Doing what? You mean have sex with people who were very aware of his issues and still indulged and mocked him afterward?" Cas asks, and wow, so this is going even more wrong than he thought. "Or those who did that and at this very late point have decided it's unacceptable behavior that should not be stood for? Or those who he didn't have sex with or even speak to other than in a professional capacity who feel the need to join in the mass condemnation? Or--"

    "Point taken," Dean says hastily.

    "He's been doing this--whatever that means--since he was thrown out of his family's home, moved to California and got a job in construction while living in a cardboard box," Cas continues bitterly, because Dean can't just be wrong, he's gotta be wrong on a traumatic fucking scale that includes living in boxes. "The one exception--the happiest period in his life--was spent with a cosmic entity that looked like a house who liked him fixing it, and if that isn't an obvious metaphor as well, I'm not sure what to tell you."

    8 jaar geleden

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