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We put the world away, we get so disconnected.

xHappyHoran | 16 maart 2013

We are friends for life, hold that deep inside. Let this be a drive to survive. And just stand high and tall. Make sure you give your all. And if you ever fall, know that I'm right here. We'll always be together, don't you worry. I'll always be by your side, don't you worry. The circle will never end, just know that we'll meet again. And we'll always be together, forever always. I am here. Find me in the sky. Destine with the moon and night. Your heartbeat is disguised as my lullaby. Be happy, and know I'm watching you travel far and wide. Waiting for us to meet again. We'll always be together, don't you worry. I'll always be by your side, don't you worry. The circle will never end, just know that we'll meet again. And we'll always be together, forever, always. I am here. If you need me, yeah, I'm in the wind, look for me friend, I'm in the stars. When you need me, the heaven will send, a message within, straight to your heart. We'll always be together, don't you worry. I'll always be by your side, don't you worry. Never worry 'bout a thing, no, no, no, no, no. The circle will never end, just know that we'll meet again. And we'll always be together, forever, always. I am here.

Nov 19 | I wonder about you, quiet girl.

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9 Creaties van LlAM

Gastenboek (323)

  • xHappyHoran

    Even though you're sitting in front of me, I'm missing you so bad. I just want you to know that. I don't wanna live seperate. No, I can't live seperate. And now the emotion comes out. I'm crying and you probably see it. And now I'll put my laptop away and remove all the dangerous objects in my neighborhood. I'll bite my nails off. I don't wanna hurt me no longer. Please, Liam, give me hope. Give me one more chance. One more, the last one. I'll make this promises to you. All these. And if I break just one, you have all the right to be mad at me. To do whatever you want with me. I-

    -I'll never lie to you again, I promise.
    -I'll never let you go, I promise.
    -I'll never leave you for no reason, I promise.
    -I'll never hurt me if it's not by accident, I promise.
    -I'll do whatever it takes to make you feel my love, I promise.
    -I'll say what you want to hear if you ask for it, I promise.
    -I won't hide my feelings if you don't want me to, I promise.
    -And I'm gonna get out of this, I promise.

    1 decennium geleden
  • xHappyHoran

    You just sit there, on the chair. Waiting 'till I finally wake. But I am awake, only you don't notice it. I'm back for a couple of minutes now. I only silent. Thought about what happened. And all I feel is regret. Regret of everything I've done and I know I need to make it alright. Now I'm thinking: How? I just watch you, staring at your hands. I would say 'I'm so sorry' but I know it doesn't make sense. You want to hear me say 'I'll never do it again'. But I'd hate it more if I would break that promise. It's so hard to make a troth of something you can't control yourself in. And I don't understand why I'm losing myself. I love you so much, why isn't that enough to make me stop? You'll never understand the war inside my head. It's not even a war anymore. It's a complete take-over, so no discussions if I should do it or not, it's DO IT! I don't have any will left. I took my laptop but you didn't notice, and now I'm typing what's going through my head beside my voices. What the real Niall thinks. The Niall I want to be, again. Even though I know this Niall is also not perfect, and also makes mistakes. But this Niall wouldn't hurt you this much. I don't know why I'm sending you exactly what I'm doing and thinking. I bet I just want to talk with someone. Someone who doesn't interrupt me on the wrong moment. So I just post it on your profile. I know you're gonna be mad at this. I know you're gonna think I'm weak. But you know what? Yes, I am. 'cause I can't control my own body anymore. Liam, I love you. And if I need to prove that to you by not hurting me anymore, then I'll just do that. It's the hardest promise I ever made. But if I'll lose you if I don't fulfill this, that would be a good motivation. Maybe it's the only way to heal me. I said I'd do anything for you. And if you ask me to stop hurting me, I gotta do that. Even if it means my death. That should be my last wish. Make the words I ever said come true. I promised I'll do my best to not hurt me anymore. Apparent that isn't enough. So Liam, I promise that I'll never hurt me anymore, conscious and deliberately. Please, give me one more chance to prove me right. 'Cause I can't live with the feeling that I ruined all the meaningful words ever said. I know this is like a vampire saying to his human lover, 'I'll never drink human blood anymore'. I'd go through this fire for you, ignore my desire for you. I will recover my dignity.

    1 decennium geleden
  • xHappyHoran

    Ik vind het niet eerlijk dat je morgen vrij hebt. :(
    Nah, eigenlijk vind ik dat wel eerlijk. Ik vind het niet erg als jij vrij hebt en ik naar school moet, maar ik vind het erg dat jij lekker thuis zit en ik op school nog even een proefwerk en een so mag maken. :( Nah niet erg, maar niet leuk, laat ik het zo zeggen. Ik snap er echt helemaal niiiieeeets van!! Het is moeilijk, ik ga echt falen. Maar dat zei ik van de afgelopen zes toetsen ook, omdat ik daar te weinig voor geleerd had (ghehe), en ik had voor alles een mooie voldoende :P Ik snap dat niet, ik leer zo weinig, hoe kan ik voldoendes halen????
    Maar dit keer snap ik het echt niet. Dit kan gewoon geeen voldoende worden :(:( En dit keer heb ik wel goed geleerd, of in ieder geval beter. Screw meeee.
    Pff, ik wil geen toets. Ik ben blij dat ik maar vier uur heb, maar doe mij maar liever zeven uur en dan geen toetsen......

    Ik hoop dat je snel terug bent. Ik ga nu nog even leren en miss dat ik straks nog even kom maar niet te lang. Ik wil morgenvroeg nog even leren dus moet ik denk ik om tien uur wel echt naar bed gaan. Misschien niet, maar denk... dat ik dat wel ga doen.


    1 decennium geleden
  • xHappyHoran

    Your heart is unreLiamble (: x

    1 decennium geleden
  • xHappyHoran

    Your lips are undeNiallble. (: x

    1 decennium geleden

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