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We put the world away, we get so disconnected.

xHappyHoran | 16 maart 2013

We are friends for life, hold that deep inside. Let this be a drive to survive. And just stand high and tall. Make sure you give your all. And if you ever fall, know that I'm right here. We'll always be together, don't you worry. I'll always be by your side, don't you worry. The circle will never end, just know that we'll meet again. And we'll always be together, forever always. I am here. Find me in the sky. Destine with the moon and night. Your heartbeat is disguised as my lullaby. Be happy, and know I'm watching you travel far and wide. Waiting for us to meet again. We'll always be together, don't you worry. I'll always be by your side, don't you worry. The circle will never end, just know that we'll meet again. And we'll always be together, forever, always. I am here. If you need me, yeah, I'm in the wind, look for me friend, I'm in the stars. When you need me, the heaven will send, a message within, straight to your heart. We'll always be together, don't you worry. I'll always be by your side, don't you worry. Never worry 'bout a thing, no, no, no, no, no. The circle will never end, just know that we'll meet again. And we'll always be together, forever, always. I am here.

Nov 19 | I wonder about you, quiet girl.

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9 Creaties van LlAM

Gastenboek (323)

  • xHappyHoran

    I'll get it, if you need it. I'll search, if you don't see it. You're thirsty, I'll be rain. You get hurt, I'll take your pain. I know, you don't believe it. But I said it, and I still mean it. When you heard what I told you. When you get worried, I'll be your soldier. <3

    1 decennium geleden
  • xHappyHoran

    Ga je op kamp? Oh, dat wist ik niet. Veel plezier! x

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  • xHappyHoran

    He comforted her. Since then they appointed every night on the bridge and one day he told her that he didn't have a home anymore. Drake's mom lived in an upscale family. She was an only child and got all the love from her family. Drake's dad was never used to that. After much whining it was alright that he pulled in in there house. Drake's mom was still on school and she finished her school with excellent notes, while my uncle was kicked out of school. Even though he had only his bad reputation, my aunt didn't give a shit. She already had an eye on him from the moment she saw him, and she only thought he was pathetic because he got excluded by his family. Later they got married then and yeah, they got children. Drake's dad never told anything about his past to anyone, but he had written it in his diary which Drake found not that long ago. That's probably one of the reasons that he's against it that I date you, because he thinks it's not fair that he had to live in pain and had to enforce his love, while we actually... have it quite easy compared to him. But yeah, Drake is raised up with two older brothers: Sergey and Ryan. His mom worked as a journalist, and since he was four she wasnt that much at home anymore. She got big jobs where she had to travel far and wide for, so in fact she was never at home. So they all got raised up by their dad. But he also had to 'work'. He went early in the morning to his work and came late at night back. In that time, Drake, Sergey and Ryan always came to us. Sergey and Ryan used to play with Greg, and Drake with me. Later my mom found out that my uncle never had any job, and that he was going to the pub all day. Probably 'cause he still lives in sadness over his past. Mostly he came drunk home and went to Drake's or one of his brothers' room, where he mostly slapped them. Drake was six or seven when my mom found out about my uncle's issues. She send him to rehab and in that time, Drake and his brothers' lived with us. It took a year before Drake's dad returned, and then he forced his sons to go on any fighter sports, like judo and kickboxing. Drake's dad improved his life from then on. He was a strict dad, but he only wanted the best for his children from then on. He got a job and stuff. Drake and his brother's still came to us in the afternoon, so my mom could babysit on them and they could play with us, but when Ryan turned eightteen, she thought Ryan could fit on his brothers. But he never really did. He had a girlfriend where he went to every day, so Sergey and Drake had to carry for themselves. Ryan and that girl are engaged now. He's studying to become a doctor and that girl is pregnant since four months now. Drake sees him only twice a year. Sergey however, always wanted to go to an art academy but my uncle nor my aunt thought that was a good idea. It was something for girls and it didn't bring any money in the drawer. His dad made him hard-handed clear, that he shouldn't go to such a school. That was when the first aggression started to come back by my uncle. Sergey escaped. He wrote a letter with there in the message that he committed suicide. His parents still think he's dead, but instead he lives in France now and studies, obvious, art. He met a boy there and fell in love, and he's very happy now. Drake is the only one in the family who knows he's still alive, and Drake told me so. Drake's dad changed his complete attitude after the letter from Sergey. He became softer. Mostly he excludes himself from the rest of the group, and when he doesn't, then he mostly sinks away in his own thoughts. Drake feels really sorry for his dad, because he knows that he's still with his head in his past, and he probably feels so bad that he had been such a bad father. And... that's actually the story. Sometimes Drake's afraid his mom and dad will divorce because my uncle never really loved her, but.. he knows now that he won't. He won't because he doesn't wanna let his children, or in this case only Drake, down again. And yeah..."

    - en hier laat ik het bij zitten en mag jij verdergaan, want ik kan jouw reactie nu even niet peilen. XD

    1 decennium geleden
  • xHappyHoran

    As I open my eyes slowly, I see your beautiful face. I smile and you smile friendly back. "Good morning, my sweetheart," I whisper softly. "Good morning, my darling," you say back. I stroke the side of your face with my thump, as I see what time it is. "I told you he was going to get late again," I mumble a bit irritated and I get overcome with sleep out of the bed. I scuff to Drake's room and knock on his door. "Drake, you're late!" I yell as I open his door. A few seconds later I come back in the room where you are now, with a sulky face and a hand hold against the side of my face. "What happened?" you chuckle. "Got a shoe against my head," I answer motionless. I crawl back in bed and go lying close against you, when you moan a bit painful. I look worried at your arm. "It's okay," you say when you see my face. I nod and let it go. "I gotta tell you something," I say suddenly. "What is it?" you ask curious.
    "You know why I have such a good relationship with Drake?"
    You shake your head.
    "His family has been through quite a lot, including him." I silent for a while to let the words sink. "Let I start by the very beginning, his parents. His father has been put on the street with fifteen years already. His parents or my grandparents always wanted a girl and never a boy. They decided to raise him up though. Three years after he was born, they got my mom. My mother always got exactly what she wanted and was treated like a true princess, while my uncle never could do something right and for the slightest mistake he got beated or a strict punishment. And with fifteen so, they set him on the street, like: I don't want you anymore. That's when he came in touch with Drake's mom. They once were playing basketball on a field and he asked if he could play with them. It was a group of six boys and one girl. Drake's dad always has been reckless and a real fighter. Quick on the offended, you could say. But right from the beginning he thought he had feelings for one boy in the group. Not the girl as you would expect, but the boy. But it was a real crime for that time to fall on the same gender. It was a sickness they said." You squeeze your fist by hearing this but I ignore it. "So he forced himself to ignore his feelings. And one day he got angry on that boy of the group. They got in a fight and the other five boys were all on his side. They expelled the boy out of the group, untill another boy in the group pulled a knife and stabbed him, under influence of some alcohol. The boy bleeded dead, and Drake's dad never forgave himself for becoming angry on an 'inguilty' person. Drake's mom however, had seen it all. She ran away crying and Drake's dad followed her-

    Dat moment als je een spannend verhaaltje zit te vertellen en jij je realiseert dat je naar school moet... usfirrhri ik was nog lang niet klaar XD Je krijgt de rest van het verhaal straks te horen :P xx

    1 decennium geleden
  • xHappyHoran

    Je kiest nu net het vak dat ik best wel veracht en dus ABSOLUUT NIET in mijn pakket heb, voor Niall :P Dat is dan ook niet mijn rooster wat ik net opnoemde. Al moet ik zeggen, het lijkt er een beetje op. Maar ik had vandaag geen gym en aardrijkskunde heb ik sowieso niet. Maar gym vind ik wel leuk voor Niall :P
    Ik weet het antwoord van geschiedenis nog niet. We waren niet tot aan die vraag toegekomen, en morgen valt ze uit dus heb ik eerder uit. *happy dance* Heb jij morgen stage?
    Heb je de mail trouwens al gezien? Was weer vergeten te zeggen dat ik die af had.
    Kom snel onliine! :D


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