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LiesjeXzayn is offline



One Direction, dansen


we are directioners amazing?

Well, this is why this fandom is the best: Remember when Zayn and Harry went to a club in Australia? They were drunk, Zayn was screaming 'YOLO, FUCKING YOLO' all the time and when a random girl tried to kiss Harry he shouted: 'FUCK OFF.' One day earlier the same happened to Zayn and Louis. They went to a club and were nearly hitted by a car because they were drunk. If Justin Bieber or whoever else did all these things, the fans won't be happy with that, but we Directioners were like: ''Omg hahah, these crazy boys are my idols, I love them, omg, this is so funny!'' And that's just one reason why Directioners are amazing. Another example: When a hater calls Justin Bieber gay, all Beliebers are angry about that. ''Justin isn't gay, he's our hero, shut the fuck up.' But when a hater calls One Direction gay, this is what Directioners say: 'Yes they are. I ship Larry and Ziam, what about you?' And there are more reasons. You know Danielle,Eleanor and Perrie right? All real Directioners love them, we're happy for Liam and Louis that they have a girlfriend and we'll never hate on those girls because we love them ver much. One day Peazer Perfect was a trending topic on twitter, so yeah. What I want to say with this is that we don't care about what the haters say. We just let them hate, unless they say things that are just too horrible. We love everything, seriously everything what the boys do, even when those things are crazy. And at least: We've always got their back, no matter what. So yeah, I think Directioners are cool. Very cool.(:


instagram: LiesjeXzayn
twitter: @heyliesje
vine: heyliesje

geen reclame aub alleen in blog!


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2 Creaties van LiesjeXzayn

Gastenboek (51)

  • NerdieSwagg


    Mijn nicht gaat kaartjes regelen en dan ga ik er met haar heen. Dus heb er zin in! Ze mocht een iemand mee nemen en koos toen voor mij. Veat lief.

    1 decennium geleden
  • NerdieSwagg


    Ook fan van Zayn?! Me to!

    Als ze in Nederland komen he, ga jij dan naar hun concert?!

    1 decennium geleden
  • Lauraapauraa

    Sorry als je reclame haat, maar zou je misschien mijn nieuw verhaal eens willen lezen? Slipped Away || One Direction :)

    1 decennium geleden

    hey !

    ik heb net een story , en ik zal het leuk vinden als jij hem zou lezen !

    ik ga verder schrijven bij 10 of meer abbo"s .

    sorry als je reclame haat !.

    1 decennium geleden
  • krokante

    Hoi, ik ben Lisa. Ik ben ook 12 en ik speel ook gitaar! Toevalll:) Ik zag je profiel, en heeeel toevallig ben ik ook fan van Zayn, maar niet zo erg als jij xD Ik zag de story waaraan je meewerkt en hij lijkt me heel tof! Ik ga hem meteen lezen. Xxx-jes van je name-buddy (flower)

    1 decennium geleden

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