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LiamLullaby is offline

Marietta, GA. Amerika


Zingen, gitaar spelen, mijn meisje natekenen =)

I'm Liam =)
I'm new.
I dunno what to put here.
hi =)
I have a huge crush on Lillith *Lily* =)
and I love BLUE! dunno why.. AWKWARD!
btw; my speplling is terrible, I know..

I’m a guy who smiles while he´s destroyed on the inside. I'm a guy who trusts his grief only to people he cares about. I'm a guy who will always laugh, no matter how broke I am. I'm a guy who will always help, no matter how broken or sad I am. I'm just a guy who people trust, who trust me. I'm a guy who will always help, even if I can do nothing. And I'm a guy you will never understand, because I do not even understand myself.

A boy who everybody want to love, being open to everyone. And yet so very broken, people do not take him seriously, laugh at him. Anger takes him, and he will never be the same. He'll think that in certain things in life, he´s not good enough, thinking he really cares about nothing. But inside he cries for love, crying for a little respect....

voor de twee vrouwen die alle steun nu het meeste kunnen gebruiken;
Lily en Mimi

You stole my heart: ripped it out and smashed it on the ground. And I just smiled, because you touched me.

1 decennium geleden

1 decennium geleden

1 dagen 4 uur

1587 [24 uur]











2 Creaties van LiamLullaby

Gastenboek (32)

  • Billy483


    1 decennium geleden
  • Billy483

    :Y) here I am again

    1 decennium geleden
  • Escritura

    Well I love the name Liam :D I have a Liam in my story too ^^

    1 decennium geleden
  • Escritura

    .... I love your name O,O no, I do, it's awesome.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Billy483

    (huil) i cant stop crying

    1 decennium geleden

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