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Gaming - listening to music - Rollplaying

Titel: [url=http://]Vampire Assassin[/url]
Name: [url=http://]Kirari – Miwa – Nao[/url]
Surename: [url=http://]Hajime[/url]
Birthdate: [url=http://]09/02/1991 [/url]
Age: [url=http://]21[/url]

Bloodtype: [url=http://]AB Negative[/url]
Height: [url=http://]1.70 M[/url]
Weight: [url=http://]40 KG[/url]
Eyes: [url=http://]Diamond Green[/url]
Hair: [url=http://]Snow White[/url]

Drugs/Smoking/Alcohol/Sex: [url=http://]No/ Sometimes/Yes/Yes[/url]
Crush: [url=http://]Yes[/url]
Sexual Orientation: [url=http://]Bisexual[/url]
Servant of: Suigintou Miki Hellsing
Maid of: -

It was February 1991, a child was born. It was a girl with Snow white Hair and Diamond Green eyes. Her parents were the happiest people on earth to have a girl like this. They gave her the name Kirari, because this name was unique in their family.
A year later, when Kirari turned 1 years old. Her dad got an deadly sickness, of course Kirari didn’t know about this. Her mom hide it from her child, since her child was still young. That same year her dad passed away, because of that deadly sickness. Kirari realized that her dad didn’t came back anymore, when she was on the funeral.
But a few months later, her mom was driving the car to go to work. But didn’t really looked out where she was driving. She got involved in an car accident, 2 drivers died that day. Kirari’s mother and another woman. Many years had passed when Kirari turned 21, she felt in an depression and later those days she also had sadness.
But also when she felt this bad, a woman with long black hair and ice cold eyes appeared at that huge villa where Kirari was living and asked her to join the "fallen angels". So now she's a member of that group the "fallen angels".

Kirari can be sweet but also very bitchy. Since she lost her parents when she was young, she started to do mean things. Like:”Biting people in the night, going out late at night, walking around with a hidden word”.
Kirari was never followed by the police, but she knew that some-one was following her everywhere she was going to. But she never realized that it could be dangerous for her to be outside late at night. Kirari’s personality is difficult to explain because she always change her mood.
When she’s about to get into a fight with her enemy’s she starts to play with them, they always fall for her tricks. Then she starts to attack them and suck all their blood away. That’s just her fighting style, thinking with her brains instead of fighting with her skills.

Likes: Kirari likes children very much, she also likes to sing/dance/cook/read and listening to music. Her favorite music is Japanese rock, she can’t get enough of that music.
Dislikes: Boys who’re ruining her life, people who’re hurting her, cute stuff[strike](like cute cats/pink/Hello Kitty/Pucca enz.)[/strike] She also doesn’t like it when some-one talks bad about her.

Father: [url=http://]Satoshi Hajime[/url] (Died long ago because of an deadly sickness)
Mother: [url=http://]Miwa Koharu,- Hajime[/url] (Died also long ago because of an car accident)
Brother: [url=http://]Toushi Hajime[/url]
Sister: -

"Life can be a true lie."

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31 minuten 16 seconden

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Gastenboek (3)

  • Eleni

    Welkom op Quizlet :)

    1 decennium geleden
  • NicoleStyles

    Mooi profiel <3

    1 decennium geleden
  • Lenore

    Welkom op Quizlet!!! xxx

    1 decennium geleden

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