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xiesiex, dreamcatcherx, _patch, Feniks, Ortuexsy, Lunea, Atarau, Hygge, Sophamoara, Caligosus, Atarangie, Lyrea, Herfst, AteIophobia, PhiIophobia, Alpas

"The fear of love."

"I often fear I am unloveable, for I have no clue how to love. I have never felt any butterflies in my stomach, my head never started spinning for that special someone. I have always had a hard time watching the people that did find love, maybe it was because I was jealous, maybe because I never have known that feeling, maybe because minutes with their lover, were minutes stolen away from me. I often fear I am unloveable, for I am selling out my body to maybe feel something, but never do. I wished to the stars for someone to come a long, for someone to steal my heart away and at the same time I fear to let it go. For I rather won't take the fall and keep whole my heart, than fall and leave my heart in pieces. I am torn between what I want, what my heart wants and what my head tells me to. I am torn and trying so hard not to be broken that maybe I am. Not broken in the way shivers are found on the ground, broken in a way it's still whole, but doesn't really work anymore."

"The stars replaced the emptiness of my heart."

9 jaar geleden

3 jaar geleden

3 weken 14 uur

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21 Creaties van PhiIophobia

Gastenboek (605)

  • glowfaery

    Jaa met banaan!(heart2)

    6 jaar geleden
  • glowfaery

    Hahah dat dacht ik al dus was echt aan het kijken hoe ik het het best kon fixen

    Maar omg laat Eugene maar smoothie brengen hoor, ik ben er klaar voor

    6 jaar geleden
  • inktzwart


    6 jaar geleden
  • Sombre

    Isgoed (:

    6 jaar geleden
  • Sombre

    Heyy, wanneer post je weer in american device? (:

    -give me a heads up-


    6 jaar geleden

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