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One Direction



"No, Jimmy protested" - Louis

"I have a strange fear of spoons." - Liam

"Juggling with phones and wallets." - Liam

"Oh, I'm Harry and I'm from Cheshire." - Niall

"Woef woef!" - Louis

"She is so hot, but she doesn't even realise it. But we do!" - Louis

"Yes, no, maybe, what?" - Louis

"VasHappenin?" - Zayn

"This is Niall's seat, as you can see." - Harry

"Like the mushroom. Fun-gi." - Louis

"I like girls, who eat carrots." - Louis

"Now kiss me you fool." - Harry

"Hesitation!" - Louis

"My worst habit is getting naked all the time." - Harry

"I'm dressed as a cheerleader. I mean, no, I mean- that was last night." - Harry

"I'm Harry." - Harry "And I'm still Louis." - Louis

"O my god, it's Harry Styles!" - Louis

"I've learned, how much you can fit into a suitcase." - Louis

"I love Larry Stylinson." - Louis

"Liam, shut up. I'm trying to do an interview!" - Niall

"I'd eat Zayn. I don't know why, but I would." - Liam

"The worst thing is, you can't fall asleep in the car without having things done to you." - Harry

"Maybe if you had like a more serious twittername, maybe I'll marry you." - Zayn

"Fly!" - Harry

"Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me!" - Louis

"How many Pokémon can you fit in an elevator?" - Zayn

"The best thing about doing the X Factor was meeting the four best people ever." - Liam

"Hi, we're One Direction!" - One Direction

"Cup of boobs." - Harry

Twitter : @StylatorMania
Kik : AmyPracht
Instagram : ImAmylicious

Never judge a book by it's cover.

1 decennium geleden

6 jaar geleden

13 uur 46 minuten

773 [24 uur]











1 Creaties van Gomezing

Gastenboek (7)

  • Lovato

    Neeee )':
    Weet je, ik gaa denk ik een iPod kopen dus dan zet ik het daar wel op, dat gaat vast stukken beter. Toch bedankt! En het lijkt me wel een hele leuke app trouwens

    1 decennium geleden
  • Lovato

    Ja, ik heb wel twitter, maar ik doe er niet extreem veel mee, eigenlijk.
    Maar goed, m'n twitternaam is: fieke_b
    Als je zegt wie jij bent volg ik je back ;D

    1 decennium geleden

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