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it hurts to love you / but I still love you
it's just the way I feel

can I let go? / and let your memory dance
in the ballroom of my mind / across the county line

she turned her head and walked away, so far I could no longer see

1 decennium geleden

1 jaar geleden

3 weken 4 dagen

19452 [24 uur]











2 Creaties van periphery

Gastenboek (536)

  • MCourtois

    Bedankt voor je complimenten, meid ;$ Vergeet niet dat ik dat evenwel over jou kan zeggen :')
    You know, als je wil praten over dat dipje - twijfel niet, hé! Ik ben blij dat ik je kon opbeuren,
    Ik hou ook van jou! <3

    1 decennium geleden
  • MCourtois

    Yes, you are the sweet one! Look at all the things you said to me, all the smiles you created.. you are the sweetest & loveliest person I've ever "met". And that's the truth!
    "School is killing me, my lovelife sucks and it seems like everything is just going wrong. But then I turn on that PC and find another of your sweet messages and there's the smile again (: " - Can I just copy that sentence, please? I guess our lives lookalike.. and see, that's again such a sweet thing you said! So, yeah, you are the sweetest :')
    Hah, & I swear you : there are lots of people who don't love a girl like me ^^ But then, I think of a girl I've met on the internet who's so sweet to me and then I think : well, I don't need them if they don't need me. I have someone they don't have, Eva. I have you. Thank you.
    Remember I'll always be there for you, anytime, I love you <3

    1 decennium geleden
  • Rho

    Yess haha :Y)

    1 decennium geleden
  • MCourtois

    Dear Eva,
    I just saw you changed that sentence on your profile.. Can I just tell you the truth, please? You are the sweetest person I've ever met. And at the moment I really need people like you. So thank you. You're one of the things that currently go right in my life and I wanna thank you for that : thank you for coming into my life & thank you for staying with me.
    I love you, Eva, <3 I don't know if you know how much you mean to me, but I swear you : you mean a lot to me. Meeting you would be one of the best moments of my life. I guess I would hug you half of the time.. But I want to get to know the person behind this profile, even tho I already know a lot about you - I still want to get to know you a bit better. And yeah, I guess you're just the sweetest person I know :') I love you, boo <3

    1 decennium geleden
  • MCourtois

    Bedankt voor je reactie, <3 Haha, je zult er snel genoeg achter komen :') Ben van plan wat regelmatiger te schrijven ^^
    Oh my god, I know right! Ik ben woensdag begonnen met seizoen 1 (ja, ik kom achter) en ik heb ondertussen al 8 afleveringen bekeken, of zo ... addicted! Wow, dat is lang xo
    Naww, ik voelde gewoon dat je nood had aan een nieuw stukje! Just kidding, :') Bedankt voor de complimenten, I love you, boo <3
    & oh my god, ik heb onlangs gedroomd dat ik je ontmoette #weird! Nice, tho x

    1 decennium geleden

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