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badgalriri is offline






i tried to buy your pretty heart, but the price too high

8 jaar geleden

7 jaar geleden

3 dagen 9 uur

3154 [24 uur]











Gastenboek (172)

  • Camouli

    Precies. Zoveel mensen viben met haar & I love it. Ga je lader pakken!!!!!!!

    Uhmmm sowieso gaan we er een feestje van maken! I like him. :Y)

    7 jaar geleden
  • Camouli

    Thank you (flower)

    Ik ben gek op alle positieve reacties die ik op haar krijg ^^

    Can't wait, he's my baby already. I can relate so much.

    7 jaar geleden
  • Camouli

    Ik ben er erg tevreden mee — Al zeg ik zelf. Yes, nice! Can't wait. Alhoewel ik wel aardig wat progress zie bij geschiedenis en status c;

    7 jaar geleden
  • Camouli

    I did it! — Haar innerlijk is af wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

    Ik kon het toch zelf heeheheh, Harlowe is ook gebaseerd op Slytherin Headcanons dus ik dacht why not (:

    7 jaar geleden
  • Camouli

    True. Nou ik kijk meestal bij "slytherin headcanons" op Tumblr ofzo, daar haal ik dan leuke dingen uit, en voeg ik toe aan mijn karakters ^^

    Heb dit so far: (Help me I need inspo) ***AANGEPAST***
    "fuck with me,I dare you"-attitude,
    a pragmatic thinker,
    all work and no play,
    can be quite negative,
    can be very kind when she's trying,
    demanding because of high expectations she is forced to live up to,
    doesn't trust people easily,
    extremely loyal,
    has moments were she struggles with english,
    is a good story teller,
    is always looking to achieve,
    just needs a hug,
    loves a brainstorming session,
    loves the feeling of being desired or needed,
    puts emphasis on the good things in life and tries to have a positive outlook,
    puts everything off until the last minute because she “works best under pressure",
    rather humble about great achievements at a young age,
    will talk to you in polish and not realise that some don't understand,
    witheringly critical of self,

    7 jaar geleden

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