• Stemmen!:9~

    "Ignite, my love. Ignite."

    Stemmeliestemmelie gedaan!(cat)

    everything, in time

    gestemd. (cat)

    I know there's a way so I promise: 'I'm gonna clean up the mess I made'


    Be here, be alive, and be the means to a worthwhile end. Head down, chin up, eyes on the horizon. Don’t blow it.

    Papercut schreef:

    Papercut schreef:

    effort never betrays you

    Gestemd (K)

    plork: prachitg lichaam ontichelijke rot kop

    Gestemd, Abby.

    Don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.

    gestemt (A)



    gedaan. (:

    Als ik val, sta ik op. Als ik sta, val ik op.

    Done > Abby <3

    You are beautiful, you are love.


    Noem mezelf baas, want ze weten wie ik ben.