• Quiz van de week:
    Welke godin ben je?
    nu doen

    Topic van de week:
    De Quizlet Kerstbomenwedstrijd!

    Story van de week:

    ''When people always ask me why it's so hard for me to trust other people,

    I ask them why it's so damn hard to keep a freaking promise.''

    [center]''I often wonder why I've carried all this guilt, when it's you that helped me put up all these walls I've built.
    Shadows stir at night through a crack in the door, the echo of my broken voice screaming "pl (lees verder)

    Poll van de week:
    Leukste feestdag van December is;
    - Kerst
    - Sinterklaas
    - Oud & Nieuw
    - Allemaal even leuk!

    Foto van de week:

    Dit is mijn signature...

    owyes mijn quiz(H)

    I Lick The Gun When I'm Done, Cuz I Know That Revenge Is Sweet

    Die foto is echt wel nice :9~

    Life has many different chapters, one bad chapter doesn't mean the end of the book.

    Woah die nagels zijn tering vet! :9~

    *insert philosophical cringe expression here*