• Vorige was vol, en we waren gebleven bij mij (:

    we were always meant to say goodbye.

    Bekend, ja. (:

    I'm a hero, and I'm super. I guess I'm a SUPERHERO


    Life is a beautiful struggle

    héél bekend =)

    I know there's a way so I promise: 'I'm gonna clean up the mess I made'

    bekend. n_n

    Life is a beautiful struggle

    Bekend (:

    beetje bekend. (:

    Life is a beautiful struggle


    Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

    bekendios. :Y)

    Life is a beautiful struggle


    effort never betrays you

    Beroemd ^^

    I'm just a musical prostitute, my dear. - Freddie Mercury


    This is the part of me, that you're never ever gonna take away from me.

    beetje bekend. :Y)

    Life is a beautiful struggle

    Beroemd :Y)

    I know there's a way so I promise: 'I'm gonna clean up the mess I made'


    'Burning up a sun, just to say goodbye.'

    beetje bekend

    They fell in love, didn't they?