• It’s not a game, although it looks like it. There are rules. And when you don’t follow the rules you will be punished. He is the one that decides what happens. I have to listen ore else..
    When he turns on the music, I have to be quiet
    When he touches my hand, I have to smile
    When he is in a conversation, I act like I’m not more than a shadow
    When he says walk, I’ll walk. When He says talk, I’ll talk. When he says leave, I’ll leave.
    When he has that look in his eyes, I’ll run…

    Mijn nieuwe verhaal 'When the rules are Clear '

    please lees hem en laat een reactie achter ('a)

    When the rules are Clear | Tk |

    | I intend to live forever | So far so Good |

    ik vind je inleiding best mooi [ x'D ]

    Has no one told you she's not breathing?