• When nothing is going right, go left. (nerd)
    En zo heb ik er nog wel een paar maar toch welke vinden jullie geniaal?

    Be here, be alive, and be the means to a worthwhile end. Head down, chin up, eyes on the horizon. Don’t blow it.

    I'm not a loser! I'm the coolest loser ever!

    When you say bite me, I consider that foreplay.

    I've learned, that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and they they'll panic and give in.

    pen is stuck.
    God, you pervert.

    You just waisted 5 seconds reading this.
    Why are you still reading this?
    Do you like wasting your time?
    You can stop reading now, thank you.

    Die laatste is gewoon droog ='D

    [ bericht aangepast op 2 april 2010 - 14:49 ]

    If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

    Randomnicity schreef:
    I'm not a loser! I'm the coolest loser ever!

    When you say bite me, I consider that foreplay.

    I've learned, that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and they they'll panic and give in.

    pen is stuck.
    God, you pervert.

    You just waisted 5 seconds reading this.
    Why are you still reading this?
    Do you like wasting your time?
    You can stop reading now, thank you.

    Die laatste is gewoon droog ='D

    hahaha, die vind ik allemaal grappig.(krul)

    Smiling but close to tears.

    Als je voor me valt, help ik je niet opstaan

    Zoals de oude Hawaiianen altijd zeiden: Als je troebel water met rust laat, wordt het vanzelf helder.

    pen is stuck.
    God, you pervert.

    omg die is gewoon geniaal^^

    You've got to realize: you're the Devil as much as you're God.

    Who ever said that words never hurt obviously has never got hit by a dictionary.

    Be here, be alive, and be the means to a worthwhile end. Head down, chin up, eyes on the horizon. Don’t blow it.

    NYC schreef:
    Who ever said that words never hurt obviously has never got hit by a dictionary.

    Haha die is geniaal :"D

    Alis volat propriis.

    Ik ben uniek, net als iedereen.:Y)

    everything, in time

    ik wet helaas nietsxD

    Real love story's never have happy endings, 'cause real love story's never end..

    Ghaha, die is goed.

    Tanya is de beste.

    Scrubs schreef:
    There's nothing wrong with being a loser.
    It just depends on how good you are at it.:9~

    Billie Joe :9~

    maar ehm...
    "School is practice for future life, practice makes perfect and nobodys perfect, so why practice?”
    “It's my fucking life and - you know what? - nobody invited you... so there's the door.”
    "i'ma cut your legs off, so then you cant ride no more bikes. Unless you peddle with your hands. Sucka"
    People think I don't like them because I frown a lot. But I'm not angry, I'm just thinking (about how much I hate you.)

    Als de haai niet kraait voor 't ochtendrood, dan gaat 't zeker regenen. Of de haan is dood.

    behind very angel is a demon

    MakeAWave schreef:
    Hoe zetten ze de bordjes 'niet lopen op het gras' in de gras?

    whahaha geniaal :'D

    "Juffrouw? Ge hebt iets laten vallen!" "Aah, wat dan?" "Een stukske pretentie"

    So here's a heart to heart on the back of postcards sent from California

    xTWINNIES schreef:
    "Juffrouw? Ge hebt iets laten vallen!" "Aah, wat dan?" "Een stukske pretentie"

    Benidorm Bastards ftw _O_

    Clairvoyance schreef:
    Benidorm Bastards ftw _O_

    En Facebook (flower)

    So here's a heart to heart on the back of postcards sent from California