• A: You like to drink.

    B: Everyone wants you.

    C: You are really silly.

    D: You messed up everyones bed.

    E: Damn good kisser.

    F: You are dead sexy.

    G: You never let people tell you what to do.

    H: You have a very good personality and looks.

    I: You are great in bed.

    J: People adore you.

    K: You're wild and crazy.

    L: Everyone loves you.

    M: Best kisser ever.

    N: You like to drink.

    O: Awesome kisser.

    P: You are popular with all types of people.

    Q: You are a hypocrite.

    R: Fuckin' crazy.

    S: Easy to fall in love with you.

    T: You're loyal to those you love.

    U: You really like to chill.

    V: You are not judgemental.

    W: You are very broad minded.

    X: You never let people tell you what to do.

    Y: Best Friend anyone could ever ask for.

    Z: You look very sexy.

    Life is a fairytale, told by an idiot.

    F: You are dead sexy
    E: Damn good kisser.
    N: You like to drink.

    M: Best kisser ever.
    I: You are great in bed
    R: Fuckin' crazy.
    E: Damn good kisser.
    I: You are great in bed
    L: Everyone loves you
    L: Everyone loves you
    E: Damn good kisser.



    R: Fuckin' crazy.
    O: Awesome kisser.
    N: You like to drink.
    A: You like to drink.
    K: You're wild and crazy.


    R: Fuckin' crazy
    A: You like to drink.
    Q: You are a hypocrite.
    U: You really like to chill.
    E: Damn good kisser.
    L: Everyone loves you.

    koewl ^^

    People who are meant to be together always find each other in the end.

    C: You are really silly.
    Y: Best Friend anyone could ever ask for
    N: You like to drink
    T: You're loyal to those you love
    H: You have a very good personality and looks
    I: You are great in bed
    A: You like to drink

    r=funking crazy

    e=damn good kisser

    n=you like to drink

    a=you like to drink

    t=You're loyal to those you love.

    a=you like to drink

    A: You like to drink.
    N: You like to drink.
    O: Awesome kisser.
    U: You really like to chill.
    K: You're wild and crazy

    owkey dit klopt XD

    cry me a river..build a bridge.. &nd get 0vr it..

    Z: You look very sexy.
    O: Awesome kisser.
    E: Damn good kisser.

    S: Easy to fall in love with you.
    A: You like to drink.
    N: You like to drink.
    N: You like to drink.
    E: Damn good kisser.

    N: You like to drink.
    A: You like to drink.
    O: Awesome kisser.
    M: Best kisser ever.
    I: You are great in bed.

    Conclusie: Ik kan goed kussen en ben goed in bed als ik veel drink xD !!

    What's wrong whit loving someone?