    de enige echte eerste Willem die hier aanwezig was.
    Willem a.k.a. Willom. Is 16 geworden (:

    YEAH. gefeliciteerd! (: (3e x)

    The economy is suffering, let it DIE!

    Happy B-Day!.

    Zelfs de kleinste ster schittert in het donker

    gefeliciteerd _O_

    Read this upside down: 370HSSV 0773H

    happy bday!

    Some people make the world special just by being in it

    Gefeliciteeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd :'D


    Proficiaaat! (hoera)

    I may not always be perfect, but I'll always try.


    Wie du mir, so ich dir.

    Oehyeah ;d

    Congraaaaaats :D

    Aye, brother! 4 8 15 16 23 42

    AWW :3
    dankuuuuu ;D

    blame the bully.


    Life is hard and then we die

    happy b-day to you!

    [ bericht aangepast op 10 sep 2009 - 20:31 ]


    Think before you act.

    Happy b'day.

    Be here, be alive, and be the means to a worthwhile end. Head down, chin up, eyes on the horizon. Don’t blow it.

    Happy Birthdaaaaaaay 8D

    If I die young, send me away with the words of a lovesong.