• New album from Tokio Hotel is called “humanoid”
    © 20.7.2009 – 10:14 clock

    Hamburg (dpa) – The fans of Tokio Hotel do not have to wait much longer: The new album of the Magdeburger Teenie-rocker comes in the first week of October, and is called “Humanoid”. The band informed manager David Jost Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa with.

    “Bill (Kaulitz) wanted the new album around the world just a name,” said Jost. The word “humanoid” is the science-fiction and language is taken from anthropoid.

    The first two album of the internationally successful musicians got for the English market is still another name: “Scream” for the first album “Schrei”, which came out in September 2005, and “Room 483″ for “Room 483″ dated February 2007.

    I need you like a heart needs a beat

    had ik al gehoord en was al een topic over :P

    ik had er al een topic over

    Laat me nu toch niet alleen, radeloos en verloren.....

    oei :X
    wist ik niet
    slotje dan

    I need you like a heart needs a beat

    WTF, wat een idioot engels! O.O

    Pink is Not just a colour. It's a Way of Life!

    Ik vind 't grappig. XD

    If music be the food of love, play on!

    Wie du mir, so ich dir.