• De persoon boven je zegt een liedje en als je dat nummer op je iPod/iTunes/Windows media Player hebt zeg je ja, anders nee. Dan post je weer een nieuw liedje -link ervan hoeft dus niet-
    Persoon #1; You me at six - Save it for the bedroom
    Persoon #2; ja
    Britney Spears - if u seek amy.

    ik begin; Fall out boy - sugar we're going down.

    There are several things that I have been doing wrong.


    black eyed peas - boom boom pow

    Best way not to get your heart broken, is to pretend you don't have one.


    Regina Spektor - The Call

    Life moves pretty fast, if you dont stop and look around once in a while you might miss it.

    Selena Gomez & Drew Seeley - New Classic

    If I die young, send me away with the words of a lovesong.


    Marco Borsato - Zonder Jou..

    Seni cok seviyorum Seyfo..


    Black Eyed Peas - Where is the love?

    Alcohol is for people who can afford to lose some braincells


    Beste vriend op aarde - Samson en Gert

    Never say you're happy, when your eyes still cry.

    Duh =D Nee. Wel op CD =3

    Lady GaGa - Lovegame

    It's Shiny. It's Bling-Bling. It's... Cat Casino!


    30 Seconds to Mars - From Yesterday

    nope...wil nog wel downloaden^^

    jimmy eats world - the middle

    Don't fashion me into a maiden that needs saving from a dragon. I am the dragon, and I will eat you whole.


    Rezaldy - Het begin..

    Seni cok seviyorum Seyfo..


    owl city - the saltwater room

    i think about you every day~

    Lost Boy - The Subways.


    Metallica - Until it sleeps(yeah)

    You're the heir, I'm the forgotten grave..


    Kanye West - Stronger

    Alcohol is for people who can afford to lose some braincells


    Pink - Please don't leave me

    I need you like a heart needs a beat