• Tsja, ik weet echt niet of ze wat zijn, maar ik post ze maar:

    That night you stole my heart

    I did not dare to tell you

    Until you said that I stole yours too

    We liked each other for quite a while

    Then you took back yours

    And you broke mine

    Broke it into two pieces

    Two pieces which say exactly the opposite

    One says I still love you

    The other one tells me to stop

    Stop because you never really loved me

    Did you really steal my heart just to break it?

    I need to know

    I need to get it clear

    If I don’t know it I might cut my throat

    Cut my throat for you

    And you have to leave me here

    Here to bleed.
    I hate myself,

    I hate my life,

    I hate everything,

    I don’t care about anything anymore,

    My life became meaningless,

    You said you loved me,

    You said I was your everything,

    When it was over,

    You said you would always remember me,

    You said you would be there for me,

    There for me when I had troubles,

    There for me when I wanted to talk,

    You didn’t make anything come true,

    You’re ignoring me while I want to talk,

    You seem to have forgotten me already,

    But still,

    I can’t forget you,

    I want you back,

    I want you to say I love you to me again,

    I’d love to feel your kisses again,

    But most of all,

    I want you,

    Your personality,

    A sweet person next to me.
    Dus, tell me






    wauw O.O

    Hated by many, confronted by none!