• Messrs.
    Moony, Wormtail,
    Padfoot & Prongs

    are proud to present

    Marauder's Map

    HOGWARTS, 1976

    Het tweede semester van hun vijfde schooljaar start voor de Marauders, maar niet zonder moeilijkheden. Terwijl de leerlingen van Hogwarts School of Magic hun eigen problemen, verlangens en connecties trachten te navigeren, wordt de dreiging van Voldemort's Death Eaters steeds reëler. De terreuraanvallen die plaatsvonden tijdens de Kerstvakantie wegen zwaar door op iedereen en de spanningen zijn voelbaar. De imminente oorlog sluipt steeds dichterbij, maar wat betekent dit voor de leerlingen? Is er nog plaats voor grappen in deze grimmige tijd? Bestaat er nog romantiek als iedereen kanten moet kiezen?

    ✦ De taal waarin je schrijft kies je zelf - bespreek dit wel eerst met je tegenspeler - maar voor het gemak gebruiken we best allen de Engelse woorden zoals Death Eater, Hogwarts en namen van lessen (:
    ✦ En dan alle huisregels en zovoort, y'all know the drill: wees vriendelijk, gebruik triggerwarnings, bespreek dingen op voorhand, sluit niemand uit, yadiyadiya.
    ✦ Als je even niet beschikbaar bent, laat het even weten in het praattopic, dan is dat duidelijk voor iedereen. Laat je na een week niks van je horen, dan mag je tegenspeler zijn/haar/hun personage vrij schrijven. Laat je na 14 dagen niks weten, dan wordt je personage een NPC maar kan je altijd terug inspringen. Na anderhalve maand vermoordt Voldemort je personage (mopje, maar laat gewoon iets weten, oké?)
    ✦ Het is geen canon RPG, maar houdt wel rekening met specifieke gebeurtenissen die in de canon gebeuren. Onderaan heb ik een timeline toegevoegd met wat relevante gebeurtenissen.
    ✦ Er is géén minimum vereiste voor posts, maar geef je tegenspeler genoeg om op te reageren. That's the point of RPG'ing, my gals (and guys and gays).

    November 3rd 1959
    No specific date known 1960

    January 9th 1960
    March 10th 1960
    March 27th 1960
    No specific date known 1961
    February 16th 1965
    circa 1970

    September 1st 1971
    September 1st 1972
    Sirius Black is born.
    Peter Pettigrew is born.
    Lily Evans is born.
    Severus Snape is born.
    Remus Lupin is born.
    James Potter is born.
    Regulus Black is born.
    Remus is bitten by Fenrir Greyback.
    Pure blood riots.
    Voldemort rises to power.
    The Order of the Phoenix is created.
    The Marauders, Lily and Severus start at Hogwarts. │ Marauders 1st year
    Regulus Black starts at Hogwarts. │ Marauders 2nd year
    The Marauders become Animagi.│ Marauders 4th year

    circa 1975

    March 1976
    June 1976
    June 1978

    circa 1980
    July 31st 1980
    August 1980

    October 24th 1981

    October 31st 1981

    Sirius runs away from home and is disowned. │ Marauders 4th year
    The Marauders Map is created. │ Marauders 4th year
    Remus becomes prefect. │ Marauders 5th year
    Mulciber attacks Mary Mcdonald. │ Marauders 5th year
    Sirius plays a practical joke on Severus Snape. │ Marauders 5th year
    Snape's Worst Memory - James publicly humiliates him. │ Marauders 5th year
    James and Lily are made Head Boy and Girl. │ Marauders 7th year
    The Marauders finish Hogwarts.
    Regulus Black finishes Hogwarts and attempts to back out of being
    a Death Eater. He dies.
    Lily Evans and James Potter get married.
    Peter Pettigrew becomes a spy for Voldemort.
    Harry Potter is born.
    Severus Snape tells Dumbledore of the prophecy and begs Dumbledore
    to keep Lily safe.
    The Fidelius Charm is cast to hide the Potters, with Peter Pettigrew
    acting as Secret Keeper.
    The End (we don't need to go into detail)

    Maankalender van 1976
    Quidditch teams
    James - 5th year
    Amos Diggory - 6th year
    Alice Fortescue - 7th year - Team Captain

    Marlene - 5th year
    Sirius - 5th year

    Frank Longbottom - 7th year

    Mary - 5th year
    Dorcas - ? year
    Evan - 4th year
    Pandora - 4th year

    Barty - 4th year
    Rabastan Lestrange - 7th year - Team Captain

    Emmaline Vance - 6th year

    Regulus - 4th year
    Quidditch matches of the 1975-1976 school year
    first Saturday of November: Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw | 200 -120
    first Saturday of December: Hufflepuff vs Slytherin | 70 - 180

    last Saturday of January: Gryffindor vs Slytherin
    last Saturday of February: Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff
    last Saturday of March: Ravenclaw vs Slytherin
    last Saturday of May: Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff

    ✦ Sirius Black | 16 | Year 5 | M | Caeneus
    ✦ James Potter | 15 | Year 5 | M | ziggystardust
    ✦ Remus Lupin | 15 | Year 5 | M | Fendyr
    ✦ Peter Pettigrew | 15 | Year 5 | M | NPC

    ✦ Lily Evans | 15 | Year 5 | F | bluebanisters
    ✦ Marlene McKinnon | 16 | Year 5 | F | ziggystardust
    ✦ Mary Mcdonald | 15 | Year 5 | F | Caeneus

    ✦ Regulus Black | 14 | Year 4 | M | bluebanisters
    ✦ Barty Crouch Jr | 15 | Year 4 | M | ziggystardust
    ✦ Evan Rosier | 15 | Year 4 | M | Caeneus
    ✦ Severus Snape | 15 | Year 5 | NPC

    ✦ Pandora Rosier | 15 | Year 4 | F | bluebanisters
    ✦ Dorcas Meadowes | 15 | Year 5 | F | Fendyr

    ✦ Xenophilius Lovegood | 15 | Year 5 | M | Fendyr

    [ bericht aangepast op 28 okt 2024 - 19:48 ]

    kindness is never a burden.



    gryffindor • 15 • muggleborn • fifth year • prefect • with mary • gryffindor common room

    She was aimlessly leaving through the magazines she had ‘borrowed’ from Petunia, legs tucked up under a blanket. Her chair close to the crackling fire. Each page made her frown deepen. Was this what her sister read, all the time? It explained how Tuny had changed so much. Or perhaps, she was the one that had changed. Too much for the sister to still understand each other. Absentmindly, she curled a red lock around one of her fingers.
          Christmas break had been… something. Severus had come by nearly every day, begging her to talk to him, pleading that he hadn’t meant what he had said. By day six, Lily was sick and tired of it and snapped at him that she’d curse him as soon as they’d set foot on the train, if he kept coming by. Bloody trace. He shuffled away after that, shoulders hunched, head down. And she had felt bad, yelling at him. Leaving him entirely to his own devices, with his horrible father.
          It was why she was already fed up and frustrated when her sister’s friends came by a few days later, for some tea, scones and most importantly: gossip. Her mother thought it was a lovely idea for Lily to join. It didn’t go unnoticed to her that they were all staring at her nosering, as if she had something offensive tattooed on her forehead. It wasn’t hard to guess what Petunia had told them. After the next countless stare, she had excused herself and marched up to the bathroom. With her mother’s hairdressing scissors, she cut off her long hair. Prior, reaching well below her waist. Now, only just grazing past her shoulders. Acting like she had done nothing at all, she returned to the living room. Some of the girls actually gasped.
          That same night, it was Petunia that did all the yelling. Accusing her of always making everything about her.

    A sudden pressure of warmth made her look up. Mary’s hand sneaked towards the bag of nachos, emptying it.
          “My second dinner!” Lily protested loudly. “How dare you, Mcdonald, these are sacred.” Wizards didn’t make nachos chips like muggles did. In fact, they didn’t make them at all. So, prior to going home, Lily had magically enchanted to inside of her suitcase to fit more stuff. Mostly so she could take a trolleyload of nachochips back with her. She meant to go through her stash slowly (Petunia would never send her nachos and her mom didn’t like using owlpost), but was already failing.

    “Sometimes, I think he’s doing it on purpose,” Mary suddenly said.
          Lily put her (Petunia’s) magazine down. She didn’t need to ask if Mary was talking about Michael
          “Like he’s punishing me for being the first.” Her friend’s curls against her legs felt comforting. “That he has to live up to the expectations I set for myself.” Mary turned her face towards Lily. “Does that make sense?”
          She studied Mary’s face, the insecurities beneath it. “Perhaps. Or, he is just your normal twelve-year old who doesn’t want to do his homework with his big sister on a Friday night. That isn’t very cool, can’t have his friends thinking he is as big as a nerd as you are.” Lily leaned forward and hugged Mary from behind. “If anything, he looks up to you. You should see the way he cheers you on during Quidditch games. Absolutely beaming. Maybe, instead of doing homework together on Friday nights, teach him some Quidditch.”
          With her head resting on Mary’s shoulder, she glanced over at the boys. They were whispering excitedly together, which could only mean one thing. “Oh, they are definitely up to something,” Lily murmured. “They all have that giddy, mischievous gleam in their eyes.” It was sort of adorable, though she would never admit that aloud. “What are your guesses?”

    sometimes, the scary thing turns out to be the most wonderful thing of all



    slytherin • 15 • pureblood • fourth year • chaser • with evan and barty • slytherin common room

    Barty handed Evan the world’s smallest present in existence. People always said that it was the thought behind it that counted, but this even had her frowning. Her friend also needed to work on his wrapping skills, the package giving of the vibe as if a one-eyed blind troll had wrapped it. The moment Evan tried out his new rolling papers, her eyes lit up. “Oh, so exciting! How did you do it?” She had to held herself back to not rip the cigarette out of Evan’s hand to study it further.

    “Got anymore tricks up your sleeve, Dora?” asked Evan. “Something else we should anticipate for? A goblin strip act or a visit from the giant squid herself?”
          “Goblin’s don’t strip for free, they are rather expensive, actually, and the Squid was fully booked for tonight,” Pandora stated matter-of-factly. “Besides, that is not very original. Amateur hour. Don’t underestimate me.” She tsk’ed and waggled her finger at him. “You are lucky you have me.” Though she was always a little bit nervous whether Evan would actually like it. Going over the top for birthdays was one of her favourite things ever. For Reggie’s last birthday, she had enchanted the birthday cake so it screamed everytime cut a slice. The first years were rather horrified. And once, for a Ravenclaw-party she charmed the staircases to the boys’ dorm, making them sing showtunes. The Prefects weren’t very pleased with her, but at least the first years did like that. “Did you know that the stairs up to the Gryffinfor and Ravenclaw girls’ dorms turn into a slide when a boy tries to go up?” she asked suddenly. “I’m a bit jealous. I would love to have an instant slide here. Much more exciting than walking.” Maybe for the next birthday…

    She stole the joint right out of Barty’s mouth and took a drag herself, blowing out slow circles. “Anyhow, it is way too early for the big surprise. You need to be a bit more patient for that, grandpa.” Pandora clapped Evan on his back. Sometimes, Evan felt like the only family she had. More like actual twins than stepsiblings. The Christmas break had mostly been Evan, herself, and the house elf. Their parents had promised to be there, this time. But, as always, something came up and they had to leave early. It was nothing new, but it was still disappointing. It was better to be at Hogwarts. Secretly, she already dreaded graduation, even though it was still over three years away.
          “What we do also have,” she revealed instead, “is potion roulette!” Some of the shot glasses were merely filled with alcohol concoctions she had come up with herself. Others contained actual potions. Adjusted a bit, making the effects last only ten minutes. “Regulus helped me!” It took a lot of puppy-eyes but in the end, he had said ‘yes’ to her pleas. She waved at their friend, who was brooding near the windows. He raised his hand in return. "So, now or later?"

    sometimes, the scary thing turns out to be the most wonderful thing of all

    Barty Crouch Jr.

    15 • Gryffindor • Year 4 • @ Slytherin Common Room • w. Pandora, Evan

    “Cheers, mate,” Evan slapped him on the back and offered him a freshly rolled joint. Barty took it, always appreciating Evan’s blunts more than anyone else’s. He watched eagerly as Evan unwrapped the first present Barty had given him. The bewitched rolling paper landed in Evan’s hand, and he raised an eyebrow.
          Barty wanted to punch him. If Evan really thought he would buy his best friend some regular rolling paper, he didn’t know him at all. Maybe he would have done that when he was 12, but they were 15 now.
          “Just use it, you spoiled brat,” Barty said, rolling his eyes.
    Luckily, Evan followed instructions, and Barty’s genius was revealed.
          “I take it back; this is the best gift ever,” Evan grinned. “Thanks, B.”
    “Of course it is,” Barty replied, grinning as well. “And just in time for you to fix that raised eyebrow, Rosier, or your second gift might just disappear.”
          “Oh, so exciting! How did you do it?” Pandora asked, her eyes lit with curiosity and delight. Barty loved that about Pandora, she always shared his enthusiasm for new magic. If they weren’t sorted into Slytherin, he was sure they’d be standing in the Ravenclaw common room right now. Thankfully, they weren’t; otherwise, Regulus and Evan wouldn’t be there with them.
          “Oh, you know, a bit of this, a bit of that,” he said casually. Then, not wanting to leave Panda in the dark, he added, “And just a simple Sticking Charm.”

    When Evan offered Barty a drink as he leaned against the table, Barty, of course, took it. Whatever Pandora had concocted earlier had actually eased the tension in his head. You’d think her makeshift cocktails would be more headache-inducing than a Time-Turner, but the opposite was true. So Barty took a large gulp and felt his throat burn.
          “Got any more tricks up your sleeve, Dora?” Evan asked. “Something else we should prepare for? A goblin strip act or a visit from the giant squid herself?”
    Barty chuckled. “Please. I’d make sure Panda rented a better stripper than a goblin, alright?”
    Pandora kept a straight face. “Goblin’s don’t strip for free, they are rather expensive, actually, and the Squid was fully booked for tonight,” she said. “Besides, that is not very original. Amateur hour. Don’t underestimate me. You are lucky you have me.”
    It made Barty crack up. “Panda, how in Salazar’s name would you know the price of a goblin stripper?”
          The answer, as with a lot of things with Pandora, would remain a mystery, because she abruptly changed the subject. She began talking about the stairs leading to the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw girls’ dorms, explaining how they turned into a slide if a boy tried to climb them.
          “Two questions,” Barty cut in sharply. “First, how do the stairs even determine your gender? What kind of magic is that? And second, how exactly do you know this? Been sneaking up into the girls’ dorms, little Panda? Got something to confess?”

    Pandora stole the joint from between Barty’s lips and started to blow pretty circles into the air. “Anyhow, it is way too early for the big surprise. You need to be a bit more patient for that, grandpa. What we do also have,” she revealed instead, “is potion roulette!”
    Barty grinned widely. “Oh this is going to be good.”
          Apparently Regulus helped her set it up. She quickly waved toward their friend, who stood near the windows of the common room, looking as though he’d rather be anywhere else. Regulus wasn’t exactly the party type, so Barty appreciated that he was even there. Honestly, it was more than anyone could have asked of him.If Regulus had helped, it meant the potions would be top-notch. Barty could barely contain his excitement, nearly bouncing his feet.
          "So, now or later?" Pandora asked.
    “Is that even a question?!” Barty said, way too excited for the unpredictable turn this evening was going to take. He spotted Isodle from across the room. Waving at him. All traces of Isolde’s strawberry Lip Smackers were washed away, and Barty liked it better that way.
          She was probably still waiting for the drink he’d promised her. But there was no way he was leaving his best friend’s side anymore, not tonight. It was Evan’s birthday! Isolde would understand. Right? Instead of waving back, he turned back to Evan and Pandora. “I’ll go first!”

    Pandora waved her wand, and a circle of shot glasses quickly appeared, perfectly centered between the three of them. She must have used a Concealment Charm, Barty thought, since the contents of the glasses were indistinguishable.
          Without a second thought, Barty grabbed one of the shot glasses and downed its contents in one swift motion. The liquid slid down his throat smoothly. Definitely not alcohol; there was no burn. This was a potion.
          Taking the joint back from Pandora, he grinned. “Alright, now let’s see what it was...”He eagerly glanced between Pandora and Evan, waiting for the potion’s effects to kick in. The question wasn’t whether it was a potion, but rather, which potion it was. His eyes fixed on Evan, he asked with a grin, “Who’s next?”

    [ bericht aangepast op 30 nov 2024 - 20:35 ]

    and the spiders from mars

    Marlene McKinnon

    16 • Gryffindor • Year 5 • @ Gryffindor Common Room • w. Lily and Mary
          Lily and Mary were sitting near the fireplace, surrounded by Muggle magazines and crisp bags. Lily’s head was resting on Mary’s shoulder, and they were whispering to each other while occasionally glancing at the boys lounging on the sofas at the other side of the common room.
          Marlene crept toward her friends, trying not to make a sound. When she reached them, she leaned in and rested her head on Mary’s other shoulder. “What are you staring at the boys for?” she whispered, hoping to get a high pitched shriek out of Mary and Lily for freaking them out. “Tell me our Fridaynight will be more interesting than staring at those four.”

    Without waiting for a reply, Marlene grabbed the magazine from Mary’s hands and tossed it at Sirius’s head. “'Can success ruin your sex life, Black?” she called out. She loved teasing Sirius, now that they have grown a bit more accustomed to eachother and working together as beaters. But unfortunately it became very clear why Marlene was a beater and not a chaser. The Harper's Bazaar didn’t hit Sirius, but Remus and landed into his lap. "Whoopsie."

    and the spiders from mars

    Year 5 ♡ Gryffindor Common Room ♡ W/ Lily & Marlene

    Mary ignored Lily's protests about her crisps, and her hand dived into the bag a second time. She knew her friend was joking anyway - although nachos really were sacred to Lily Evans, Mary also had a back up stash hidden away on the bottom of her trunk for 'emergencies'.
          ''Perhaps. Or, he is just your normal twelve-year old who doesn’t want to do his homework with his big sister on a Friday night.'' Lily answered after a beat. Mary turned her head away from her friend. That wasn't the answer she was hoping to get. She wanted affirmation that she was doing well, that she made good choices. She also knew she could always rely on Lily to be honest. ''That isn’t very cool, can’t have his friends thinking he is as big as a nerd as you are.''
          Mary laughed, and in the process released a breathe she didn't know she was holding. She leaned back into Lily's hug, putting down the magazine and placing her hands over Lily's. The little pieces of nachos dust transferred from Lily's hands to Mary's and for a second, all Mary could do was stare at it.
          ''If anything, he looks up to you. You should see the way he cheers you on during Quidditch games. Absolutely beaming. Maybe, instead of doing homework together on Friday nights, teach him some Quidditch.''
          Mary looked towards the staircase, where Michael had disappeared to. He had reappeared now and was chatting to a fellow first year student. He was holding something in his hands, and when Mary squinted to get a better look, she saw they were their dads old knucklebones and Michael was teaching his friend how to play the game.
          Not wanting to admit to Lily she was probably right - Mary had missed Quidditch practice for this silly rule she'd made up for herself, damnit! - she sat back up straight, shut the magazine and threw it back onto the pile of others. She was about to suggest a more lively Friday night activity - like a boardgame or waterpainting - when Lily spoke again, her head still on Mary's shoulder. ''Oh, they are definitely up to something.'' Mary looked at her friend, to follow her line of sight and discovered she was looking at the fifth year Gryffindor boys draped over the large sofa's a couple of meters away from them. ''They all have that giddy, mischievous gleam in their eyes.''
          From where she was seated, Mary could only really see Sirius and Peter's faces - the first definitely looked like he was up to no good. She had a harder time reading Peter - who often came across like he was just following James and Sirius around like a puppy dog - but when Mary had asked Sirius about it a couple months ago, she'd learned there was more to Peter than meets the eye.
          ''What are your guesses?''
          But before Mary could answer, a dark, blonde figure threw herself towards them. It startled Mary so bad, she yelled a foul Irish curse word, before gladly embracing Marlene McKinnons presence. ''Marlene!'' She kissed her friend on the cheek, and pulled her in closer, so the three of them formed a little cocoon of heads and bodies.
          ''Tell me our Fridaynight will be more interesting than staring at those four,'' Marlene inquired and Mary opened her mouth to suggest the boardgame or paint idea, but Marlene had already thrown a magazine at Sirius' head. It missed Sirius by a few hairs and landed on Remus instead.
          ''Nice shot, McKinnon,'' Sirius yelled back at her. ''I thought practice was your real low point, but I see you've yet to hit it.''
          Mary watched the whole thing go down with amusement. She counted herself lucky to have great friends like the Gryffindor boys and girls. Even rich, spoiled James Potter she'd grown to like, now that he stopped pursuing Lily so aggressively.
          ''I was about to suggest a game of Scrabble or Monopoly, but if you want to start a war with the Marauders, Marls, you go right ahead.'' Mary handed Marlene another magazine. She raised her eyebrow as if to dare Marlene to do it, then looked over a Sirius and shook her head a little at him - with a face that said 'really, Black? Don't entertain this'.
          Mary turned around to Lily and softly squeezed her upper thigh. ''Shall we leave these rascals to their demise and have some fun?'' Mary was terrible at Monopoly, and even worse at Scrabble - she always tried to play Irish slang words no one knew and then got disqualified for them. But she also didn't want to get involved in whatever the boys were cooking up, even if Marlene seemed entertained by it. Lily was a prefect now, they should keep her out of trouble.

    kindness is never a burden.

    evan rosier.
    year 4 ★ slytherin common room ★ pandora & barty

    Evan just let the entire goblin-stripper-conversation pass. It had been a joke, but not a good enough joke to follow it through like Pandora and Barty did. He did nod at her - although with a slightly raised eyebrow and a skeptical look on his face - when she said he was lucky to have her. He was. He knew that. Christmas had been dreadful - it usually was, but they seemed to get worse each year. The only event he still looked forward to over the holidays, was when they gathered at their uncle's house on Christmas day and Evan was able to listen in on the grown-up conversations about the Ministry and the current situation. Evan had grown especially interested in what his uncle Damon had to say.
          When the topic shifted towards the girls' dormitories, Evan lost interest and his eyes wandered over the crowd again. He saw Regulus again, still on the side. Evan lifted a cup towards his friend and beckoned him to come over with a small head movement. Regulus wasn't someone easily commanded, but it was Evans birthday, so he felt he had authority on the matter.
          ''Anyhow, it is way too early for the big surprise,'' Evan heard Pandora say. He was taking a sip of his cup when she clapped him on his back. ''You need to be a bit more patient for that, grandpa.'' He nearly choked on the liquid, coughing violently to get the trapped bubble out of his windpipe. He looked at her annoyed, then shook his head and downed the rest of the cup. No more choking on that.
          ''I think I'm done with the big surprises,'' he said. He hoped she realized the squid and goblin stripper thing had been a bad joke. ''Can't we just play a drinking game or something.'' Something normal. Something traditional.
          And right on cue, Pandora had the best idea. ''What we do also have, is potion roulette!'' A platter of shot glasses appeared on the table. Not that traditional then, but welcome nonetheless. Evan hoped to have an unfair advantage, guess which glass contained which potion by the sheer look, color and smell of it - but he was only slightly disappointed when the contents of the glasses all had the same look. A charm, obviously.
          Barty took the first shot before any one else could act. Evan raised another eyebrow. The level of confidence and arrogance Barty could exude should've been illegal. If often baffled Evan how someone so smart could also be so impulsive. It didn't seem to make sense. He did sort of respect it.
          They waited for a few seconds before the potion kicked in, but time seemed to pass slowly and nothing happened. Evan turned his raised brow towards Pandora. ''You got scammed,'' he said. She should've come to him for the potions. Regulus was alright at potions, but Evans sources were the best. Dorcas Meadowes, for example. Sometimes even Snape, though those occasions were rare and often included bribery. He had nothing on Snape at the moment - the main source of his manipulation, that mudblood Gryffindor, was made a prefect this year, which threw a little mud in Evans techniques.
          Barty grinned at Evan. ''Who's next?'' It wasn't really a question Evan realised.
          He shrugged, picked up a potion of his own and held it up for a second. ''To me.'' He shot it back. It tasted awful. Evan reached for a cup of whatever cocktail was closed to him to wash the potion down. For someone who sold a lot of potions, Evan didn't have a habit of taking them himself. He preferred old school weed and cigarettes to get him through the day.
          ''Gross,'' he remarked and looked at Panda. ''Your turn.'' He felt a little tingle start in the tips of his finger, but couldn't tell if it was his social battery running out or the effects of the potion.

    Suddenly a figure appeared in front of Evans sight. ''Oh, potion roulette, I want to play!'' It was the girl Barty had been making out with prior. He didn't know her, but also already decided that he hated her and wanted her gone.
          She nestled herself between Evan and Barty, against the table and took a shot before Panda. Evan pushed himself off the table and took a step away from the girl, towards his sister - he didn't know if he was defending himself or her from the girl.

    kindness is never a burden.

    Xenophilius Lovegood

    Ravenclaw • 15 • Fifth Year • Slytherin Common Room • With Regulus

          Xenophilius Lovegood popped up next to Regulus Black, who swallowed his drink with a pained expression. Regulus gave a half-hearted thumbs up. Following his gaze, Xeno spotted Pandora Lovegood waving enthusiastically across the room.
          “Do you lie often?” Xeno asked, genuinely curious.
    The gloomy boy had been standing by the large windows overlooking the lake for some time, and Xeno had been hoping to catch him speaking Mermish to the merpeople. Every time Xeno visited the Slytherin Common Room for parties, Regulus seemed to be glued to the window. Perhaps his friends were of the gilled kind. But despite his observations and hopes of seeing something interesting, it had been quite disappointing so far.
          Xeno took the cup from Regulus’ hands and took a sip himself. He held the liquid in his mouth for a moment, letting the flavors unfold. Breathing in deeply through his nose, he amplified the taste, a technique he’d learned from Alfred, an old winemaker who had visited them that summer.
          “I’d call this ‘Sweetness Overload,’” Xeno declared after swallowing. “Way too sweet, no depth. It needs some acidity or bitterness, you know?” He handed the cup back to Regulus.
          “Shree-kaaaas uuuth!” Xeno exclaimed in his best attempt at Mermish. Trusting The Aquatic Lexicon: A Comprehensive Guide to Mermish, he believed he had just said, It’s bad. But since he’d never actually spoken to a merperson, he wasn’t entirely sure.
          “Would you agree?” He asked, testing his 'Regulus-speaks-Mermish'-theory.

    [ bericht aangepast op 8 dec 2024 - 18:16 ]

    and the spiders from mars



    gryffindor • 15 • halfblood • werewolf • fifth year • prefect • with the marauders • gryffindor common room

    Both Sirius and James rambled about potential pranks for that evening. Peter looked at them in awe.
          “We could grab the cloak and sneak in invisible. Ooh, maybe we could sneak into their dorms, hex their beds or something. Or we could spike their drinks. Or what if we slip a few Puking Pastilles onto their snack table? Or, wait, Evan’s that weird kid, right? Maybe we could pull some Muggle trick on them. What’s a good Muggle trick?” James would never need a bouncy castle in his life, he already did enough bouncing by himself. “The possibilities are endless, you guys have to help me out here!”
          ''I like your thought process, Prongs, really I do,'' Sirius said. ''Though like I said, I don't want to use the cloak for once. If only we could get our hands on a bit of polyjuice potion. Or Moony could sneak us in under the guise of checking in on the party as a prefect?''
          Remus gave his friend a death stare. “Sirius” he sighed. “Polyjuice potion takes at least a month to brew, you should know this.”
          “Or maybe we just do it old-school and just put on masks? Does anyone know if Rosier is throwing a masquerade by any chance?” Sirius rambled on, eyes wildly looking around the common room as if the answer would be hiding behind some tired first year.

    Remus let out an exaggerated sigh. He preferred their well thought out pranks. Plans that took time, planning, messings with spells and charms, originality. Not their spontaneous ones. “Or, we don’t do anything at all,” he shrugged, looking down at this book. He wasn’t truly reading. If he were to look up again, at Sirius’ dripping hair, his cheeks would get furiously red. Something he could not afford. No one could ever find out. Not if he wanted to keep his friends. “We crash the party and we do nothing. They’ll expect us to do something, make them nervous and antsy. When we still haven’t done anything by the end of the night, they’ll think we’ve messed with their dorms or common room and nothing keeps on happening. They’ll be frantic for days, trying to figure out what it is we did.”
          He reached for the mug of hot chocolate, about to take a sip when Marlene screamed something. An object flew through the air, hit the mug, spilling hot chocolate over his book, his trousers and the chair.
          ''Nice shot, McKinnon,'' Sirius yelled.''I thought practice was your real low point, but I see you've yet to hit it.''
          Remus jumped up, his body aching, and stared at the magazine that lay open on the carpet. ”How do you recognize homosexuality in your child?”, the article read. ”And what to do about it?”
          Panic flooded through him. Had Marlene seen him staring at Sirius? Fuck fuck fuck. He should be more careful, desperately. His face turned bright red and he had nearly forgotten about his chocolate soaked trousers and ruined book.
          He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Thanks Marlene,” he said dryly. "You might need to borrow James' glasses."

    sometimes, the scary thing turns out to be the most wonderful thing of all

    James Potter

    15 • Gryffindor • Year 5 • @ Gryffindor Common Room • w. Remus, Peter, Sirius
          "Or, we don’t do anything at all,” Remus shrugged, looking down at his book.
          James wasn’t sure he’d heard correctly. What Remus was suggesting was the worst kind of betrayal known to mankind. It was treason! Doing nothing when there was a golden opportunity for a prank, the thought alone made James wince internally. He sank back into the armchair behind him.
          “Nothing?” he repeated, his voice full of disbelief. He sure as hell wasn’t going to spend his Friday night reading in the Common Room. Remus might enjoy that, but James wanted excitement! And what was better than a prank and a party? And maybe I’ll see Regulus again, he thought before he could stop himself. I could ask him why he was acting like such a dick, refusing help after falling on the ice. No! He internally corrected himself.
          “We crash the party and do nothing,” Remus said calmly. “They’ll expect us to do something. Make them nervous and antsy. When we still haven’t done anything by the end of the night, they’ll think we’ve messed with their dorms or the Common Room. And when nothing happens, they’ll be frantic for days, trying to figure out what it is we did.”
          James looked up, his eyes hopeful. “I knew you hadn’t lost your mind, Moony!”

    Their prank-planning session was abruptly interrupted when Marlene threw a magazine at Remus. Chaos erupted. He spilled hot chocolate on his book, trousers, and chair. Sirius, of course, yelled back almost immediately. Remus jumped up from his chair, looking utterly bewildered. James couldn’t help but think it was a good thing Remus didn’t play Quidditch, if a magazine could startle him this much, how would he react to a Bludger coming his way?
          Remus’ face turned red, and James felt bad for him. Unlike Sirius and James, Moony hated being the center of attention. “Thanks, Marlene,” Remus said dryly. “You might need to borrow James’ glasses.”
          “Hey! Nobody’s borrowing my glasses!” James protested. He picked up the magazine from the floor. Had Lily been reading this? Was she into this sort of thing?
    “The Hair Edit: Feathered Locks and Shag Cuts That Define the Decade.
    A step-by-step guide to achieving the perfect Farrah Fawcett wave or a chic shag cut.”

    He read the headline aloud from the page he’d randomly flipped to. “Ha! Look, Padfoot, you could use some hair advice.” He pushed the magazine into Sirius’ hands with a grin. "Can we go now?"

    [ bericht aangepast op 13 dec 2024 - 21:07 ]

    and the spiders from mars

    𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔫𝔬𝔟𝔩𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔪𝔬𝔰𝔱 𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔱

    𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔬𝔣 𝔟𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔨


    slytherin • 14 • pureblood • fourth year • seeker • with xenophilius • slytherin common room

    Xenophilius showed up out of nowhere. “Do you lie often?”
          “What?” Regulus was not able to hide his confusion. “What are you talking about?” And why was he talking to him? Mother would scold him for talking such a weird and strange person. He hoped Walburga would not find out.
          The blonde Ravenclaw was not done being rude and stole the cup out of his hands. Truly, some purebloods were taught no manners. Xenophilius would go on the same list as Potter. Though, figured Regulus, Sirius had been taught manners but none of that never stuck much. Potter’s fault, he dared to bet.
          “I’d call this ‘Sweetness Overload. Way too sweet, no depth. It needs some acidity or bitterness, you know?”
          His head turned towards the boy, ignoring the cup. Lovegood could keep it, now that he drank from it. “There is nothing wrong with Pandora’s drinks,” he snapped. In fact, the drink was too sweet. Regulus did not like sweet drinks. But he did not appreciate anyone offending anything his friends did. Even if they were right. “Perhaps bring your own next time, if this is not up to your standards. And don’t tell Pandora this.”

    “Shree-kaaaaas uuuth!” Lovegood screeched. “Would you agree?”
          Bloody hell what had Pandora put into those drinks? Did Lovegood accidentally take one of the potions? No, not possible. Regulus remember exactly what he made and none of them made someone scream like a banshee. “Bless you,” he said dryly, not knowing what else to say. He was half-considering joining the little party circle of Evan, Barty and Pandora… His eyes flickered over to them. And now also Isolde, who clung to Barty as if someone used a sticking-charm on her. Isolde had asked Regulus to go to Evan’s party with her. He said no. Apparently, she wasn’t too picky.
          Isolde’s hair was turning gray. Her back slouching more and more. Barty laughed manically. Aging potion and alihotsy draught. Even from the distance, he could see the blonde girl snapping and glaring at Pandora. Barty also wasn’t spared from the glares. Regulus tensed up, his already straight posture becoming even more rigid. There was plenty he had learned from his cousin, Bella, during the Christmas break. He had liked little of it, but wouldn't hesitate to use it, if he had to.
          “Xenophilius, why don’t you go talk… like that to Isolde. I am sure she can appreciate it.”

    sometimes, the scary thing turns out to be the most wonderful thing of all



    slytherin • 15 • pureblood • fourth year • chaser • with evan and barty • slytherin common room

    It took Barty exactly six-and a half seconds to grab one of the shot glasses, it contents gone in his throat. Her plan was actually for everyone to take their potion at the same time but well. Too late for that. “Alright, now let’s see what it was…” Barty was overly excited and reminded her of a Niffler that just saw gold for the first that. That reminded her of Pip. She should visit him tomorrow. Or perhaps tonight. Pip lived on the edge of the forest anyway and Pandora had never seen the big boobaa about ‘stay away from the Forbidden Forest!!!” Truly, if it was that ‘forbidden’, they should not have called it that. It was like letting students break rules right in front of Filch and tell him that he could not punish them.
          They all stared at Barty. Or well, Evan and she did. Barty could not stare at himself unless he had a mirror but they did not have one and also he wasn’t conceited in that way. Nothing much happened.
          Evan turned towards her, eyebrows raise. “You got scammed.”
          Pandora tutted. “Not at all. First, that would’ve ruined the surprise, my sweet farmer boy.” She once dreamed that Evan was a farmer boy and a really sweet one at that and she hadn’t been able to let go of that since. “And two…” She leaned forward with a conspiratorial grin on her face. “Some of the potions might have a delay in them. More excited that way, don’t you think?”

    “Who’s next?” Barty asked, grinning widely.
          “To me.” Evan downed the next shot glass, followed by a cocktail. “Gross.” Hopefully he meant the potion, not the cocktail. “Your turn.”
          Before Pandora could say or do anything, Isolde showed up. They shared a dorm, but Pandora couldn’t say they ever talked that much. Her English wasn’t that good yet in her first year at Hogwarts and Isolde often made little remarks about it. Remarks that seemed nice enough on the surface, but even she could gather that they weren’t meant to be actually nice. Now that her English was up to par, most of the time, Isolde was regularly ignoring when they both were in the dorm. Pandora thought Isolde actually had gone deaf (she had read about sudden deafness once), until the blonde did react to one of their other dormmates. But it was okay. She had Evan and Barty and Regulus and Dorcas.
          “Oh, potion roulette, I want to play!” The blonde snuggled in between Evan and Barty. As if Evan were allergic to her – maybe it was the chapstick Isolde put on every ten minutes. Another shot glas finished.
          Unlike with Barty, the potion took immediate effect. Isolde’s glossy blonde hair turned grey. Her face wrinkled. Her back hunched in such a way that it look like Isolde was shrinking. The girl shrieked when she saw her hands. “What is this?!”
          “Oh, it is–” Pandora started, only to be interrupted by Barty, whose potion finally took effect.
          In form of loud, hysterical laughter. Oh. The timing.
          “Barty this is absolutely not funny at all!!” Isolde wailed.
          “It is not him, it is his–” Once again, she was interrupted.
          “Oh shut up, you dumb slag.” If glares could kill, both Pandora and Barty would be very dead.
          Pandora blinked in surprise. She wasn’t sure what slag meant, but she was sure that it wasn’t very kind. Carefully, she reached out for Isolde. “You don’t need to stress. The effects will only –”
          Isolde slapped her hand away, knocking over some of the other shot glasses. “I said SHUT UP! You have done enough already,” she hissed.

    sometimes, the scary thing turns out to be the most wonderful thing of all