• Videogames, D&D, bordspellen, truth or dare of gewoon lekker verstoppertje in het park... Wat heb jij het laatst gespeeld?


    RSK schreef:
    PC: Baldur's Gate

    Is today the day I finish it? Who knows!


    Cid schreef:
    Aaaaaah iedere keer als ik iemand MHW hoor/zie mentionen moet ik mezelf zo stoppen om het niet meteen weer op te pakken. Die games nemen echt mijn leven over altijd lol. Wat is je main weapon? ;3

    Op dit moment main ik de lance, wat was jou main weapon? n.n

    Ontopic; PS5; Monster Hunter World Iceborne :3

    PC: Skyrim ^^

    Do it scared, but do it anyway.

    Callen schreef:

    Op dit moment main ik de lance, wat was jou main weapon? n.n

    Ontopic; PS5; Monster Hunter World Iceborne :3

    Insect Glaive! Ik heb vaak geprobeerd om me ook te verdiepen in de andere wapens, maar Glaive is gewoon zo. ontzettend. satisfying. *O*
    Dus ik ga altijd vrij snel weer terug lol

    Caution first, always.

    PC: Red Dead Redemption 2

    Because I'm not ready to say goodbye yet ;-;


    Pc: Skyrim

    Do it scared, but do it anyway.

    PC: Guild wars 2

    If only humans could have vertical asymptotes ~ Quinn

    PS5      Baldur's Gate 3.

    'Three words, large enough to tip the world; I remember you.'

    Elentiya schreef:
    PS5      Baldur's Gate 3.


    Even the smallest can change the course of the future

    Frodo schreef:


    Hehe, now you doooo 😏

    'Three words, large enough to tip the world; I remember you.'

    RSK schreef:

    Is today the day I finish it? Who knows!

    I finished it and reached Act 2 with my Durge already oopsie


    RSK schreef:

    I finished it and reached Act 2 with my Durge already oopsie

    Hahaha love it.

    I finished my first BG3 playthrough too. Now it's time for an evil duo playthrough with bestie Astarion by my side. 😈

    it's not you, it's me. i have standards.


    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.

    PS5: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

    Caution first, always.

    PS5; Helldivers 2

    Life is a beautiful struggle