I’m going to start this blog with a “confession” to make: I’m bisexual. Yeah. Bisexual. I have no clue what impression you have of me after reading this word, but I hope it’s nothing different from the one you had when you read the “I” at the start of this paragraph. Being what I am does not make me any different from whom I was before I found this out myself.
Even the word confession does not appear to be the right one (which is exactly why it’s between quotation marks), since I’ve never heard anyone confess to be heterosexual. They don’t have to, really, it’s something that you should totally decide for yourself: does the world need to know?
Now, the world does not need to know what sexual orientation I have, but I felt like if I’m really going to make a blog about these things I care about, of which equal rights for everyone is one, I could just as well tell them.
That being said, I have known about my sexuality for a little while right now. I’ve never told anyone, though, not due to the fact that I won’t be accepted anymore, but due to the fact that, as I’ve mentioned, did not feel like I should go out and tell everyone, because I wouldn’t have done it had I found out that I was a hundred procent heterosexual.
I’m a lucky girl, you know. I grew up in an environment where everyone really gives as much damns about your sexual orientation as they do about your hair colour or the gravity of your voice. I grew up in a country where for almost fifteen years straight now, all people have the right to marry the one they love. For far too long, I’ve considered this to be normal. Actually, that’s the wrong choice of words. I’ve considered this for far too long to be the standard everywhere in the West. It’s not. It should be, and not only in the West, for the love of God, but it isn’t.
So to all men and women, boys and girls, human beings: I don’t want you to move back a millimeter on the equal rights you have achieved; whether it be women’s rights, LGTBQ rights, civil rights or any other rights you have fought for. For Christ’s sake, or for whoever’s sake you want, really, go out and let your voice be heard. I believe from the bottom of my heart that when we all stand up together, we will still in our lifetimes be able to be the change we want to see in this world. We will win this fight and we will not back down from it until we do.
Know that however whoever you are, wherever you and whatever you’re going through, be it war, fights inside yourself or anything else, I love you. I love every single one of you. Fighting for all of this, fighting for what is inherently good, equals fighting for agape. The love of human beings because they are human.
I love you, and so many others do, too.
— Leah