• Nog 10 tot de 200! :Y)


    Our tinychat.

    Maak kennis met; Berlimirangabanmelimarnoemarkaylineranstalviegaifremi!

    x Berna - Vaucluse - 9 november | 17
    x Lieke - Beelen - 8 maart | 16
    x Miriam - Brashares - 5 maart | 14
    Anouk - Weisberger - 17 maart | 16
    x Gabriëla - Boilesen - 29 december | 17
    Aniek - MeIlark - 24 december | 15
    x Melissa - Vacilando - 22 januari | 15
    Marlijn - Starckey - 24 december | 15
    x Noek - Hybra - 27 juni | 15
    x Marie - Woodley - 3 juni | 13
    Kayleigh - WhiteWalls - 21 januari | 13
    x Aline - Bradleys - 14 maart | 13
    x Rani - Tomliinson - 13 juni | 18
    x Crystal - Sorcery - 25 november | 12
    x Sylvie - Syliam - 18 juni | 19
    x Gail - Jingle - 20 juni | 17
    x Fren - Sheridan - 9 januari | 13
    x Demi - HaIcyon - 24 september | 14

    Marlijn & Aniek: 28 december t/m 6 januari.
    Melissa: 3 t/m 5 maart.
    Lieke: 13 t/m 17 maart.

    Ik ben echt blij dat ik bij dit topic zit. Jullie zijn zo lief! I love you guys <'3 x Aline

    [ bericht aangepast op 1 jan 2014 - 16:16 ]

    And when I leave, you will finally understand, why storms are named after people.

    Guys serieus? Als je spamt, spam dan nuttig. Dit is irritant.

    Danmarks Dynamite.

    Boilesen schreef:
    Guys serieus? Als je spamt, spam dan nuttig. Dit is irritant.


    And when I leave, you will finally understand, why storms are named after people.

    Ik kan ook over nuttige dingen spammen.. Ik ga wel op zoek naar gifs.

    And when I leave, you will finally understand, why storms are named after people.


    Danmarks Dynamite.

    And when I leave, you will finally understand, why storms are named after people.

    Okay dan, foto's.

    And when I leave, you will finally understand, why storms are named after people.

    And when I leave, you will finally understand, why storms are named after people.

    And when I leave, you will finally understand, why storms are named after people.

    And when I leave, you will finally understand, why storms are named after people.

    Begin schreef:
    Jacob - ben zijn achternaam kwijt.


    Dit kost veel meer werk, maar het is wel leuk. (:

    And when I leave, you will finally understand, why storms are named after people.

    Bradleys schreef:


    Oh ja.

    And when I leave, you will finally understand, why storms are named after people.

    And when I leave, you will finally understand, why storms are named after people.

    And when I leave, you will finally understand, why storms are named after people.