• Iedereen die op deze link klikt moet een reactie achterlaten dus denk goed na en verpest het niet!

    Zeg ken je de historie?
    Er was eens een quizletter, die dacht: ik ga een topic aanmaken waar mensen verplicht moeten reageren als ze het openen. Zo komen er allemaal onzinreacties en dat is grappig! ;D
    Langzaam kreeg dit topic een aantal vaste leden, die het gezellig maakten en er een stam-topic van maakten. Er kwamen steeds meer mensen bij die allemaal bevriend met elkaar raakten. Zo ontstond er creativiteit met de titels en de beginpost. Er werd gedreigd met One-Vengers en beloond met cybercookies. En zo verloor het topic uiteindelijk zijn doel. Het laat-een-reactie-achter-topic veranderde in het Awesome Topic en dat zijn wij:

    Saartje - Hartnell - is 13 en wordt 14 op 5 mei, Belg
    Melissa - Cicero - is 15 en wordt 16 op 22 januari, Belg
    Naomi - Marlon - is 18 en wordt 19 op 9 december, Belg
    Xanthe - GhostKing - is 15 en wordt 16 op 7 juli, Belg
    Nele - ThanksKimmie - is 17 en wordt 18 op 21 april, Belg
    Bes - Frodo - is 15 en wordt 16 op 14 november, Belg
    Evelien - Valli - is 18 en wordt 19 op 4 juli, Belg
    Fren - Lazhar - is 13 en wordt 14 op 9 januari, Belg
    Erica - Scandal - is 20 en wordt 21 op 3 februari, Belg
    Marthe - Fullmetal - is 14 en wordt 15 op 31 mei, Belg
    Lotta - Facts - is 12 en wordt 13 op 18 september, Belg

    Lisette - Eloquentia - is 15 en wordt 16 op 11 december, Nederlander
    Lisanne - Catilina - is 14 en wordt 15 op 1 februari, Nederlander
    Lieke - 1946 - is 16 en wordt 17 op 8 maart, Nederlander
    Nikki - Cloverhand - is 17 en wordt 18 op 3 november, Nederlander
    Mara - Chekov - is 16 en wordt 17 op 29 mei, Nederlander
    Sofie - Vox - is 17 en wordt 18 op 9 januari, Nederlander
    Jette - Rawiyah - is 14 en wordt 15 op 3 augustus, Nederlander
    Kim - Souffez - is 17 en wordt 18 op 14 september, Nederlander
    Tessa - TereziPyrope - is 17 en wordt 18 op 12 juli, Nederlander
    Mare - Chanson - is 15 en wordt 16 op 8 augustus, Nederlander
    Marlijn - Sphinx - is 14 en wordt 15 op 24 december, Nederlander
    Noek - Days - is 15 en wordt 16 op 27 juni, Nederlander
    Belle - Delahaye - is 16 en wordt 17 op 25 juli, Nederlander
    Erieka - Orianna - is 17 en wordt 18 op 1 december, Nederlander
    Tara - Festus - is 16 en wordt 17 op 16 juni, Nederlander
    Jaimy - Irvine - is 16 en wordt 17 op 14 april, Nederlander
    Anne - Erestor - is 16 en wordt 17 op 20 februari, Nederlander
    Danique - Valkyrja - is 20 en wordt 21 op 17 mei, Nederlander

    *Naamsveranderingen doorgeven graag.
    *Als je meer dan 5 dagen zonder te waarschuwen niet in het topic geweest bent, word je van de lijst geschrapt.

    The Game

    1. Iedereen doet mee aan de game. Overal en altijd.
    2. Als je aan de game denkt ben je af.
    3. Als je af bent moet je dat melden. (door 'lost the game' o.i.d. te zeggen)
    4. Nadat je af bent krijg je een half uur om de game te vergeten, in die tijd speel je niet mee. Als deze tijd om is doe je gewoon weer mee en kan je de game weer verliezen.

    Opgelet mensen!

    - Lisanne is dood.
    - Nikki heet niet meer Visser maar Vismans.
    - Sarah verdient een award!
    - Marthe, Fren, Lieke, Evelien en Naomi zijn verslaafd aan Pretty Little Liars.
    - Nele is een 57 jarige pedofiel die Jaak heet en het meisje dat je voor de cam ziet is zijn veel te jonge dochter en Naomi is ook een pedofiel in het echt heet ze Gérard.
    - Lieke is pedo-priesteres.
    - Sarah, Fren en Kim spelen Minecraft!
    - Marthe, Fren en Sofie hebben Avatar verslaving!
    - Melissa is SpamSpam de superheld!
    - Kim, Nele, Mare en Sarah zijn Doctor Who verslaafd.
    - Melissa en Sarah zijn nostalgisch over een jaar geleden.
    - Nele is de enige echte blub.
    - Sarah is de enige echte blubbersok.
    - Sarah heeft een giraf.
    - Lisanne en Sarah praten veel met BAD Translator.
    - Kim vindt Schotten leuk.
    - Evelien en Jaimy houden ongelooflijk veel van musicals.
    - Kim is een hert en een beer.
    - Langhaargastjes, zwaarden en centauren zijn Belle en Kim's obsessies.
    - Naomi is verslaafd aan Switched at birth.
    - Xanthe en Marthe hebben een Percy Jackson verslaving
    - Kim heeft een Sherlock verslaving.
    - Marlijn en Xanthe houden van flamingo's, gewoon omdat ze awesome zijn.
    - Belle en Kim houden van phieuw phieuwen.
    - Xanthe, Belle en Marlijn zijn verslaafd aan Lipton Ice Tea en hebben het drankje heilig verklaard.
    - Noek heeft een obsessie voor appels en palmbomen
    - Noek is een ruimteschip aan het bouwen om mee naar mars te vliegen en jongens te bewonderen.
    - Sarah gaat heel vaak dood.
    - Xanthe gaat te laat slapen omdat ze filmverslaafd is.
    - Sofie heeft het te druk met school, waardoor ze weinig tot niet online komt. Ze biedt hiervoor haar excuses aan en geeft de schuld aan school.
    - Kim is kroonprinses dus buig voor haar.
    - Marlijn is zo cute en awesome dat Xanthe nu dood is.
    - Fren wil columnist worden.
    - Xanthe en Naomi praten 's nachts vaak in hun alteregos Faelan en Anthony.
    - Marthe is Densi, Edwin en Caleo verslaafd.
    - Lieke, Mara en Nikki zijn terug!
    - Lieke vindt David Tennant knap en dat vindt Sarah leuk!
    - Xanthe en Marthe zijn Percabeth-verslaafd.
    - Xanthe vindt Captain Hook zo leuk dat ze nu iedereen 'mate' noemt.
    - Belle en Lieke gaan samen op schermen!
    - Marlijn is Grey's Anatomy verslaafd.
    - Sarah en Lieke hebben een grote David Tennant verslaving!
    - Lieke en Sarah hebben een Broadchurch verslaving!
    - Lieke en Sarah hebben een The Escape Artist verslaving!
    - De oorlel van Melissa is een Melissalel!
    - Xanthe shipt Caleo en Perico

    Nomineer nu voor de Bluppies! Je hebt nog tot 30 november!

    Je kan nomineren voor de volgende onderwerpen:
    -Beste blub/blup
    -Origineelste titels
    -Beste spammer
    -Meest actieve blub
    -Meest droge blub
    -Creatiefste blub
    -Meest humoristische blub
    -Meest kwaadaardige blub
    -Beste Blubbersok
    -Awesomste blub
    -Meest sarcastische blub
    -Meest toegewijde blub in een fandom
    -Meest behulpzame Blub
    -Beste beginpost gifs
    -Meest random blub

    Je kan max. 3 personen nomineren!

    [ bericht aangepast op 24 nov 2013 - 15:29 ]

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    Watching The Christmas Invasion.

    "If you're gonna say that you've always been secretly gay for me, everyone always just kind of assumed it."

    Fullmetal schreef:

    What you did. I see it. 8D

    Hahaha, ik loop hier helemaal te lachen terwijl ik met mensen ben op TC :'D SEND HIM TO ME! <3


    I'm Ellie's & Mitshy's little secret. Rawr.

    Irvine schreef:

    Hahaha, ik loop hier helemaal te lachen terwijl ik met mensen ben op TC :'D SEND HIM TO ME! <3


    Moet je mijn beginpost, alle posts ertussen en mijn meest recente post dan hebben? :'D


    I think she's Belgian too.


    En ze kan geen Engels...


    Ze heeft twee gemeenschappelijke vrienden. :'D

    Waarschijnlijk zijn die gemist. xd


    Souffez schreef:
    Ik studeer Mediavormgeving.

    Oh, nice. ^^

    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

    Cicero schreef:

    Oh, nice. ^^

    Is het ook.

    "If you're gonna say that you've always been secretly gay for me, everyone always just kind of assumed it."

    Hmm, dat klinkt wel aanlokkelijk om te hebben, die posts :] maar ik heb waarschijnlijk toch geen tijd om te lezen xd (en ondertussen schrijf ik nog steeds niet :'D)

    I'm Ellie's & Mitshy's little secret. Rawr.

    Irvine schreef:
    Hmm, dat klinkt wel aanlokkelijk om te hebben, die posts :] maar ik heb waarschijnlijk toch geen tijd om te lezen xd (en ondertussen schrijf ik nog steeds niet :'D)

    Misschien dat je er om de een of andere reden inspiratie door zou kunnen krijgen? :'D


    Fullmetal schreef:

    Misschien dat je er om de een of andere reden inspiratie door zou kunnen krijgen? :'D

    Hit me with your best shot *hoort melodie in hoofd*

    I'm Ellie's & Mitshy's little secret. Rawr.

    Irvine schreef:

    Hit me with your best shot *hoort melodie in hoofd*


    • Theodore Riker Emerson •
    • High Class || Traicere House •

    There wasn't a single person who did not notice Theodore Emerson's arrival. First of all, he entered a lot later than all the other students - which was kind of ironic, since he only lived an hour away - and second of all, Theodore's parents didn't really have a... humble car. Nope. It probably looked like it was taken right from a James Bond movie. Nobody would probably even be a little surprised when it started shooting missiles all of a sudden. Theo himself was more the Dean Winchester-car type, but that didn't really matter, since the guy didn't even have a license.
    Anyway, Theo did not get why his parents chose to take this car instead of like... his sister's. They didn't exactly want to stand out for their infamous son, but then again... driving a purple-and-pink Volkswagen that could only contain two people, wasn't exactly ideal. Let alone it would be fashionable, something Theo's mother insisted on being. She would probably get a heart attack when she saw what he was actually wearing, since she didn't quite get a good look on him when they had left in a hurry. Little Ellie had been ridiculously annoying, and that means more annoying than usual. Theo supposed that his parents were too busy keeping him in control than giving their youngest daughter the necessary attention. It was quite amusing.
    When Theo opened the door of the bright red car, he immediately felt a hand clamping his wrist.
    "Seriously, father?" he said with a deep, deep sigh. It was kinda a ritual, all of this.
    "THEODORE, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU WEARING?" The usual scream of horror that was also part of the 'Getting-Theo-To-School-Without-Him-Causing-Any-Trouble'-mission almost pierced his eardrums. Theodore looked down at his casual cloths in boredom.
    "It's called clothing, mother. You should try it on some time." His mother looked back to him with an insulted look on her face and Theo pulled away his arm from his father's hand without any effort. If it had been up to Elizabeth, he'd now been wearing a horrific tuxedo.
    "It's so nice of you that you want to make sure I make it to the gate alive, but really, there's no need to do that. You can drop off my stuff at Traicere. Seriously, it seems like you two have never done this before." He stared at his parents with that piercing glare only he could produce in his greenish blue eyes, and turned around with a last sweet smile, placing his right feet before his left.
    "Theo..." his mother's voice sounded. It was a miracle they didn't walk al the way to the front door with him, but Theo suspected something else would follow. "Just try not to... kill anybody, this year."
    "Djee, mother, I'd almost say you sound concerned," he said with gritted teeth, but he didn't answer her question and just walked towards the main hall, which looked as glorious as always. Only now it half of the people that filled the room were people Theo did not know. He tried to keep his disgust to himself, honestly, but the dissaproving glance in his eyes wasn't to be misunderstood. There was some girl with crazy curled blonde hair standing over to the bar with some guy, Aislin - the one Theo never liked - not far away from them. The girl was wearing clothes from which Theo couldn't really tell if she were a Low Classer or a High Classer, but she seemed too old to be a new High Classer, so he assumed she was a Low Classer. The guy was obviously a new vampire, Theo could smell it even from that distance. Aislin was wearing hideous clothes, like always. He noticed the teachers and some of the students, too, staring at him, obviously whispering about him - the dude was a vampire, his hearing was as advanced as that from a whale - and he gave them a quick wave and a stunningly sweet smile. He noticed Cynara and Pippa talking to each other. Theo didn't really have an opinion for Cynara, but everybody could tell that he did not appreciate Pippa.
    Theodore noticed only a few people he actually knew and pushed Isabella out of the way while he made his way through the room. It was kinda obvious which people were Low Class. Nobody of the High Class students would even think of wearing awful things like that... thing the girl biting her fingernails at that table was wearing.

    Penelope Charlotte Frinton-Smyth [this is the owner's char]
    High Class || Traicere
    -- polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=10357[x]9984

    And of course, there was Theodore Emerson. She had already expected a grande entrance from him, and he never failed to dissapoint. Everyone turned around to look at the loud car, and saw him push a few Low Classers.
    His sneer towards Pippa already told her he still didn't like her, but that wasn't new to her.
    -"And look who we have here.."- Pippa muttered to Cynara, who had been awfully quiet for a while.
    With all the tension between the High and Low Class, Pippa was sort of expecting Theodore to actually snap one of their necks this year, but that was something only time would tell.

    "Pete" Reagen-Kershaw ✜ ustrina // low class
    polyvore.com/petey/collection?id=309 1953

    I stroll in, and slowly observe the room, taking my hands out of the pockets of my jeans. I did not really know what I had expected, but when I entered the warm, decorated, slightly crowded hall, a small frown plastered on my face.
    Where should I go first? There was nobody I knew. Staring at all the people, I scratch my neck. Then it hits me. There was that one guy, tall and underdressed, and when my glance went past him, I remembered that one specific night.
    "God, I hate flashbacks", I murmur to myself under my breath.
    Raising one eyebrow, I take a few steps into the room, distracted by old memories again. I was always able to hold them back, why couldn't I do it now? It was that guy, I figured.
    I quickly make my way over to a girl biting her fingernails. She looked like she just entered, too.
    "Hey", I murmur, reminding myself to be polite. After I greeted the girl, a small grin appeared on my face. "I'm Pete and uhm, I've got a quick question. Who's that guy?", I ask, carefully nodding my head to Theo, hoping she'd maybe know him.

    Oh, I just love all that response. 8D

    ❁ "Marcie" Helena Ward ❁ traicere // high class
    polyvore.com/d/collection?id=309 1903

    Standing in the middle of the room, I cross my arms in front of my chest and bite my lip. I figured I must be bad at small talk and I did not know how to make people become interested in me, and my craving for more social contacts started scaring me. Although I was glad to have my family convinced Impius'd be better for me than being homeschooled, obviously, I was a bit lost.
    When I watch two guys enter the room, the first one (( ooc: yes, theo )) makes me think 'holy crap', and I smirk at myself, hoping he was used to being stared at all the time. Stop creeping, Marcie, I tell myself and run a hand trough my blond hair.
    If he wouldn't be so intimidating, I'd go over, I think.

    ☾ frances rose salgatta // low class.
    ☾ sanguis house.
    ☾ polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=10405 3837

    frances turns her head towards the guy who had spoken to her.
    "hi," she smiles, "i'm frances."
    she glances over at theo, before shaking her head slightly and looking back at pete.
    "no, sorry. i don't really know anyone here." she shrugs.

    || Aislin Marguerite Devereaux ||
    || High Class - Sanguis House ||
    || polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=10378 6027 ||

    Rolling her dark eyes, she ignores Theo's entrance. Aislin had never liked nor gotten on with him. Most often than not, finding him a little annoyance that had to be brushed aside, unfortunately, it wasn't that simple for Aislin, it never was. So she put up with it, ignoring him was a much better idea. She then quietly sips at her drink while her eyes scan the room for anyone of mild interest to talk to, alas, no one. As per usual.

    ✜ "Pete" Reagen-Kershaw ✜ ustrina // low class
    polyvore.com/petey/collection?id=309 1953

    "Nice to meet you, Frances", I reply quickly. "I didn't know you're new, too. Sorry, my bad", I say, flashing Frances a wide, excusing grin.
    "I don't know anyone either, but he seemed kind of familiar", I murmur a little absently, fiddling with the button of my vest.
    "What do you think of this place so far?", I then add, with another slight, charming half-smile.

    • Theodore Riker Emerson •
    • High Class || Traicere House •

    While making his way over to the bar, Theo could see Aislin rolling her eyes, which made him feel amused, though not really showing it, as he ordered something to drink. One of the teachers was looking at him in anger, like if she didn't appreciate his return very much. Then again, which of the teachers did? They all seemed to be particulary avoiding his gaze, lightly talking to each other and sipping their drinks, but he felt how the atmosphere had tensened.
    "Well, you seem very happy to see me," Theo said to Aislin who was not standing far away from him. Though she was Sanguis, this mixer was even lamer and more boring than other years. It was bothering him.
    Even before Aislin even answered his question, his attention towards her already weakened and was aimed to a guy crossing the room. It felt like Theo had seen him before, but he couldn't get a handle on it where it would have been.
    He had been annoyed all day, since nothing interesting was happening, but now he was interested to see how the guy walked to the girl biting her fingernails, clearly asking her something about Theo. He didn't really hide his eyes aiming towards the High Classer, so it wasn't that hard to guess it wasn't about him. Theo just stared right back into his eyes. It was like he was watching a movie and he couldn't figure out where he knew that one actor, playing only a minor figure that wasn't even credited, came from.

    [ bericht aangepast op 24 nov 2013 - 17:49 ]


    Ik ga in baaaaad..


    Ik moet eeeeeten, dus ik ga later de posts lezen Martster! Veel plezier in bad *wbw*

    I'm Ellie's & Mitshy's little secret. Rawr.

    Blablablabla. Ik haat mijn schoolsysteem. Nog acht b-testen te gaan. Heeeeuj. EN WISKUNDE OP DE LAATSTE DAG? WIE DOET NOU ZOIETS.

    •*• Lululu •*•