"A weed is simply a flower that somebody has decided is in the wrong place." Sister Monica Joan, Call the Midwife
It takes 17 muscles to smile, 43 muscles to frown ~~
"No one is born in this world to be alone."~ (Saul, One Piece.)
Het jurkje zeker, de schoenen niet.
''i appreciate the masterpiece that is you because your existence alone is art''
You are beautiful, you are love.
A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend. ~Author Unknown
"I thought I heard a plane crashing, but now I think it was your passion snapping" - La Dispute
Han såg ut så som drömmar känns som.
Het topje en de broek wel, het vestje niet.
Even as we grieved, we grew; even as we hurt, we hoped; even as we tired, we tried
Ich liebe dich 27.12.23
Ik denk het wel hangt van mijn humeur af .
“Destroying things is much easier than making them." Suzanne Collins
De tas en het jasje niet. De rest wel
It's hard to tell if the world we live in is either reality or a dream - Kim Ki-Duk
Ja! Zulkse laarzen heb ik toevallig haha.