• Noujah, omdat niemand m'n verhaal leest dacht ik dat het misschien leuk was om een topic aan te maken (dat kan hier toch?) :)
    Dus... tja... Check it out! ik ben er best wel een beetje heel erg trots op :)

    The story about the cliche with a twist.

    Meet Cassie. A normal 17 year old english girl who moved to the tiny little country called The Netherlands.
    She has one friend who she adores exept for the 'i hate One Direction' part.
    The other friend she has is her weird cousin May who adores the boys of that special boyband One Direction.
    She has a granddad who adores cooking, an aunt who adores giving birthday parties and a teacher who adores everything but her job.
    Cassie? not adored by a single one.
    Will that change after that 'Super Ticket Giveaway Extravaganza'?
    Will she be adored by that special one?

    Ofcourse she will, it's a fucking One Direction fanfic.

    And will 'that thing we do not talk about' change the end of this story?

    This story is completely in english and i hope it won't look like shit.
    This story and all the rights imaginable that belong with it belong to me.
    This story, even though no one will bother reading it, will not be found anywhere else.
    This story is also a modern and hopefully a much better version of my other fanfic with louis.
    This story... wait... i should probably mention that i kinda swear sometimes... okay, a lot...
    So if you have a problem with the word fuck, shit or hell then you can click on that red cross at the top of your screen.

    If my velocity starts to make you sweat then never let go - My Chemical Romance

    Oeps, de link vergeten!!

    If my velocity starts to make you sweat then never let go - My Chemical Romance

    Ofcourse she will, it's a fucking One Direction fanfic.

    I don't read 1D, but this made me laugh out loud. And darling I hope a lot of people will read this. ^^

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    Escritura schreef:
    Ofcourse she will, it's a fucking One Direction fanfic.

    I don't read 1D, but this made me laugh out loud. And darling I hope a lot of people will read this. ^^

    hahaha thanx!

    If my velocity starts to make you sweat then never let go - My Chemical Romance